


Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire Launches

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 08:09 AM PDT

Knights of the Fallen Empire Launches

All Star Wars: The Old Republic players can now log into the game to experience Bioware's return to story with the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. KotFE brings significant changes to several game systems and brings story back to the forefront of the SWTOR experience.

Black Desert: Its Third Chance at a First Impression - Can It Still Impress?

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 06:02 PM PDT

Its Third Chance at a First Impression - Can It Still Impress?

The day has finally come and servers are live for the Black Desert Online NA/EU Alpha for the first time. For Lock, however, this will be the third chance at a first impression. Can Black Desert still impress?

MapleStory: Pocket Version Launches for a Full-Blown MMO Experience

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 05:28 AM PDT

Pocket Version Launches for a Full-Blown MMO Experience

Nexon has announced the launch of Pocket Maplestory, a mobile version of the popular game for Android users. With over seven million downloads in Asia, the game is available for free in the NA / EU region.

General: Game On #74 - Is Buy to Play the New Free to Play?

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 03:09 AM PDT

Game On #74 - Is Buy to Play the New Free to Play?

This week on Game On, Chris and Brax take on the announcement that Black Desert will launch with a buy to play model and break down why they they think this model may become the new front runner for upcoming MMOs. Later, they discuss whether games should take their cues from Marvel Heroes and rebrand every year.

General: Descent: Underground Giveaway!

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 03:14 PM PDT

Descent: Underground Giveaway!

The kind folks at Descendent Studios hooked us up with 10 Steam copies of Descent: Underground to give away.

General: Blizzard's eSports Teams to Share in $1.25M in Prizes

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 02:28 PM PDT


On Wednesday, October 28th, the Blizzard eSports championships will be held from then through Blizzcon 2015 on November 6th and 7th. Live broadcasts will allow fans around the world to check out the action in Hearthstone, World of Warcraft, Starcraft and Heroes of the Storm.

Star Trek Online: Team Omega's Ship Incoming!

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 02:21 PM PDT

Team Omega

Team Omega has been voted as the finest ship after several rounds of voting by Star Trek Online players. The ship will be the newest Federation carrier that will join the game soon.

Fallout 4: Pre-Loading Confirmed!

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 01:31 PM PDT

Pre-Loading Confirmed!

Pete Hines has confirmed a multi-platform preload for Fallout 4 that will occur a few days prior to release.

General: The Five Best RPG Theme Songs

Posted: 25 Oct 2015 04:55 PM PDT

The Five Best RPG Theme Songs

We at MMORPG.com can't be the only ones who walk around our houses in bathrobes humming the Duck Tales theme song. There's something about a show's title track that sticks with you long after you've watched it, and video games are no different in this respect. Roleplaying games are particularly well-known for having spectacular music, so here are five of the best RPG theme songs out there!

Aion: Ready for a Steam Debut on October 29th

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 11:48 AM PDT

Ready for a Steam Debut on October 29th

NCSoft is ready to bring Aion to Steam Daevas everywhere on Thursday, October 29th. According to NCSoft, this will bringing Aion to Steam as a convenience for existing players.

Chronicles of Elyria: Equipment & Inventory

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 10:29 AM PDT

Equipment & Inventory

With three layers of armor, WYSIWYG looting, equipment that effects your survival, and an innovative new inventory system, find out how Chronicles of Elyria continues to defy the status quo, to create the most immersive and challenging MMO to date.

Wizard101: Don Your Coat & Venture Into Polaris

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 10:50 AM PDT

Don Your Coat & Venture Into Polaris

The Wizard101 PTR has been updated with the addition of the forthcoming new land in the Spiral, Polaris. Players can check it out on the test server and give valuable feedback to the development team as well as rise to level 110.

EverQuest II: Stygian Threshold - The Plane Between

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 10:06 AM PDT

Stygian Threshold - The Plane Between

The EverQuest II site has been updated with a new preview of the Stygian Threshold, an area from the upcoming expansion, Terrors of Thalumbra. The Threshold lies in the plane between Underfoot and the realms above. The preview shows off screens of the location as well as information about kobolds who inhabit the area and Zaraxia, matron of spiders.

Black Desert: Tips for New Alpha Players

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 06:05 AM PDT

Tips for New Alpha Players

With today's start of the Black Desert Online European / North American alpha, thousands of players who have never tried any of the other international versions (Korean, Japanese, Russian) will be entering the game for the first time. With that in mind, there are a few things everyone should know before that initial log in, so we have prepared a small list to help with those first shaky steps into a new world.

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