
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

World of Warcraft: The Problem with Arena Boosts


World of Warcraft: The Problem with Arena Boosts

Obtaining PvP gear in World of Warcraft is not such a hard task, but it seems many players still choose to get their set by paying for boosts

MMO Show Season 3 Ep.106 3/18/2016: MMO's Need More Innovation


MMO Show Season 3 Ep.106 3/18/2016: MMO's Need More Innovation

This week I wanted to talk about MMO Innovation. I came up with 6 points for my focus. Feel free to add to them and bring your own opinions to the comments.

Lost Ark : Warlord Skills Preview


Lost Ark : Warlord Skills Preview

Warlord is a knight with strong armor and powerful damage. It uses a shield and a spear-gun. In combat it accumulates bullets that are consumed during the use of a gun powerful shot : In order to successfully shoot out of a cannon, you need time to gain the powerful shot again

Overwatch Hero - Mei


Overwatch Hero - Mei

In Overwatch, Mei is a scientist who has taken the fight to preserve the environment into her own hands.

Continue reading Overwatch Hero - Mei.

Only One Way to Go in Lost Cavern


Only One Way to Go in Lost Cavern

The enemies are forming the formation ahead and there is no other way of detour, cut them through with a toe-to-toe fight is the only option. Welcome to the single-lane teamfight field, Lost Cavern will only bestow luck to the brave heroes!

MMORPG Discussion: Is it Worth to Pay for Early Access?


MMORPG Discussion: Is it Worth to Pay for Early Access?

Recently, it has become a somewhat common practice that publishers release a so-called Early Access for their games, and these are often quite pricey.

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