


Sword Coast Legends: Update Deployed - Placeables & Monster Abilities to Terrify

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 03:22 PM PST

Update Deployed - Placeables & Monster Abilities to Terrify

Sword Coast Legends players will want to check into game in order to download and install the newly-released Community Pack #1. Among several bug fixes and feature enhancements, players can look forward to over 150 new DM placeables, new companion-specific skill trees and 100 new monster abilities for DMs to torment their players with.

Champions Online: Free Nighthawk Event Has Arrived

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 03:17 PM PST

Free Nighthawk Event Has Arrived

The Champions Online site has been updated with news that the Nighthawk Event is underway and is free to all players. The event features a series of missions that begins in the Renaissance Center that can lead to some lucrative rewards for those completing the entire quest-line.

Shroud of the Avatar: The Making of North Pinelands Takes Centerstage

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 03:12 PM PST

The Making of North Pinelands Takes Centerstage

The latest Shroud of the Avatar newsletter has arrived hot in our mailboxes and is anchored by the second in a two-part series about the making of the North Naryad Pinelands. The design diary is packed with gorgeous screenshots of this mountainous region.

MechWarrior Online: Headed to Steam on December 10th

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 09:41 AM PST

Headed to Steam on December 10th

Piranha Games has some great news for MechWarrior Online fans with the announcement that the game is headed to Steam next month. In fact, MWO fans are invited to try for one of 50 slots for a real world dinner with developers in Vancouver on launch day, December 10th, 2015.

Granado Espada Online: Leader Of New Era 3 Deployed In The EU

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 01:37 AM PST

Leader Of New Era 3 Deployed In The EU

EuroGameZ has announced that a new character named Risky has been added to the Granado Espada EU version of the game. In addition to the new character, players can look forward to "new storyline, quests, characters, new area, new raid monsters, new missions and a new achievement system".

Camelot Unchained: Magical Mystery Tour - CU's Bard Versions

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 08:06 AM PST

Magical Mystery Tour - CU

The latest group of playable classes has been revealed in the Camelot Unchained version of Bards. Each realm has their own form of this support class that can both provide buffs and debuffs as well as other magical and musical combat touches.

League of Angels: Housing Feature Added In Latest Update + Fire Raiders Patch

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 01:01 AM PST

Housing Feature Added In Latest Update + Fire Raiders Patch

GTArcade has announced that housing has been added to League of Angels. Housing locations are cross-server and players are invited to decorate their homes in attractive ways and to take advantage of daily crafting activities.

Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey JRPG Released For iOS devices

Posted: 14 Nov 2015 01:20 AM PST

Orcanon Odyssey JRPG Released For iOS devices

Kobojo has announced that Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey has officially launched and is now available for iOS devices through App Store.

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