


General: Seas of Gold to Set Sail Today

Posted: 18 Mar 2016 07:44 AM PDT

R2Games has sent word that Seas of Gold has raised anchor and is underway for players looking for a nautical themed browser-based MMO to check out. To introduce players to the game, the team will be hosting several events including ways for players to score free diamonds, a "level dash" event for the next ten days and more.

Black Desert Online: Daum Looking at Small to Medium Sized Monthly Updates

Posted: 18 Mar 2016 07:35 AM PDT

In a recent community Q&A the team revealed that it is looking to deploy small to medium sized updates on a "near monthly" basis. Other points of interest include the fact that the team did not fully expect the amount of interest in the game; that they're looking at other ways to communicate with players; the ghillie suit is being given a look as well as the 'flare' counter-measure; and no ETA on when new classes will appear, though they may show up in a different order than Korea.

Camelot Unchained: Learn to Use C.U.B.E. During 24-Hour Stream

Posted: 18 Mar 2016 04:26 AM PDT

One of the backers of Camelot Unchained will be taking part in a 24-hour long live stream session to show off the game's C.U.B.E. building system. "Necromaniak" is considered to be something of a wunderkind when it comes to utilizing C.U.B.E. to make some of the game's most astonishing structures and he's ready to impart his knowledge to viewers.

Heroes of the Storm: Heroes of the Dorm Tourney Action This Weekend

Posted: 18 Mar 2016 01:28 AM PDT

Fans of Heroes of the Storm will want to take in this weekend's Heroes of the Dorm action with college students vying to win scholarship money. The event will take place on Saturday, March 19th and run through Sunday, March 20th with all of the action being streamed live on the Heroes of the Storm Twitch.tv channel

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft: EU Winter Championship Begins Today

Posted: 18 Mar 2016 01:23 AM PDT

This weekend marks the HearthStone EU Winter Championship beginning today, Friday, March 18th and running through Sunday, March 20th. The event will be streamed live on the Hearthstone Twitch.tv channel beginning at 6:00 am Pacific / 9:00 am Eastern each day.

The Division: State of the Game Letter Alludes to New Update

Posted: 18 Mar 2016 01:11 AM PDT

Without providing any details, the first State of the Game letter about The Division teases a new update that will be coming next week. The community team has plans to release more information about the patch in the coming days.

Destiny: Big New Update Coming on April 16th

Posted: 18 Mar 2016 01:17 AM PDT

Bungie has released new information about Destiny Update 2.2.0, aka April Update, that will be ready for release on April 16th. The update includes new PvE challenges, Sandbox and Crucible updates, new and updated gear, the Blighted Chalice quest, new Max Light and rewards.

World of Warcraft: New Movie Trailer - War is Coming

Posted: 18 Mar 2016 01:01 AM PDT

Legendary has released the latest Warcraft movie trailer that that utilizes some of the same footage from an earlier trailer along with never-yet-seen images in the one minute spot. The movie is set to be released in late May in the EU and mid-June in North America.

Crowfall: Siege Perilous Overview Prepares for Late March Deployment

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 01:29 PM PDT

The Crowfall team is getting ready to unleash Siege Perilous into pre-alpha testing and to help introduce players and fans to the new system, a new blog post has been published on the official site. Siege Perilous is the name of the next round of testing that will grow into the castle siege system over time.

ASTA: The War of Tears and Winds: First Look - A Pretty But All Too Familiar Game

Posted: 15 Mar 2016 05:17 PM PDT

ASTA: The War of Tears and wind is a MMORPG out of South Korea that is heavily based on eastern culture and myth. Also known as ASTA online, it is sometimes referred to as the WoW of the east. Originally released in 2010 by the South Korean Studio, Polygon Games, they decided in August of last year to officially close all games and move into the mobile world.

Chronicle: Runescape Legends: GDC 2016 Hands On Preview

Posted: 15 Mar 2016 05:22 PM PDT

Yesterday at GDC we got an in depth look at RuneScape's CCG Chronicle. The game brings in a new element to the MMO world that has spanned almost fifteen years now. As a CCG the game offers a very different play style which is not anywhere near the likes of Hearthstone or HEX. Chronicle is definitely its own concept which really sets it apart. Here is how it works.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Visions in the Dark Revealed for April 7th

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 11:22 AM PDT

The next chapter in Star Wars: The Old Republic Knights of the Fallen Empire has been revealed. Called Visions in the Dark, the story sees players on a path to confront Emperor Valkorion for the first time since becoming Outlanders. Along the way, dark secrets will be uncovered. Successfully completing the challenge will earn players a powerful new weapon "inspired by some of the greatest Force users in the galaxy".

General: Space-Themed Shattered Skies Ready to Launch Closed Alpha

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 12:51 PM PDT

Shattered Skies is a survival open world shooter with an alien space theme going on. Closed alpha is slated to begin by the end of March and will feature a single price with no microtransactions, season passes or paid expansions after -- all content will be unlocked solely through game play. Players will take on alien monstrosities and other players in a quest for dominance.

Black Desert Online: The Tip of the Iceberg is Huge

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 11:34 AM PDT

I'm going to level with you guys. I still don't know what the frak I'm doing in Black Desert Online. I've played/logged well over 90 hours since head start and I haven't even gotten to the first major city. My twitter followers laughed at me when I remarked how big and confusing Heidel seemed. If there's one reason I think BDO is having such a wonderful effect on my beleaguered MMO-playing heart, it's because the game really does make you learn how to play all over again.

Epocylipse the AfterFall: The Confed - Equality Achieved by the Ambitious

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 11:56 AM PDT

The latest faction reveal has been posted on the Epocylipse: The AfterFall site. This time, the Confed takes center stage, a group driven by purpose and a group built on the foundation of order in the chaos.

Heroes of the Storm: Lost Cavern Introduced - a Single Lane Teamfight Map

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 11:42 AM PDT

Blizzard has unveiled the next map to be added to the Heroes of the Storm rotation that is a fundamental departure from the current maps. Unlike the others, Lost Cavern will have all action taking place in a single land without map objectives, hearthstones, starting area heals and the like removed to keep the action focused.

Diablo 3: Some Legendary Gems to Be Overhauled in v2.4.1

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 11:32 AM PDT

A new design journal has been published on the Diablo 3 site that lays out some forthcoming design changes to legendary gems in the game. The article begins with a discussion of gem basics, what role each fulfills and how some have slipped through the cracks as far as being worth using. To address this, several gems will be undergoing significant changes in the next patch.

General: One Piece Treasure Cruise Celebrates St. Patrick's Day

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 10:57 AM PDT

Mobile RPG One Piece Treasure Cruise is puttin' on the green for St. Patrick's Day that sees a special event enter the game that will run through March 18th.

Guild Wars 2: ArenaNet Devs at SXSW on Creating Game Play for MMOs

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 10:53 AM PDT

Members of the ArenaNet team will be on hand at SXSW on Friday, March 18th at 12:30 pm Pacific / 3:30 pm Eastern as they participate in a panel called "It's Your World: Creating Gameplay for a Massive Community. Guild Wars team members include Associate Game Director Steven Waller, Head of Narrative Leah Hoyer and Environmental Design Specialist Josh Foreman.

Stronghold Kingdoms: Launch Revealed for Summer 2016

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 10:20 AM PDT

Fans of the MMORTS genre will be happy to hear that Stronghold Kingdoms will be launch across several platforms in Summer 2016. Players will be able to cross-play between PC, Mac, iOS and Android devices.

Dying Light: Mow 'Em Down for Special Gold Paint for Your Ride

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 08:38 AM PDT

The Dying Light team has revealed the next contest on the docket for players. Called Buggy Frenzy, players are challenged to collectively run over 5,000,000 zombies within 48 hours to gain access to an exclusive gold Buggy paint job for the game and a special weapon docket for their participation in the event.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft: Epic Moments From the Last Two Years

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 08:34 AM PDT

Blizzard's Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is turning two years old and nothing says what an epic journey it has been better than a video by Disguised Toast showing off some epic moments from the past. In addition, players and fans are invited to submit a photo of themselves that shows their adoration of the game. One winner can score a trip to Blizzard's California campus with others winning plushies, wall hangings and more.

The Division: Collaborative Art Project Yields 'Fall of Canada' Film

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 08:20 AM PDT

Ubisoft Canada has published a new video on its YouTube channel called "The Division: Fall of Canada" that is an effort by the game's community via a collaborative art platform. It's a fantastic project and video that is well worth the time to watch. It begs to wonder if this is how stories for further expansion DLC for the game will be created -- it's nice to consider!

Armored Warfare: St. Patrick's Day Events Blast Into Game

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 08:14 AM PDT

Armored Warfare players will want to check into game today to try out the St. Patrick's Day event running from today through March 21st. Players can take advantage of reputation income boosts, daily raffles and much more including a new commander named Erin O'Connell.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen: GDC 2016 - Hands On Preview of Brad McQuaid's Magnum Opus

Posted: 15 Mar 2016 07:14 PM PDT

Pantheon had its first showing to the media at GDC today and we were lucky enough to be there right away to check things out. The game is coming along nicely and really heralds back to the classic MMOs we love with a fantastic push into the future of how MMO are made. We got to watch a solid demo as well as see some of the new features that will impact characters and their interaction with the environment.

Gloria Victis: Game World Expands, Literally & New Bosses Added

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 08:04 AM PDT

The literal Gloria Victis game world has expanded with vast new tracts of land added in the latest update. While not yet populated, these areas will soon be densely packed with bandit camps, deserter outposts and new event chains.

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