


Mass Effect: Andromeda: Mass Effect: New Earth 4D Ride Commercial

Posted: 08 Apr 2016 07:36 AM PDT

California's Great America will be opening the Mass Effect: New Earth 4D ride later this spring. To get people excited about what they will see, a new commercial has been released. Check it out!

General: The Need for Legacy Servers

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 10:54 AM PDT

This is an article I have wanted to write for a long time. Today with all of the news about the shut down and response to the World of Warcraft server Nostalrius, I feel like it is time to finally talk plainly about the existence and importance of "legacy servers" in MMO gaming.

Marvel Heroes 2016: Ace Assassin Elektra Joins Up

Posted: 08 Apr 2016 06:36 AM PDT

Gazillion Entertainment has announced that the fifty-seventh playable character has entered Marvel Heroes 2016. Elektra is an extraordinary assassin who uses a sai, a rope dart, shurikens and other abilities.

Heroes of the Storm: Heroic 4 Chosen, Tournament Finals This Weekend

Posted: 08 Apr 2016 06:30 AM PDT

The "Heroic Four" teams have been chosen for the Heroes of the Storm: Heroes of the Dorm tournament finals to be held this weekend. The teams represent four universities in the US: University of Tennessee; University of Texas; Arizona State University; and University of Connecticut and are each seeking for a share of the scholarship prize pool.

No Man?s Sky: Soundtrack Teaser Released By 65daysofstatic

Posted: 08 Apr 2016 06:08 AM PDT

British band 65daysofstatic has released a teaser soundtrack for the upcoming Music for an Infinite Universe, the title for the soundtrack album for No Man's Sky. The teaser, called "Supermoon", has been released on Soundcloud and is part of a larger double album with ten tracks and six soundscapes.

Destiny: Creative Story Lead 'Parts Ways' With Bungie

Posted: 08 Apr 2016 05:09 AM PDT

Many times when a developer leaves one studio for other employment, the parting is amicable, most explicitly saying so. However, in the case of Destiny's now-former Creative Story Lead C.J. Cowan, it may not be so. Cowan announced on his personal Instagram account that he had "decided to part ways with Bungie" and has his status listed as "storyteller for hire" which may indicate that he does not have another position lined up.

ARK: Survival Evolved: Extinction Event Servers Added to XBox One Version

Posted: 08 Apr 2016 04:30 AM PDT

The v733.0 update has been added to the XBox One version of ARK: Survival Evolved that brings a unique feature into the game called 'extinction event servers'. Extinction servers are separate from the main game servers. When extinction servers are enabled, players begin at level one and have a month to grow their characters with badges awarded at various milestones along the way. At month's end, a meteor hits and all is destroyed.

Dark Souls 3: Can It Succeed as a Board Game?

Posted: 08 Apr 2016 04:11 AM PDT

Steamforged Games has announced that it has received permission from Dark Souls publisher Bandai Namco to begin a KickStarter initiative to fund a board game based on the popular RPG series.

General: Fallout 4, SMITE Take Home BAFTAs

Posted: 08 Apr 2016 03:47 AM PDT

The British Academy of Film and Television Arts, or BAFTA, awards have been handed out for the year. Fallout 4 took home top honors as Best Game in 2016 and SMITE scored for AMD eSports Audience Award for 2016.

Warframe: Gift Key Giveaway (XBOX ONE)

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 11:11 PM PDT

MMORPG.com has been given gift keys for Warframe on the XBox One! This gift key will give you a 3-Day Affinity Booster. Get your key now!

Trove: Mantle of Power Head Start & Early Access Packages Available

Posted: 06 Apr 2016 06:05 PM PDT

Trion Worlds has announced that advanced sales of the Mantle of Power expansion for Trove are now available. Ranging in price from $15-$75, each comes with a nicely appointed package of in-game items.

WildStar: Destination - Arcterra Review

Posted: 05 Apr 2016 06:53 PM PDT

WildStar's latest content update - Destination: Arcterra, has just launched on live servers. We asked columnist Gareth Harmer to pull on his cold-weather gear and review the bleak new continent.

General: Zelda Tribute Game Shut Down by Nintendo

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 12:38 PM PDT

Last week, a flurry of news items flew out across the internet with giddy Zelda fans eagerly rushing to the fan-made site that recreated The Legend of Zelda. The game could be played across any platform with browser access and the fandom rejoiced.

General: Open World Survival Game 7 Days to Die Headed to Consoles

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 12:30 PM PDT

Telltale Games has good news for console players who crave an open world survival game. 7 Days to Die has just been announced for both PlayStation 4 and XBox One beginning in June 2016. The title is being ported to consoles by Texas-based developers "The Fun Pimps". The console version will also include a split-screen game mode.

Lineage 2: Check Out the Classic Version for Free

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 11:51 AM PDT

Any potential players who have not tried out Lineage II Classic after March 23rd will be able to check out the game's latest updates for a week without cost and can take advantage of a month's subscription for half off.

Wild Terra: New Server to Open on April 9th

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 11:46 AM PDT

Juvty Worlds is inviting Wild Terra players to head into the game on Saturday, April 9th to help populate the brand new server that will open that day. Founders will receive extra gold for their support over the preceding months.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft: Lore of the Cards Features Old God Yogg-Saron

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 11:18 AM PDT

In the latest in a series of videos and articles to introduce Hearthstone players to the new cards coming in the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion, Yogg-Saron takes center stage. Known as The Beast with a Thousand Yogg-Saron, That Which Must Not Be Named, The Fiend of a Thousand Faces, and its personal favorite: The God of Death, Yogg-Saron brings Spreading Madness and Cabalist's Tome to the game.

General: Hero's Song - What's Next for Smedley's Dream Game?

Posted: 06 Apr 2016 04:15 PM PDT

Hero's Song is the new game from John Smedley's Pixel Mage Games, and though it failed to gain traction via Kickstarter, the unique MMORPG with a Patrick Rothfuss crafted world is forging ahead. We caught up with John to see where the game is in development now...

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Visions in the Dark Launches for All

Posted: 05 Apr 2016 05:41 PM PDT

Bioware has announced that Star Wars: The Old Republic has expanded with the next chapter in Knights of the Fallen Empire. Called Visions in the Dark, players can look forward to a new Alliance mission, new PvP challenges, a new Cartel pack and more.

World of Warcraft: New Movie Posters Stoke the Fires

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 10:20 AM PDT

The Warcraft movie is stoking the fires of excitement for next month's EU release (June for NA) with several new posters that feature some of the major players. Today's posters include Blackhand, Lady Taria, Ogrim Doomhammer and King Llane.

Gloria Victis: Combat Tweaks & More Anchor This Week's Update

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 09:52 AM PDT

The latest Gloria Victis updates have been applied to the game, most notably a significant improvement to combat that includes balance tweaks to weaponry, damage output, character stats, attack power and armor penetration.

General: The Skies Early Access to Begin April 16th

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 09:43 AM PDT

eForb has announced that Early Access for The Skies is expected to begin on Monday, April 11th. Players will be able to get their hands on beta keys through participating sites or they can wait until April 16th when all players can take part. From April 16th through May 15th, players can get a lifetime copy of The Skies for $15 with no further costs after. Beyond May 15th, a monthly subscription of $10 will be required from new players.

General: Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises to Launch on PC in April

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 09:29 AM PDT

Animus Interactive and Reverb Triple XP have announced that the MMORTS Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises will launch on PC later on April 28th. The game will be available via Steam's Early Access program after that time. Animus will be on hand during PAX East and players will be able to try out the game first hand.

Paladins: Champions of the Realm: New Card System Highlights Latest Update

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 09:26 AM PDT

Paladins has undergone a new update that, most notably, brings a completely new card system into the game. There will be no more card leveling in mid-game, something players had requested. Other changes were applied to maps, progression, skins, and balance.

The Repopulation: Fragmented NDA to Lift Soon, March Update Notes Published

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 09:22 AM PDT

The Repopulation's Fragmented standalone survival game has undergone a number of changes throughout March. Backers of the original MMO who requested access have been invited to check out the alpha version of Fragmented. In addition, the NDA will be lifted soon and all is on track for Early Access prior to the end of April.

Tree of Savior: Guild Battles Added, Trade Restrictions Enumerated

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 09:17 AM PDT

The Tree of Savior team has posted a pair of articles of interest to players. The first is the news that guild battles have been added to the game that allow different servers to engage in PvP fights for victory. These battles take place twice a day and guilds can achieve leaderboard ranks as a result.

Camelot Unchained: Rockets & Stars

Posted: 06 Apr 2016 04:07 PM PDT

CSE has continues to churn out fan content while they march through the crunch into beta. At this point we are either a few weeks, a few months, or a few days into the crunch. Frankly I can't tell anymore and I don't know how anyone as CSE can either! I got lost in the whirl wind of vines, tweets, emails, twitches updates, newsletters and all of the other community content they have produced since the crunch started!

Albion Online: Devs Share the Creative Process Behind Creating a Boss

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 08:52 AM PDT

Several members of the Albion Online team have participated in a new journal post that details the creation of an in-game boss, this time Gibson, leader of the Heretics, and his sidekick, Stooge. Each dev speaks to their particular area of expertise including concept, creating the models and abilities and then putting the final touches on the characters into the game.

Warframe: 3rd Anniversary Ushered in with a Give Away & a Big Update

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 08:42 AM PDT

Digital Extremes is ready to usher in the third anniversary celebration for Warframe with a give away and a large new update. As part of the Sands of Inaros update for PS4 and XBOne, players will be gifted free in-game weapons if they log in between April 8th and April 13th. The expansion also brings the new Orokin Moon game play mode, a new Quest and the mummy-themed Inaros Warframe with a decidedly Egyptian flair.

General: Kingdom Hearts Unchained X Now Available for Mobile Devices

Posted: 07 Apr 2016 08:21 AM PDT

Disney and Square Enix have launched Kingdom Hearts Unchained X in North America. The download is free for both iOS and Android devices and, according to the provided literature, the title offers a glimpse into the upcoming Kingdom Hearts III game.

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