


SMITE: Hi-Rez GM Quits After Ranting Over Selfishness of Suicide

Posted: 20 Apr 2016 07:38 AM PDT

Hi-Rez streamer Brandon 'DM Brandon' Nance has left the company after ranting to a donor about his attempted suicide. The viewer had made a $5 donation to Nance and indicated that watching his streams had helped him overcome a suicide attempt. After that, Nance went on a tirade about his controversial views on the subject.

Elder Scrolls Online: There's No Such Thing as Too Much Communication

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 12:45 PM PDT

Communication is key when it comes to letting players know more about Elder Scrolls Online. There is no such thing as too much communication but there is such thing as not enough communication. Not enough communication is something that a lot of players are accusing Zenimax of. But is it true and if it's not true, how much information as players do we deserve?

Crossout: Devs Detail the In-Game Marketplace

Posted: 20 Apr 2016 02:36 AM PDT

Gaijin devs have posted the latest in a series of developer diaries to discuss various Crossout features, this time the Marketplace. Market prices for components needed to construct vehicles is solely determined by the players utilizing information the Marketplace provides including how many players are seeking a particular component, what the average price is and more.

General: Kings & Heroes Release Delayed to May 31st

Posted: 20 Apr 2016 02:24 AM PDT

Industry Games has posted notification that the release of Kings & Heroes is being delayed until May 31st to give the team more time to tweak world content and the crafting system. The game was originally scheduled for release at the end of April.

Survarium: The Road for the Next Year Revealed

Posted: 20 Apr 2016 01:31 AM PDT

The Survarium team has posted an extensive look at what they will be working on during the forthcoming year as well as a look back at the features and improvements the game has undergone since October of last year.

MechWarrior Online: Faction Play Introduced in Large New Update

Posted: 20 Apr 2016 01:24 AM PDT

The MechWarrior Online team has posted an extensive look at the latest update to be applied to the game. Most notably, the patch brings Faction Play Clan Invasion into the game. Players will be able to take part in 4v4 scouting game mode, War Planning, Planetary Reinforcements and Advantages, as well as progress in the Career System, check out the Leaderboards and find new ways to earn Coffer Income.

Final Fantasy XV: Tie-In Mobile Game, Justice Monsters Five, Coming Soon

Posted: 20 Apr 2016 01:16 AM PDT

Final Fantasy XV fans looking to pass the time until the release of the game will be interested to hear that a tie-in mobile title called Justice Monsters Five will be released on April 25th in a number of countries, with iOS and Windows 10 versions to follow at a later date.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: 'Will It Receive Ongoing Support? Absolutely yes.'

Posted: 18 Apr 2016 05:02 PM PDT

Bioware's Ben Irving has gone on record via the Star Wars: The Old Republic forum to soothe player concerns about whether or not the game would receive ongoing support. Irving wrote, "The answer is absolutely yes."

General: Maingear Releases Pulse 15 Pro with Cutting Edge Components

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 02:43 PM PDT

Maingear has released the first information about its latest laptop line, the Pulse 15 Pro which comes with a host of awesome components that include Intel Core i7, Nvidia Quadro M2000 graphics and an impressive SSD.

Perfect World International: Elysium Released, PWI Lands on Steam

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 02:38 PM PDT

Perfect World International has grown in two ways today with its release on Steam and with the Elysium expansion arriving in game. Most notably for the latter, the PWI 'Homestead System' has launched that allows players the ability to build on their own piece of the game world.

Heroes of the Storm: Tracer Enters the Nexus

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 01:05 PM PDT

With the launch of Overwatch on track for May, Blizzard has sent Tracer into Heroes of the Storm. Tracer is a high speed assassin and her abilities center around those traits. Blizzard has released a pair of videos, one to show off her abilities and one that reveals a bit of lore about Tracer as well as a hint of another Overwatch character who might be headed to the Nexus soon.

Camelot Unchained: Mark Jacobs Explains the Beta Delay

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 10:36 AM PDT

Today, City State Entertainment is announcing the delay of the beta for Camelot Unchained. In light of this, we talk to CSE's Mark Jacobs about the game, it's status, and what to expect going forward.

Guild Wars 2: Spring Update Goes Live - It's a Game Changer!

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 12:40 PM PDT

ArenaNet has announced that the massive Spring Update has now gone live on all Guild Wars 2 servers. Those who wish to know all of the details will want to visiting the Guild Wars 2 site to check out the 16,000 word change log.

General: Rokh Survival Sandbox Title Playable at PAX East

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 12:28 PM PDT

At this weekend's PAX East, fans will be able to get 'hands on' with Darewise Entertainment's survival sandbox title, Rokh. Players will be able to explore the planet Mars and struggle to build a pressurized habitat.

Trove: Mantle of Power Head Start

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 11:57 AM PDT

Trove players who prepurchased Mantle of Power bundles now have access to the game's big expansion. Mantle of Power will become available to all players on April 26th. With the new gem feature, players will be able to enhance the abilities and power of their characters.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft: Whispers of the Old Gods Shuffling Into Decks on April 26th

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 11:20 AM PDT

Blizzard has announced that the next Hearthstone expansion, Whispers of the Old Gods, will be arriving for all platforms on April 26th in North America and Europe and Asia on April 27th. Whispers brings 134 new cards into the game that are "totally not corrupted".

General: Pyre - A Party-Based RPG Introduced by SuperGiant Games

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 11:12 AM PDT

SuperGiant Games has introduced its forthcoming party-based RPG called Pyre. The team and the game will be on hand during this weekend's PAX East. To introduce folks to the game, the team has published a developer blog and a trailer to show off game play and the art style.

General: Razer Turret - Wireless PC Gaming from the Couch

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 10:28 AM PDT

Razer has introduced a new gaming mouse and lapboard that will allow players to experience the joy of PC gaming from the comfort of the living room couch. Called the Razer Turret, the mouse and its special surface gives players a desktop grade experience on the sofa.

Orcs Must Die: Unchained: Tundra, the Arctic Prince, Released into Game

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 10:22 AM PDT

Orcs Must Die! Unchained has been updated with a new hero and map. Called Tundra, the Arctic Prince, the map is in a location called Arctos with a map called Avalanche.

General: Warhold - Strategy MMO Enters Pre-Alpha

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 10:12 AM PDT

Inquake Softworks is ready to take the wraps off its strategy MMO, Warhold. Warhold has been made with the Unity 4 engine that brings a robust political system where players are the Sovereign, ready to take charge of the world.

Guild Wars 2: Retconning Heart of Thorns

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 06:27 AM PDT

As time's gone by, the community has made its voice heard, and that voice quite simply said "We like some of Heart of Thorns, but not enough. And we want you to change it." And that's just what Guild Wars 2 developer ArenaNet is focusing the Spring Update on when it launches later today. We sat in on a presentation with the Bellevue, WA based folks and got the lowdown on everything that's contained in the 16,000 words worth of patch notes.

World of Warcraft: New Trailer - Action, Locations & More

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 09:37 AM PDT

Legendary Pictures has released the latest Warcraft movie trailer, this time featuring more dialog, action, characters and much much more. It's a fantastic look that paves the way for Europe's premier in May and North America's in June. You can get a look at it on the Warcraft movie Facebook page.

General: Battleborn Beta Weekend Impressions

Posted: 18 Apr 2016 10:59 PM PDT

While I'm a huge fan of what Gearbox has done over the years, particularly with the Borderlands series, the muddled messaging on Battleborn had me sort of write off the game up until now. Thankfully, I finally had a chance to sample Battleborn this past weekend and figure things out for myself.

General: Dungeon Rushers - Tactical RPG Parody Ready for EA May 3rd

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 08:52 AM PDT

Dungeon Rushers, a tactical RPG parody, will hit early access on Steam on May 3rd. It will be available for PC, Mac and Linux systems. The game contains seventy dungeons, a party-based system and over twenty hours of game play.

The Banner Saga 2: Launch Day Arrives!

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 08:46 AM PDT

Stoic Games has announced that launch day for The Banner Saga 2 has officially arrived for PC. Players can grab a digital copy at a number of virtual retailers including Steam, Bundle Stars, Direct to Drive, GameFly, GameStop, GamersGate, Humble Store and UPlay. Console versions of The Banner Saga 2 will launch in Summer 2016.

Crossout: Come See What It's All About in Our Exclusive Stream Today

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 08:36 AM PDT

Want to see what Crossout is all about? The newest battle game from War Thunder developer Gaijin Entertainment, Crossout is all about building and destroying wheeled instruments of death and destruction. We'll be live today at 230pm EST (1130am PST) to show off the game and chat with the developers before their big show at PAX East 2016!

The Technomancer: New Trailer Shows Game World and Combat Systems

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 08:03 AM PDT

Bound By Flame devs have released a new trailer for The Technomancer that shows off quite a bit of the game world and the combat system that the protagonist, Zachariah, will utilize. The Technomancer is set to be released on PC, XBox One and PlayStation 4 on June 21st. Check it out!

The Black Death: Early Access Begins - Will You Live Through It?

Posted: 19 Apr 2016 07:59 AM PDT

Green Man Gaming has announced that The Black Death is officially open for Early Access business on Steam. Players will be able to take part in the survival game fighting to live through history's most deadly pandemic.

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