


TERA: A Handy Guide Filled With Tips and Tricks for the New Player

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 05:29 PM PDT

A Handy Guide Filled With Tips and Tricks for the New Player

En Masse Entertainment and TERA have scored big recently with a host of new players entering the game thanks to its launch on Steam. To assist these newbs with all things TERA, the team has created a great video specifically tailored to the needs of those just entering the game. It contains tips and tricks to get everyone off to a stellar start and includes such things as choosing the right character, how to apply skills for attack and defense and which gear is best suited to the class.

Sword Coast Legends: Review in Progress

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 04:11 PM PDT

Review in Progress

Earlier this week N Space and Digital Extremes launched their 5th Edition based Dungeons & Dragons cRPG Sword Coast Legends. Read on as Rob begins his review in progress and writes about character creation and the single player experience before jumping into playing as the Dungeon Master and the multiplayer experience next week.

General: Prey for the Gods Announced

Posted: 22 Oct 2015 02:44 AM PDT

Prey for the Gods Announced

No Matter has announced Prey for the Gods for PC and Mac. The game is set in a brutal arctic world where the goal of the protagonist is to destroy the gods to end the eternal winter. Prey for the Gods was announced via a new trailer which you can check out below.

Skyforge: Evil Pumpkin Festival Descends

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 01:06 PM PDT

Evil Pumpkin Festival Descends

Skyforge players will get into the holiday mood with today's launch of the Evil Pumpkin Festival. Scheduled to run through November 4th, the event includes a spooky new look for the Divine Observatory & Park now festooned in pumpkins and more otherworldly decor. Players can take part in challenges, quests and more to earn special currency that can be exchanged for costumes in Skeleton, Ghost and Mummy flavors.

Wurm Online: 'Unlimited Version' Now Available on Steam

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 12:58 PM PDT

Wurm Unlimited has been released on Steam with a number of neat features including the ability for players to host their own servers as an MMO or as a single-player world; creation of items; custom or in-game maps and much, much more.

Devilian: Booming into View - Cannoneer Spotlight Video

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 12:55 PM PDT

Booming into View - Cannoneer Spotlight Video

Trion Worlds has sent out a new Devilian trailer to show off the cannoneer class. Petite yet powerful, the Cannoneer packs a powerful punch. Check it out!

Albion Online: Boss Fights – the 'Demon Prince'

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 06:56 AM PDT

Boss Fights – the

Ahead of the upcoming start of the Closed Beta, Sandbox Interactive, developers of Albion Online, released a new feature highlight video, showing of the game's high-end PvE content.

Fallout 4: It's Your Lucky Day as the Final S.P.E.C.I.A.L Video Arrives

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 11:18 AM PDT


The seventh in a series of Fallout 4 videos has arrived that will give players the lowdown on Luck, that attribute that makes everyone a feel like a lottery winner. This latest video follows the earlier ones on Strength, Endurance, Perception, Charisma and Intelligence and Agility. Check it out!

Guild Wars 2: Countdown to Heart of Thorns Launch - Raids

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 11:10 AM PDT

Countdown to Heart of Thorns Launch - Raids

ArenaNet is preparing players for this week's launch of the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns expansion by providing a summary and links to earlier blog posts about various features coming with the new content. Today's spotlight shines on Raids.

Camelot Unchained: Crowd Funded Class Grab

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 06:20 AM PDT

Crowd Funded Class Grab

Since the last time we talked the CUniverse pushed through another stretch goal and it was a BIG one! Pandora's hidden box has opened allowing stealth in all of its underhanded glory to be unchained! As if that wasn't exciting enough CSE has unveiled a new stretch goal and two more sets of classes which means 6 new classes (9 total so far)! That was a lot of exclamation points!

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: All Saint's Wake Begins Tomorrow

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 10:37 AM PDT

All Saint

The Final Fantasy XIV team has announced that the annual autumn celebration, All Saint's Wake, will begin on Thursday, October 22nd and will run through Wednesday, November 4th. The celebration includes a special series of quests from an investigator in the Adventurers' Guild with players able to score themed items including a mount, armor and more.

Heroes of the Storm: Artanis Arrives Oct. 27th for Legacy of the Void Pre-Orders

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 10:31 AM PDT

Artanis Arrives Oct. 27th for Legacy of the Void Pre-Orders

Artanis is now a playable character in Heroes of the Storm for players who preordered the upcoming Starcraft: Legacy of the Void expansion. Those who have yet to preorder SC:LotV can still do so and have him added to their roster on October 27th.

Otherland: There's Much More to Do with 120 New Quests Added

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 09:55 AM PDT


Drago Entertainment has announced that the next Otherland content update will feature a plethora of new content for players including 120 new quests. Players will fight alongside the White Army and will venture into 8Squared with tons of new areas to explore and more.

Elder Scrolls Online: Holidays - A Thing of the Future

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 01:41 PM PDT

Holidays - A Thing of the Future

Starting October 22nd new cosmetic items are being implemented into the Crown Store, some of which were available as of October 8th. A lot of these items have a theme to them, guess you call them "scary-esc" type theme. Whatever the theme, they make mention that these new cosmetic items will be great additions for the Witches' Festival that happens in Elder Scrolls Lore in the month of Frostfall (October).

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