
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Overwatch: The Last Bastion Incoming!


Overwatch: The Last Bastion Incoming!

It has been quite long for me since last animated short from Overwatch and I am kind of chasing TV series after this Overwatch series shorts. This time it is about Bastion.

LawBreakers - New Vanguard Trailer Released


LawBreakers - New Vanguard Trailer Released

Nexon released a short film that features the Maverick which is on the side of Law, and Toshka-9 with the Breakers.

A Closer Look on Lost Ark's Playable Classes


A Closer Look on Lost Ark's Playable Classes

Highly-anticipated MMORPG Lost Ark Online is gearing up for its first Closed Beta on August 24 in South Korea. As the time comes closer to the test, the Community Manager recently released a new article updating information, artwork, and screenshots of the main job the seven playable classes.

MapleStory 2 - Soul Binder coming August 11th


MapleStory 2 - Soul Binder coming August 11th

MapleStory 2 released a newest hero Soul Binder for its Korea server, and a skill themed trailer was unveiled.

Clash of Five Colors Event Released for Mabinogi Duel


Clash of Five Colors Event Released for Mabinogi Duel

Today, Nexon announced Clash of Five Colors, the latest in-game event for their TCG Mabinogi Duel. From now on, players have the opportunity to rise up as champions in Mabinogi Duel through PvP battles.

Aion - Lost Memories Update Available in Europe Now


Aion - Lost Memories Update Available in Europe Now

European players can now enjoy the full promise of the numerous improvements which can be found in the Lost Memories update of fantasy MMO Aion.

Tavern Brawl: Old Gods Recipes


Tavern Brawl: Old Gods Recipes

C'Thun can prepare some great stew, so I've heard. This week's Tavern Brawl is all about using pre-made decks. Pick a class, and an Old Gods themed deck will be delivered to you. It's basically the recipe feature that was added with the update.

Revelation Online - Blademaster Class Overview


Revelation Online - Blademaster Class Overview

In Revelation, the Blademaster is the dedicated melee DPS class of Revelation Online. It can also play the role of an off-tank though it probably won't be able to replace a main tank.

Is No Man's Sky Still A Multiplayer?


Is No Man's Sky Still A Multiplayer?

What is the saddest thing in the whole Galaxies? We are standing next to each other, but we can't see each other. It feels like the two are standing at the same point but of two different dimensions. That is the situation that two No Man's Sky players had encountered.

The Summer Games Continues In League of Angels II!


The Summer Games Continues In League of Angels II!

Even League of Angels II has sent a special team to participate in the Summer Games, with Penn determined to win the Gold Medal in Archery and Lucas showing off his spectral horse riding!

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