


General: Tenebrae - Twilight Of The Gods: New Teaser Shows Combat

Posted: 01 May 2016 01:15 AM PDT

Troglobytes Games has released a new trailer to show off progress in combat animations for Tenebrae - Twilight Of The Gods, a forthcoming story-driven ARPG that will be released for PC and Xbox One. The date has yet to be revealed, but we will keep you posted over time.

Camelot Unchained: New Stretch Goal Passed, RP Animations To Be Added

Posted: 01 May 2016 01:08 AM PDT

The Friday update for Camelot Unchained reveals that the crowd-funded title has passed another stretch goal that will see the addition of roleplay animations, including dancing and joke-telling as well as updated combat animations.

Warframe: Operation Rathuum Event Details Revealed

Posted: 01 May 2016 12:52 AM PDT

The Warframe site has been updated with details for a new on-going event called Operation Rathuum. Players will cooperatively participate in a new Arena game mode in teams of 1 to 4 fighting increasingly difficult waves of Grineer enemies. Participation in the event will yield Tenno with a number of different prizes.

Epocylipse the AfterFall: Mid-Atlantic Groups Revealed

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 02:38 AM PDT

Razor Edge Games has revealed the latest "Marauder Groups" from Epocylipse The AfterFall. The Mid-Atlantic group, most notably the Reapers, are in business to harvest souls for Death.

Kingdom Under Fire II: New Elven Ranger Trailer From CN Version

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 02:31 AM PDT

The Chinese version of Kingdom Under Fire II has a new trailer available featuring the elven ranger. The video shows plenty of gameplay action. The new class will be entering the game later in May so be sure to check out her abilities and equipment by watching the video below.

Shroud of the Avatar: Duel With The Devs Telethon Coming May 2nd

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 02:21 AM PDT

The Shroud of the Avatar team will be on hand on Monday, May 2nd, from 10 AM Pacific / 1 PM Eastern to participate in the Duel with the Devs Spring Telethon. During the event, participants can duel with the devs, earn prizes, including t-shirts, store credits and more, and can expect some surprises along the way.

General: WEBZEN Celebrates Its 7th Anniversary

Posted: 30 Apr 2016 02:10 AM PDT

Seven years ago the Webzen games portal opened and the team is ready to celebrate with its tens of thousands of fans. Special events will be taking place in all of Webzen's titles, including ASTA, C9, Flyff, MU Online and Rappelz. Events will continue through May 24th.

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