


Albion Online: From F2P to B2P, Plans for Launch & Beyond

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 12:53 PM PST

Recently, Albion Online announced that they'd be dropping the F2P (free to play) payment model in favor of the buy to play (B2P) model used by games like Elder Scrolls Online and Black Desert Online. We sat down with Game Director Robin Henkys to discuss this change, and more about the ongoing plans for launch and beyond.

Trove: Changes Incoming to Cubits, Classes & Patrons

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 05:43 AM PST

The Trove forum has a new post to proactively warn players about some fairly significant changes coming to three areas: Cubits, Classes & Patrons. The post begins with a discussion of why changes are needed in order to keep the game moving forward and then details the changes that will be coming in the future.

Wartune: Latest Update Focused on Revamping Game Systems

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 05:40 AM PST

The latest Wartune patch has been deployed that bring a number of reworked systems online including the replacement of old-model buildings with newer, more functional structures. In addition, content has been added that will appeal to both new and veteran players. R2Games is inviting former players to revisit the game to see all of the improvements and new content.

Vainglory: eSports Off and Running for 2016

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 03:32 PM PST

Vainglory has taken the mobile eSports genre by storm with last year's teams taking home over $350,000 in prizes and with Super Evil ready to double down for 2016. In addition to over 800 teams taking part in competitive tournaments during the Winter Championship, several teams have been acquired by professional eSports conglomerations, a signal that mobile eSports is on the rise.

Marvel Heroes 2016: First Wave of 2016 Initiative Launches Today

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 03:39 AM PST

Gazillion Entertainment is ready to unleash the largest update to Marvel Heroes 2016 in the past two years. The update brings community driven improvements as well as new content, controller support, a revamped Deadpool and much more.

Blade & Soul: 1v1 Cup Tournaments to be Part of ESL

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 02:56 AM PST

ESL has announced that Blade & Soul will become part of its stable of eSports titles. The site will host both North American and European 1v1 Community Cup tournaments set to begin on February 7th. All players of level 15 and above can take part according to region and can sign up on the ESL site.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Subscriptions at the Highest Level in Three Years

Posted: 29 Jan 2016 01:04 AM PST

As part of the emerging financial picture given by EA during its latest investor report, it has been revealed that Star Wars: The Old Republic is at its highest subscription level in the past three years. It is likely that interest in SWTOR spike in the final quarter of 2015 due to the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

General: Fractured Space Free Trial Weekend & a Big Update

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 03:25 PM PST

Edge Case Games has a special treat for those who have been looking for a great strategy MMO to try out. This weekend, interested players can try out Fractured Space on Steam for free and keep the game after the weekend ends. In addition, a large update has been applied that introduces gameplay enhancement, a Tech Tree reset and much more.

Cabal 2: Chapter 2 - Calamity of War Update to Go Live Tonight

Posted: 27 Jan 2016 05:12 PM PST

ESTsoft has announced that the Cabal 2 update called Chapter 2: Calamity of War will be going live later tonight. Players will be able to journey past the Great Wall and will be able to take advantage of a 50% boost to Abysmo, Honor, Conquest and Challenge points. Panda Masks will also be on special sale for 1 eCoin.

ARK: Survival Evolved: Latest Update Sends You for a Ride on a Gallimimus

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 03:11 PM PST

Among other nifty new stuff added in the latest ARK: Survival Evolved Steam update, players can check out the new three-seater Gallimimus mount. In addition, players can learn more about the Electric Prod Stunner, check out the greenhouse tileset and the new Swat-style armor.

Camelot Unchained: New, More User-Friendly, Site Debuts

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 01:39 PM PST

A brand spanking new Camelot Unchained site has opened up for business today. It features a lot more user-friendly interfaces designed to put all of the best information at your fingertips.

General: The Test of Time - Champions Online

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 09:47 AM PST

Rob is back with another entry in the Test of Time series. Next up? Champions Online.

Elder Scrolls Online: A Recap and Analysis of All the Recent News

Posted: 27 Jan 2016 02:36 PM PST

These last couple of weeks have been fantastic for The Elder Scrolls Online. A plethora of information has come out about the future of ESO and the first DLC of this year, Thieves Guild. Let me tell you, almost everything looks exceptionally promising. I say almost because there was some bad news that was released. So let's discuss the bad stuff first and then get into the good stuff.

Swordsman: Slicing & Dicing Its Way Onto Steam

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 10:51 AM PST

Perfect World Entertainment has announced that Swordsman Online has made its way to the Steam gaming platform. The Steam version comes with new achievements and launches with all of the updates applied since launch in 2014.

The Division: Three Expansions + Free Content Coming in First Year

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 10:27 AM PST

Ubisoft has laid out the details on the next year of content coming to The Division after it launches in March. Pass holders can expect three expansions that are rooted in group game play mechanics.

Armored Warfare: Next Update to Feature Chinese Tanks, New PvP Map & More

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 10:10 AM PST

Obsidian Entertainment and My.com have announced that the next major update to Armored Warfare will be available on February 11th. The update will feature Tiers 3-8 in the Chinese tank line, a new "Coastal Threat" PvP map, an overhauled PvE rewards system and a brand new v2.0 Matchmaking algorithm.

Heroes of the Storm: $500K Pool for Collegiate eSports Champions

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 10:06 AM PST

Blizzard has unleashed the first information about the 2016 Heroes of the Dorm tournament that will see students competing to win a share of $500,000 in tuition awards and other prizes throughout the competitive season. Coverage of Heroes of the Dorm will take place on ESPN Network with live coverage on both cable channels and online.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen: How a PC Port Should be Done

Posted: 27 Jan 2016 12:28 PM PST

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen for the PC is an example of a port done right, with slightly updated graphics, an improved framerate, and all of the additional content included. All of this combined easily makes this the definitive version of the game. Take note developers: THIS is how you do a PC port. Just try not to take so long next time, Capcom.

Star Trek Online: Happy 6th Anniversary, STO!

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 09:59 AM PST

Star Trek Online Executive Producer Stephen Ricossa has taken to the blog-o-sphere to pen a happy anniversary note to the game and to reflect on the past. Ricossa takes time to explore a bit of STO's earliest history as well as a more lengthy look at 2015 and the big changes brought to the game via updates throughout the year.

Shroud of the Avatar: Release 26 - It's the Final Countdown

Posted: 27 Jan 2016 11:54 AM PST

If you're Lord British, you make games. It's what you do... If you're a developer for Shroud of the Avatar, you release your 26th monthly update, and announce the final wipe. Red Thomas took a trip to Austin to find out more, but unfortunately the airlines lost his luggage, which included his selection of decent segues.

Elder Scrolls Online: Additional Thieves Guild DLC Details & a New Trailer

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 07:15 AM PST

Bethesda has released a new trailer to shine the light on additional information about the Elder Scrolls Online Thieves Guild DLC. Set to be released on March 7th for PC (March 22nd for XBox One, March 23rd for PlayStation 4), viewers can get a look at some of the new locations featured in the forthcoming DLC.

General: GoG.com Enters Early Access Arena

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 07:07 AM PST

Good Old Games has taken another significant step into the multi-games platform arena by announcing that it will be hosting a curated list of early access games in development. According to the site, the games are 'excellent hand-picked games with no questions asked refunds' if needed.

Crossout: Week of Mass Recruitment Underway - Sign Up for Access

Posted: 28 Jan 2016 06:57 AM PST

According the Crossout Facebook page, fans looking to see what a vehicular MMO is like can get signed up during this week's "mass recruitment event". Those who have already registered to participate will get guaranteed access and those who sign up between now and February 7th will have a "significantly increased" chance to be chosen.

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