


Chronicles of Elyria: Beyond PvE and PvP

Posted: 09 Jun 2016 04:14 PM PDT

For anyone who frequents the MMORPG Universe and isn't aware, last week Chronicles of Elyria (COE) officially funded on Kickstarter. If you know one thing about COE it's probably that it will feature a volatile concoction of permdeath, survival mechanics and PVP! "Uh, that was 3 things." Good job sunshine, glad you are paying attention, now try to keep up because I'm about to drop some bold words! Ready?

Paragon: Open Beta Dated, New Hero Introduced & Changes Incoming

Posted: 10 Jun 2016 06:33 AM PDT

Epic Games has a trio of interesting new bits for fans of Paragon. First, the open beta is now set for August 16th giving anyone who wants to check out the game first hand a chance to do exactly that.

General: Call of Cthulhu - Insanity is the Only Path to Truth Trailer

Posted: 10 Jun 2016 06:26 AM PDT

As companies begin to gear up for this year's E3, new trailers will be coming along fast and furious. Focus Home Interactive has a new trailer for Call of Cthulhu entitled "Insanity is the Only Path to Truth".

Tree of Savior: Team to Implement Anti-Bot / Exploit Detection

Posted: 10 Jun 2016 05:08 AM PDT

In the latest developer Q&A posted to the official site, the Tree of Savior team speaks about server closures designed to create a controlled environment in which to research and implement anti-bot / exploit detection measures. Once these are in place, they've written, servers will be reopened.

General: Five Things Players Will Love About Warcraft: The Beginning

Posted: 08 Jun 2016 05:30 PM PDT

I will begin this article by saying that I am not here to give a full blown review of Warcraft: The Beginning. What I am here to do is try to synthesize why Warcraft and World of Warcraft players might adore...and dislike...the movie based on a series of games that millions have loved over the past two plus decades.

Gloria Victis: Early Access Has Launched!

Posted: 09 Jun 2016 04:02 PM PDT

Two years after getting Greenlit, thanks to the intensive full-time work of our team, Gloria Victis finally moved to Steam Early Access. We have waited with launch until now to make sure the game will be polished enough to meet your expectations. However, we know that we can achieve a lot more together, so we encourage the players to discuss the game and its core features, as well as the recent progress and future development plans.

Conan Exiles: Set Phasers to FUN(com) - Early Access Coming Sep 13th

Posted: 09 Jun 2016 03:53 PM PDT

Fans looking for Conan Exiles will be happy to hear that Funcom is making its original Early Access release window by opening the game on September 13th when the Steam version will be opened for business.

Albion Online: How to Fire an Arrow to a Knee - All About the Warbow

Posted: 09 Jun 2016 03:08 PM PDT

The Albion Online team has released a comprehensive new video to show all of the capabilities of the game's Warbow, a formidable weapon that deals physical damage. Narrated by NPC Gordon, the Weapon Master of the Royal Expeditionary Forces, it's a great visual look at how the Warbow performs. Check it out!

WildStar: Today?s the Day ? Steam Launch Go

Posted: 09 Jun 2016 12:04 PM PDT

WildStar is one of the most well-rounded and feature complete theme park MMORPGs in years. Love it or dismiss it, there's no arguing that it's had a rocky road since launch. Despite critical praise, a loyal and even rabid (or jabbit?) fanbase, Carbine's MMORPG hasn't been able to really keep up a decent population. But that could change today, as WildStar hits Steam. Will Nexus be saved by Valve's storefront the same way TERA and other MMOs have been?

WildStar: Steam Launch Day Finally Arrives

Posted: 09 Jun 2016 11:52 AM PDT

Carbine has sent word that WildStar has officially, and at last, launched on Steam. Players will have all available content including the recently released Vault of the Archon.

Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade: The Eldar Join Early Access

Posted: 09 Jun 2016 11:16 AM PDT

Warhammer 40K: Eternal Crusade players have a new faction to check out with the release of the Eldar into the Steam Early Access client. Eldar are an ancient race that tries to reclaim 'what was once theirs'. To celebrate the arrival of the Eldar, Behaviour Interactive has released a brand new trailer that stars the enigmatic faction. Check it out!

Destiny: Rise of Iron Revealed for September 20, 2016

Posted: 09 Jun 2016 11:10 AM PDT

During today's live stream, Bungie revealed the next Destiny content expansion for September 20, 2016. Called Rise of Iron, new content will include a new location, a new raid, a new strike, more quests, weapons, gear, competitive multiplayer mode and much more.

Conan Exiles: First Gameplay Trailer Shows Sandstorms, Giant Bugs & More

Posted: 09 Jun 2016 10:27 AM PDT

Funcom has released the first gameplay trailer from Conan Exiles, the company's foray into the survival MMO genre. In this trailer, sandstorms, crafting and giant bugs are shown off in the minute plus and very beautiful trailer.

General: MXM: First Public Alpha Slated for June 24th

Posted: 09 Jun 2016 10:16 AM PDT

NCSoft is ready to show off MXM with the first public alpha scheduled for June 24th to June 27th. Lots of sites will be featuring key giveaways and those who signed up for the MXM newsletter will also have a chance to earn an invite. Keys will be sent out beginning June 21st with the client able to be downloaded on the same day. The team promises future tests but that will require a new key to participate.

SMITE: All Hail the Move to PlayStation 4

Posted: 07 Jun 2016 06:02 PM PDT

The MOBA based on a war between gods makes its way to the PS4. Read up for Rob's take on SMITE's latest port.

Paragon: Double Rep Weekend Begins

Posted: 09 Jun 2016 08:31 AM PDT

Paragon players hoping to score extra reputation will want to check into the game with the commencement of the double rep weekend. The special event will run through Sunday, June 12th or Monday, June 13th depending on region.

War Thunder: Flaming Arrows Update Adds Player-Guided Missiles

Posted: 09 Jun 2016 08:26 AM PDT

Players will have a new ability thanks to the arrival of the latest War Thunder update. Called "Flaming Arrows", new content includes the ability for players to pilot new anti-tank missile firing tanks with both short- and long-range capabilities.

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