


World of Warcraft: SPECULATION: Wording Hints at F2P Future for Azeroth?

Posted: 03 Nov 2015 06:50 AM PST

SPECULATION: Wording Hints at F2P Future for Azeroth?

During today's Activision-Blizzard investors' meeting, the company revealed that World of Warcraft has lost another 100,000 subscribers since Q2 2015, with active numbers hovering around the 5.5M mark representing a nine-year low. Of interest, however, is the further revelation that this is the last quarter that Activision-Blizzard will be revealing subscription numbers, preferring instead to project the game's health via the overall success of Blizzard as a whole.

EVE Online: Chronicles of a New Eden - Realizing the Truth About EVE Online

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 03:50 PM PST

Chronicles of a New Eden - Realizing the Truth About EVE Online

Meeting someone in person that you've only ever talked to online is a surreal experience. When we talk to people on the internet, they tend to exist in this space where we ascribe them certain features and characteristics that aren't really based on anything. We hear a voice, maybe see a few photos, and our brains fill in a billion blanks so that the voice we hear isn't just some detached sound filtered through thousands of miles of cables. We compensate for what we don't know about them.

Albion Online: Laborers to Help with Resource Gathering

Posted: 03 Nov 2015 04:56 AM PST

Laborers to Help with Resource Gathering

The Albion Online team is ready to introduce players to the Laborers system that the game will utilize to assist in gathering resources needed for crafting. To show off the system, a new trailer has been released to provide a visual introduction. Check it out!

ASTA: The War of Tears and Winds: Initial Beta Event Kicks Off

Posted: 03 Nov 2015 04:51 AM PST

Initial Beta Event Kicks Off

Webzen has sent word that the first beta event for ASTA has kicked off as of today, Tuesday, November 3rd. Players will be able to level to 50 and check out the games main features and story.

General: Torchlight Mobile - Best Mobile/Table Game at PGW

Posted: 03 Nov 2015 03:49 AM PST

Torchlight Mobile - Best Mobile/Table Game at PGW

During the recently held Paris Games Week, Perfect World Entertainment and Runic Games scored a big award with the forthcoming Torchlight Mobile being named the Best Mobile/Table Game of the event.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft: New Quarterly Earnings Record Achieved in Q3

Posted: 03 Nov 2015 03:16 AM PST

New Quarterly Earnings Record Achieved in Q3

Ahead of today's Activision-Blizzard investors' meeting, a document has been published that reveals that Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft has set a new earnings record in Q3 2015 and that year-over-year player engagement is an impressive 77%.

Destiny: 5M New Accounts Added in Q3 2015

Posted: 03 Nov 2015 03:08 AM PST

5M New Accounts Added in Q3 2015

As part of the released documentation ahead of today's Activision-Blizzard investors' meeting, it has been revealed that Destiny has added five million new accounts since the end of Q2 2015, bringing the total number of accounts to twenty-five million. It remains to be seen how many are active, but players taking part are logging three hours per day on average.

World of Warcraft: Subscriptions Drop 100,000 in Q3 to 5.5M Active Subscribers

Posted: 03 Nov 2015 02:39 AM PST

Subscriptions Drop 100,000 in Q3 to 5.5M Active Subscribers

Ahead of today's Activision-Blizzard investors' meeting, it has been revealed in already-published documents that World of Warcraft subscriptions have dropped only 100,000 to 5.5M since the end of Q2 where subscriptions were at 5.6M. By announcing the Legion expansion during August's Gamescom, it appears that players are retaining subscriptions pending Blizzcon's WoW panels and a release date.

Forsaken World Mobile: Expansion Challenges Highlighted in New Video

Posted: 03 Nov 2015 01:50 AM PST

Expansion Challenges Highlighted in New Video

Fedeen Games has released a new video that shows off some of the challenging content people will find in the next Forsaken World Mobile expansion, Babel Ascending. Players will be able to challenge a tower with 100 levels packed with powerful monsters and even more powerful bosses. Check it out!

General: Activision-Blizzard Ponies Up $5.9B for Mobile Games Giant

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 11:33 PM PST

Activision-Blizzard Ponies Up $5.9B for Mobile Games Giant

Activision-Blizzard has entered into a purchase agreement with King, creators of Candy Crush Saga, that, if approved by share holders, will see nearly six billion US dollars spent in the acquisition. King will operate as a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision-Blizzard and places the gaming giant at the forefront of the mobile games market, the fastest growing sector in gaming.

Guild Wars 2: Want to see how the Guild Hall is unlocked?

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 05:01 AM PST

Want to see how the Guild Hall is unlocked?

Our own Bill Murphy is part of the Gaiscioch Family in Guild Wars 2, and tonight their fearless leader Foghladha is leading the guild in their attempt to unlock/capture their guild hall. Watch in the embedded stream or on Twitch to see what it's all about!

TERA: Nexon Partners with Bluehole for Mobile Version, 'T2'

Posted: 01 Nov 2015 05:12 PM PST

Nexon Partners with Bluehole for Mobile Version,

Nexon and Bluehole have announced a partnership that will see a mobile version of TERA for both iOS and Android devices. Called "T2", the mobile game will be engineered by members of the original development team and will utilize the Unreal Engine 4.

EverQuest II: Happy 11th Birthday!

Posted: 01 Nov 2015 04:18 PM PST

Happy 11th Birthday!

EverQuest II is turning 11 this year and will be celebrating in a big way this year. Part of the celebration includes this year's Heroes' Festival that begins on Friday, November 6th and runs through Monday, November 16th. Those who have remained with the game for all eleven years will score a special Veteran's Reward starting on Tuesday, November 3rd -- The Veteran Reward: 12 Year gives 365 Loyalty Tokens to use to purchase in-game items from vendors.

Fallout 4: Feeling Heroic Thanks to the Music of Lynda Carter

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 03:48 PM PST

Feeling Heroic Thanks to the Music of Lynda Carter

Former Wonder Woman actress Lynda Carter has a unique spot in Fallout 4, not as a typical voice actress but as a musician. If you didn't know it already, Carter has a Grammy award winning band. Not only will their music be spotlighted in-game, but Carter will also play the role of Magnolia, a singer in the town of Goodneighbor.

Guild Wars 2: Enjoy Now, Stress Later

Posted: 01 Nov 2015 08:32 AM PST

Enjoy Now, Stress Later

Detailed analysis and pointed criticism can come later. For now, Jason's just enjoying the Heart of Thorns experience.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: New Shinies for Defeating Thordan

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 11:50 AM PST

New Shinies for Defeating Thordan

With the next big game update less than a week away, the Final Fantasy XIV team wants to give players a look at some of the amazing shinies that will drop for defeating Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign.

Blade & Soul: Kung Fu Master Week 'Kicks' Off

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 11:47 AM PST

Kung Fu Master Week

Blade & Soul fans will want to check out the class of the week now that the Kung Fu Master sits in the spotlight. The week kicks off with a video to show the KFM in action and will continue with an in-depth look at skills and tips.

General: Blizzcon eSports Championship Info - Mark Your Calendars

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 11:28 AM PST

Blizzcon eSports Championship Info - Mark Your Calendars

Blizzard's first week of preliminary matches for the world championships for World of Warcraft, Starcraft II, Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm have been completed with teams now heading for Blizzcon this weekend. To get players ready, Blizzard has released the official tournament sites with times of the events and the teams that are participating.

Lord of the Rings Online: More Lore Arrives with Siege of Minas Tirith

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 11:04 AM PST

More Lore Arrives with Siege of Minas Tirith

Lord of the Rings Online was recently updated with a large new update called The Siege of Minas Tirith. Siege includes three new zones (Pelennor Fields, Talath Anor and the White City), a pair of new "epic battles" (Defense of Minas Tirith, Hammer of the Underworld), and seventy quests and deeds for players at level 100+.

Guild Wars 2: Five Things We Love About Heart of Thorns

Posted: 01 Nov 2015 08:25 AM PST

Five Things We Love About Heart of Thorns

With Heart of Thorns now over a week old, and our review currently in progress, we wanted to spend this week pining over the things we really appreciate in ArenaNet's first Guild Wars 2 expansion. Next week we'll tally up a few aggravations, but for now let's give credit where credit is due.

Guild Wars 2: The Road Ahead and Into 2016

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 09:46 AM PST

The Road Ahead and Into 2016

Guild Wars 2 Game Director Colin Johanson has penned a new letter on the official site that lays out some of the details about forthcoming work on the game now that Heart of Thorns has launched.

Elder Scrolls Online: Orsinium DLC Pack Released for PC & Mac

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 08:52 AM PST

Orsinium DLC Pack Released for PC & Mac

PC & Mac Elder Scrolls Online players can now head into the ancestral home of the Orcs thanks to the release of the Orsinium DLC. XBox One players will be able to join in on November 17th and PlayStation 4 players on November 18th.

Cyberpunk 2077: Majority of CD Projekt Red Staff Working in Full Production

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 08:45 AM PST

Majority of CD Projekt Red Staff Working in Full Production

The majority of the CD Projekt Red team has moved on from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to Cyberpunk 2077 according to a new interview at GamesRadar.com. A decent-sized team still works on Witcher, but the majority of the studio is now focused on full production of Cyberpunk 2077 that was announced in 2012.

World of Warcraft: Warcraft Movie Trailer Coming November 6th

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 08:24 AM PST

Warcraft Movie Trailer Coming November 6th

The Warcraft movie Twitter has posted notice that the first official trailer for the film set for release in June 2016 will be shown globally on Friday, November 6th. To celebrate the announcement a new movie poster was also released.

World of Darkness: Paradox and White Wolf Sitting in a Tree

Posted: 01 Nov 2015 02:26 PM PST

Paradox and White Wolf Sitting in a Tree

Last week it was announced that CCP Games sold the rights and all assets of White Wolf Publishing (the folks behind the World of Darkness and Vampire: The Masquerade IPs) to none other than Paradox Interactive. In light of this, we called up the brand new CEO of White Wolf, Tobias Sjögren about the purchase and what it might mean for RPGs and MMOs with the White Wolf branding in the future.

General: Wave of Darkness to Hit Retail Release on November 5th

Posted: 02 Nov 2015 06:54 AM PST

Wave of Darkness to Hit Retail Release on November 5th

Dreamatrix has announced that its non-linear RPG, Wave of Darkness, will complete Early Access and enter full release on Thursday, November 5th. During EA, players provided the development team with bug fixes and constructive criticism that paved the way for an improved experience for new users.

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