
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Enjoy the Beach with Sea Spirit in League of Angels


Enjoy the Beach with Sea Spirit in League of Angels

Add a touch of style to your summer with new clothing in League of Angels, the free to play browser MMORPG that's been making waves all summer!

Master X Master Alpha Playtest 3 Begins Today


Master X Master Alpha Playtest 3 Begins Today

The third Alpha Playtest of NCSoft's Master X Master begins later today. It comes packed with tons of improvements based on player feedback from the past events.

The World 3 iOS Version Launches on August 25th


The World 3 iOS Version Launches on August 25th

The World 3: Rise of Demon, the sequel of The World 2: Hunting BOSS, is released on iOS devices today by Good Games and OXON studio.

Forge of Gods DLC Team of Justice Pack Giveaway


Forge of Gods DLC Team of Justice Pack Giveaway

MMOsite has teamed up with Panoramik Inc for a DLC Team of Justice Pack Giveaway for their card strategy RPG, Forge of Gods.

Revelation Online's First English Beta to Kick off October 2016


Revelation Online's First English Beta to Kick off October 2016

The highly-anticipated MMORPG Revelation Online's first beta test for EU and NA is to kick off in October this year. Today, My.com unveiled a new class the Vanguard and introduced three founder packs for this free-to-play title, Explorer Pack, Founder Pack, Deluxe Pack.

Blade & Soul NA Summer Treasure Trove


Blade & Soul NA Summer Treasure Trove

The Summer Treasure Trove starts on August 24th ending on he 14th of Sept. It works exactly the same as the Spring Treasure Trove. Hopefully this gives some insight on what you could potentially get and help you make a decision if it's worth buying keys for.

MMOSite Interview With Duelyst Developers


MMOSite Interview With Duelyst Developers

We are glad to have this interview with Keith Lee, CEO of Counterplay Games on their fast-paced collectible tactics game Duelyst.

Conquest Revolutionizes PVP in League of Angels II


Conquest Revolutionizes PVP in League of Angels II

League of Angels II has a radically new team PvP mode that will get your blood pumping! The brand new Conquest mode is an intense, quick battle between two teams of 6 players.

Sci-fi MMORPG Project Genom Steam Early Access On October 12


Sci-fi MMORPG Project Genom Steam Early Access On October 12

NeuronHaze Studio just announced that they will start sellingthe Early Access of the Project Genom on October 12, 2016. Everybody will be able to get themselves into the future and take part in the struggle for the survival of human race.

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