


General: Daybreak Reveals Halloween Plans

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 12:17 PM PDT

Daybreak Reveals Halloween Plans

Daybreak Game Company has revealed the Halloween happenings for several of their titles. More details about each event can be found on the individual game pages and here's a summary.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Significant Changes Coming to Several Systems in KotFE

Posted: 03 Oct 2015 02:16 AM PDT

Significant Changes Coming to Several Systems in KotFE

The Star Wars: The Old Republic site has been updated with a new post that lays out many of the significant changes coming to core systems when Knights of the Fallen Empire debuts later this month.

World of Warcraft: European Road to Blizzcon Ongoing Throughout the Weekend

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 06:21 PM PDT

European Road to Blizzcon Ongoing Throughout the Weekend

Blizzard has a full slate of tournament events going on this weekend as the European Road to Blizzcon event kicks off. The tournament events take place in Prague, Czech Republic with Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm and World of Warcraft EU Championships and $300,000 in prizes are at stake.

Dragon's Prophet: North American Operations to Cease November 16th

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 03:51 PM PDT

North American Operations to Cease November 16th

Daybreak Game Company and Runewaker Entertainment have decided to stop operations of Dragon's Prophet in North America. Servers will close on Monday, November 16th. Players can continue playing through that date and items in the in-game marketplace have had prices reduced. Players can use Daybreak Cash for these items through the final day, or use it in other DGC games.

Warframe: Jordas Precept Gift Key Giveaway!

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 03:46 PM PDT

Jordas Precept Gift Key Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has teamed up with Digital Extremes to bring you a cool new gift key offer for Warframe! These keys will give you a 7 day booster doubles the amount of resources earned from pickups. Get your key now!

Camelot Unchained: First Class Archetype Revealed - The Devout

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 03:36 PM PDT

First Class Archetype Revealed - The Devout

During today's Camelot Unchained live stream, the first class archetype was revealed. Called The Devout, the archetype features three distinct forms: The Helbound, the Blessed Crow and the Abbot.

Echo of Soul: New Warlock Class to Wield Diabolic Powers

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 03:14 PM PDT

New Warlock Class to Wield Diabolic Powers

Aeria Games has revealed the first information about the upcoming 1.5 patch for Echo of Soul. The update will bring the Warlock into the game, a ranged damage dealer that wields diabolic curses. The warlock will begin in its own zone, rejoining the other classes in Mnemos.

War Thunder: Dagor Engine Brings Big Graphic Improvements

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 02:03 PM PDT

Dagor Engine Brings Big Graphic Improvements

Gaijin has announced that a new graphics engine is being used for War Thunder called the Dagor Engine. The new engine allows for physics-based rendering and big improvements in the destructible environments. To show off the Dagor Engine 4.0 in action, the team produced a new video. See what you think!

Wild Terra: Polyglots Rejoice! Game Now Available in Six Languages

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 01:59 PM PDT

Polyglots Rejoice! Game Now Available in Six Languages

The Wild Terra team has let us know that the game is now localized into six different languages: German, Spanish, English, Portuguese, Polish and Russian. In addition, several other significant improvements were added to the game in the most recent update.

General: A Skeptic's Return to Destiny

Posted: 30 Sep 2015 05:13 PM PDT

A Skeptic

The original Destiny was a letdown. Our author played it through and, like so many others, left just after finishing the campaign, equally disappointed and aggravated at the game that should have been. With all the buzz surrounding The Taken King, he's returned to see if it lives up to the hype. Is one expansion enough to overcome a year's worth of mistakes?

EverQuest: The Broken Mirror Expack Revealed in Stream Video

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 12:26 PM PDT

The Broken Mirror Expack Revealed in Stream Video

During a special live stream event yesterday, Daybreak Game Company revealed that the next Everquest expansion will be named The Broken Mirror. TBM marks the twenty second expansion to the game and will contain two instanced versions of the Plane of Hate and the Plane of Fear. Also, new quests, missions, spells, alternate advancements and much more will be included.

General: Do You PvP?

Posted: 30 Sep 2015 05:07 PM PDT

Do You PvP?

A couple of weeks ago, we looked at some different types of endgame, including PvP as one of the principal activities available in an MMORPG once you hit the level cap. Of course, many modern MMOs offer some kind of player-versus-player interaction throughout the leveling process, even going as far as to incentivize low- and mid-level arenas through XP gain and gear rewards. PvP is one of my favorite diversions in an online game, both while leveling and as part of the endgame.

Dragomon Hunter: Get a First Hand Look During Special Live Stream

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 10:15 AM PDT

Get a First Hand Look During Special Live Stream

The Dragomon Hunter team will be on hand for a special live stream event at 10:00 am Pacific / 1:00 pm Eastern today, Friday, October 2nd. During the stream, viewers will get a first hand look at the four classes, customization, points of interest, Dragomon, crafting and a co-op hunting session.

Rift: Planetouched Wilds May Be Telara's Best Update Yet

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 03:19 AM PDT

Planetouched Wilds May Be Telara

Rift's 3.4 update, The Planetouched Wilds, may just be Telara's best update yet, and we recently took a tour with Trion Worlds' Simon Ffinch to get a look at the massive new zone, the new Primalist calling, and more.

General: A Leveling Experiment and Other Tidbits

Posted: 01 Oct 2015 03:07 PM PDT

A Leveling Experiment and Other Tidbits

Changes are coming to the Eorzea Reborn column. Learn about this little experiment and Victor's plans for FFXIV moving forward!

Albion Online: September Newsletter Recaps a Big Month

Posted: 02 Oct 2015 08:21 AM PDT

September Newsletter Recaps a Big Month

The Albion Online team has sent out the latest newsletter that is packed with information about what's been happening in and around the game world over the past thirty days.

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