
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Pocket Mortys – Do you Need a Morty Today?


Pocket Mortys – Do you Need a Morty Today?

Pocket Mortys is a puzzle mobile game based on the rick and morty cartoon. In Pocket Mortys, players will role as Doc Rick and begin his adventure journey through one by one Chrono Chasm with his grandson.

Destiny: Rise Of Iron Expansion Announced


Destiny: Rise Of Iron Expansion Announced

Destiny: Rise Of Iron expansion was officially announced during Bungie's Twitch livestream. The expansion is coming out on September 20 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One and will cost $30.

MMO! Show Episode 118 Week 6/9/2016 Best Story Driven MMO's


MMO! Show Episode 118 Week 6/9/2016 Best Story Driven MMO's

This week we take a look at story telling. Who do you think tells you the best story on the market? And let's you play in it as if you're a part of that great world.

Titan Quest Gameplay - Chapter 2 Final Boss - iOS/Android


Titan Quest Gameplay - Chapter 2 Final Boss - iOS/Android

Check the latest Final Boss Gameplay of Titan Quest Chapter 2!

Action RPG HeroWarz to Hold CBT 2 from June 21 to 24


Action RPG HeroWarz to Hold CBT 2 from June 21 to 24

KOG Games announces the launch of CBT 2 for HeroWarz, the ultimate action RPG where players select and cultivate unique heroes to build their personal assault force. Dive into an ever-expanding, in-depth, story-driven character lineup and prepare for action-packed battles like no other!

Tree of Savior to Reopen After Fixing Bot and Exploit, Rank 8 Classes Under Development


Tree of Savior to Reopen After Fixing Bot and Exploit, Rank 8 Classes Under Development

IMC Games has compiled another list of questions gathered from Tree of Savior forums to answer this week and announces to reopen the servers after implementing certain fixes for bot and exploit issues.

The Norse God Fafnir Arrived in Smite


The Norse God Fafnir Arrived in Smite

A powerful greedy Norse God has arrived in Smite, what will he bring to the battle?

What We Can Expect in Smart Entertainment Industry of China in 2016?


What We Can Expect in Smart Entertainment Industry of China in 2016?

Having passing the half year of 2016, will it enter an adjustment phase after the chaotic development in 2014 and 2015? We could find the answers from the exhibitors on eSmart Expo in China this year.

Black Desert Q&A Highlights Siege War, Hackers and Awakening Schedule


Black Desert Q&A Highlights Siege War, Hackers and Awakening Schedule

YouTuber PvtWiggles did a Live Q&A with Daniel aka Belsazar, Project Manager for Daum NA/EU over on his stream, covering the questions Black Desert fans care about most, including upcoming new features in Valencia update, guide for siege war, hacking and awakening schedule.

Will TERA Keep Getting Female Classes?


Will TERA Keep Getting Female Classes?

We've seen a stunningly high amount of players complaining about TERA and its awkward mission of producing only female classes for a while now, and we really cannot see a logical reason behind this, other than attempting to attract male players with some pretty girls.

Storm Persuader Gameplay iOS / Android


Storm Persuader Gameplay iOS / Android

Storm Persuader is a Japanese stylized fantasy 2D turn-based action mobile game that combines several essential elements of a fantasy world with an addictive storyline and character setting.

How Will Soul Worker Do Under Gameforge's Control?


How Will Soul Worker Do Under Gameforge's Control?

Soul Worker is heading towards a western release and as many of you already know, the game is most likely to be published by Gameforge in Europe and North America.

Moonlightlight Blade Zhenwu Gameplay


Moonlightlight Blade Zhenwu Gameplay

Back by popular demand Zhenwu gameplay for you guys. I'll play deeper into this twin blade class, since everyone seems to like it the most. If you have a favorite leave it in the comment section below. Or if you just want to comment about the game that's fine as well.

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