


Dragomon Hunter: Founder's Packs Announced, CBT Starting October 15th

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 04:39 AM PDT


Fans of "collect them all" type games will be happy to hear that Dragomon Hunter Online will be starting closed beta testing beginning on October 15th. In addition, the Founder's Packs have been revealed, any one of which guarantees closed beta access. Prices range from $19.99 to $299.99, each with its own set of in-game perks.

Albion Online: A Getaway in Paradise - Customizable Islands Revealed

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 08:00 AM PDT

A Getaway in Paradise - Customizable Islands Revealed

The Albion Online team has written to let us know that the game's Private Islands feature is being upgraded according to feedback from the community. Not only will players be able to have an island getaway, but they will be able to customize it with houses, workshops, decorations and even have access to additional building and farming plots. A new resource collection, Laborers, will also be introduced that will ultimately lead to the Labor System.

World of Warcraft: Worlds Collide - Game of Thrones Meets WoW in New Fan Video

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 07:37 AM PDT

Worlds Collide - Game of Thrones Meets WoW in New Fan Video

Two of the world's favorite icons have come together in a new fan made video that gives World of Warcraft the Game of Thrones intro treatment. Made by Marc Ottensmann, the video is a short look at several of WoW's capital cities, though sadly not all. Check it out and let's hope the creator finishes it.

WildStar: Free-to-Play and You

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 12:14 PM PDT

Free-to-Play and You

Greetings MMORPG.com readers! I'm Mike Donatelli, Product Director for Carbine Studios' WildStar. We are less than a week away from a major moment in our game's history as we'll be switching over to a free-to-play business model on September 29. The decision to change business models was not a light one, and we put a lot of thought and debate into when, why and how we were going to do it.

General: NineLives - Two Guys, the Unity Engine & A Dream

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 06:47 AM PDT

NineLives - Two Guys, the Unity Engine & A Dream

A new game called NineLives is getting ready to hit its alpha phase of development. Made by a team of two with a dream and a copy of the Unity Engine, NineLives is, according to the official site, an open world, level-less, adventure RPG with some of the sandbox elements that players are longing to find.

Battleborn: Rendain, the Thoughtful Tyrant

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 06:31 AM PDT

Rendain, the Thoughtful Tyrant

When Battleborn debuts early in 2016, players will have a story campaign in which to play. What story is made great without an epic bad guy? In Battleborn, it is Rendain, the so-called 'thoughtful tyrant' that will drive players forward. 2K and Gearbox have provided the first information about this villain that players will love to hate.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen: Visionary Realms On the Road & New Pantheon Site Debuts

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 08:13 PM PDT

Visionary Realms On the Road & New Pantheon Site Debuts

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen's Brad McQuaid and Ben de la Durantaye will be on hand at both Gaming Insiders and Cloud Gaming Summits this year. Read on to find out what the team will be speaking about in regards to Pantheon.

Armored Warfare: Stress Test Client Ready for Download, Test Begins Today

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 04:29 AM PDT

Stress Test Client Ready for Download, Test Begins Today

Interested in trying out Armored Warfare before it is released? If so, today marks the beginning of an open stress test that will run from 11:00 am Pacific / 2:00 pm Eastern and run through Saturday, September 26th. The client is ready for download so players can be ready to rumble at the start time a few hours from now.

Star Trek Online: A New Ship to Travel the Heavens - Designers Look for Input

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 04:25 AM PDT

A New Ship to Travel the Heavens - Designers Look for Input

The Star Trek Online team will be conducting a two-month long polling event that will result in a brand new Federation Carrier ship being added to the game. During the forthcoming days, players will be voting on various schematics for the new carriers, each pitted against another in a single-elimination contest.

Chronicles of Elyria: Everything At Your Fingertips - Info Compiled

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 04:14 AM PDT

Everything At Your Fingertips - Info Compiled

MMORPG.com user Raynforce has compiled a neat new blog post that brings all of the known information about Chronicles of Elyria into one handy dandy spot to make learning all that is (currently) known about the game an easier process.

WildStar: Come On In & Give It a Whirl - Closed Beta No Longer Closed

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 07:25 PM PDT

Come On In & Give It a Whirl - Closed Beta No Longer Closed

Due to some closed beta tester keys expiring, Carbine has decided to remove the need for a key altogether and has opened the doors wide for anyone who'd like to download and try out WildStar's F2P version before it hits live service next Tuesday.

General: Want to win your very own private island?

Posted: 02 Sep 2015 04:29 PM PDT

Want to win your very own private island?

Have you ever wanted to own your own paradise? You know, live it up like Tom Hanks in Castaway without the starvation, talking to Volleybolls, and lack of shaving? The fine folks at Square Enix are offering just that with the Just Cause 3: Win an Island Contest. Read on for more details!

Camelot Unchained: Class System Update Wrap Report Published

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 04:51 PM PDT

Class System Update Wrap Report Published

The Camelot Unchained team was on hand earlier today to do the first in a series of live streams to reveal the classes coming in the game. The stream lasted over an hour with more than half spent in a general Q&A session. It's a great peek inside the game as it is development. Check it out!

WildStar: Livin' After Midnight - F2P Launches at 12 am Eastern 9/29

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 04:36 PM PDT


At the stroke of midnight on September 29th, the WildStar free to play version will go live along with a special live stream broadcast by Carbine Studios. The team has a slate of activities planned including a Times Square countdown to F2P launch.

Divergence Online: Ethan Casner Discusses Crowdfunding & The Project's Future

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 04:50 PM PDT

Ethan Casner Discusses Crowdfunding & The Project

We recently caught up with Divergence Online's Ethan Casner to get an update on the game's somewhat rocky development and find out where things go from here.

Elder Scrolls Online: One Ringy Dingy -- Vivox Brings Voice Chat Tech to ESO

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 12:35 PM PDT

One Ringy Dingy -- Vivox Brings Voice Chat Tech to ESO

ZeniMax and Vivox have announced a new partnership to bring voice chat technology directly into Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. Vivox's chat technology will span all of ESO's platforms from PlayStation 4 to XBox One to PC and will allow players to communicate with one another to enhance their game play experiences throughout the game.

EverQuest Next: Daybreak says, "When we're ready, you'll know."

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 12:17 PM PDT

Daybreak says, "When we

Today we reached out to Daybreak Studios to ask them about that thing we've all been eagerly awaiting for over two years: EverQuest Next. Well, we're still going to be waiting, but just as former President John Smedley said, we were assured today EverQuest Next is indeed still being hammered away on.

Camelot Unchained: The Ink Blot Test

Posted: 21 Sep 2015 06:36 PM PDT

The Ink Blot Test

The CUniverse continues to gain momentum and the updates keep coming! We've got tested server tech, we've got pretty terrain, we've got more (senior) programmers and we even got a double dose of updates last week! I used thorough market research to help me metagame which delicious tidbits would get me the most clicks this week, then I tossed them into the fire and went with my gut!

Guild Wars 2: Taste-Tempting Tyria & the Heart of Thorns Launch Trailer

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 11:40 AM PDT

Taste-Tempting Tyria & the Heart of Thorns Launch Trailer

The Guild Wars 2 team will be on hand this weekend with a boatload of exciting live streams, announcements and even the Heart of Thorns launch trailer debut during Twitchcon running Friday, September 25th and Saturday,September 26th. During the two day event, ArenaNet Television will have some new shows to tempt viewers including Taste of Tyria, a Guild Wars-themed cooking show hosted by none other than Jennifer Hale.

Elder Scrolls Online: Zenimax Listens to Its Community Once Again

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 02:41 PM PDT

Zenimax Listens to Its Community Once Again

Once again Zenimax listens to the community. If you remember a couple weeks ago I wrote an article discussing some of my displeasures with Imperial City, mostly the fact that Imperial City is always open (unless your campaign is full) and all three factions would have access to it. Well as it turns out I wasn't the only one who felt this way and Zenimax has heard our pleas and created a campaign with locked gates. However, is it too late for this to make a difference?

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Mike Laidlaw on Trespasser & (Possible) Future Plans

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 02:24 PM PDT

Mike Laidlaw on Trespasser & (Possible) Future Plans

With the release of the Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC, Trespasser, a couple of weeks ago and the announcement of the definitive Game of the Year Edition earlier this week, it is clear that DA:I is a finished product. We had the opportunity to talk with Dragon Age Lead Designer Mike Laidlaw about Trespasser, the (possible) future of the franchise and more. See what he had to say in our exclusive interview.

Fallout 4: S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Series Continues with a Look at Endurance

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 08:58 AM PDT

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Series Continues with a Look at Endurance

The latest in a series of Fallout 4 videos designed to give players a fun look at the games base attributes continues today with a look at Endurance and why it's important. Find out why it's S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and let us know what you think!

Rift: Traveling the Planetouched Wilds Detailed

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 08:46 AM PDT

Traveling the Planetouched Wilds Detailed

The Rift site has been updated with a first look at some of the locations in the Planetouched Wilds that will be forthcoming with the v3.4 update. Players can find out a little information about denizens in each of the location and what can be expected when journeying through them.

WildStar: Making Life Easier: Selling Junk, Rapid Travel & More Coming

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 08:41 AM PDT

Making Life Easier: Selling Junk, Rapid Travel & More Coming

The WildStar site has been updated with a new blog post that outlines some of the many welcomed quality of life improvements coming to the game with next week's free-to-play launch. Among other things, fast travel (aka 'rapid transit'), a sell junk button, nav points and content finder are all included.

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