


WildStar: Hoverboard zPrix Invitational Introduced

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 07:19 AM PDT

Hoverboard zPrix Invitational Introduced

Carbine Studios is proud to announce the start of the Hoverboard zPrix Invitational with a boatload of new daily quests, toys, decor, titles and costumes for players to check out. The event will run for five days beginning today.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire - BioWare Ups its Game

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 10:58 PM PDT

Knights of the Fallen Empire - BioWare Ups its Game

Star Wars: The Old Republic's newest expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire, starts off with a bang and just doesn't let go. I thought BioWare really upped its game with Shadow of Revan, but I had to check to make sure I was actually still playing SWTOR when I jumped into KOTFE for the first time today.

Guild Wars 2: Eye in the Sky - Action Camera Detailed

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 06:45 AM PDT

Eye in the Sky - Action Camera Detailed

One of the new features coming with the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns expansion is the new "action camera", essentially a mouse-look camera that removes the necessity for holding down the right mouse button in order to turn the camera. Now it is simply a matter of pointing the mouse and character and boom, the perspective changes to that particular view.

General: The Park Adds Depth and Psychological Intrigue to The Secret World

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 01:35 PM PDT

The Park Adds Depth and Psychological Intrigue to The Secret World

The Park, a new single player horror adventure from MMO developer Funcom is launching on October 27th. We recently toured a bit of the game with its Creative Director Joel Bylos, and came away quite impressed. Build upon the foundations of Dreamworld tech with the Unreal Engine on the front end, The Park will undoubtedly give The Secret World and horror gaming fans alike something to talk about this Halloween.

Black Desert: Alpha Schedule Reworked, New Trailer & Paris Games Week

Posted: 21 Oct 2015 05:02 AM PDT

Alpha Schedule Reworked, New Trailer & Paris Games Week

Daum Games has announced that the alpha testing event slated for this weekend has had its schedule revamped slightly and that current key holders will be able to claim access beginning at 4:37 am Pacific / 7:37 am Eastern on Friday, October 23rd.

Crowfall: Champion Powers & UI Detailed

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 03:19 PM PDT

Champion Powers & UI Detailed

The latest developer blog has been posted to the Crowfall site that gives fans a first look (and one that can change in the course of development!) at the way the newest archetype, the Champion, utilizes powers and the UI for maximum benefit in battle.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: 'But Do You Love Me?' No Companion Needs to Say Again

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 02:35 PM PDT

With the launch of the early access program for the Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire, a big change will be coming to the companion system that can be boiled down to the change from gaining "affection" to earning "influence". The more influence, the more power a companion has which has a direct relationship to companion damage, healing, and health.

Wild Terra: Come One, Come All - Test Server Event Forthcoming

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 01:31 PM PDT

Come One, Come All - Test Server Event Forthcoming

Juvty Worlds has sent word that a special free test server event is planned for October 22nd through the 26th. Players can log into the test realm for special Halloween content as well as preparatory events for The Great Siege headed into the game in November.

World of Warcraft: Linkin Park to Rock Blizzcon

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 12:40 PM PDT

Linkin Park to Rock Blizzcon

The World of Warcraft community site has been updated with the big news that this year's concert will be performed by none other than Linkin Park!

General: Knights of Pen & Paper II Arrives

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 11:04 AM PDT

Knights of Pen & Paper II Arrives

Paradox Interactive has announced that Knights of Pen & Paper II has launched for PC, Mac and Linux. KoPP2 features new races, feats, randomly generated dungeons all packaged in a neat looking retro-styled graphics package.

EVE Online: Chronicles of a New Eden - Remember the Lazamo

Posted: 19 Oct 2015 03:27 PM PDT

Chronicles of a New Eden - Remember the Lazamo

Samahiel Sotken knows how important morale can be in EVE Online. He has seen it erode alliances, bolster initiative, and, more importantly, he's seen first hand how it can even swing the tide in a war. Two years ago, Samahiel was on the frontlines of a massive conflict between his coalition, the CFC, and the TEST alliance in a region called Fountain.

Rebel Galaxy: Launch Day Arrives for PC & Mac

Posted: 20 Oct 2015 11:00 AM PDT

Launch Day Arrives for PC & Mac

Fans of space-themed RPGs will be happy to hear that Rebel Galaxy has launched for both PC and Mac and is available from Steam and GoG.com. Rebel Galaxy was created by two of the original creators of Torchlight, Travis Baldree and Erich Schaefer.

Rebel Galaxy: A Duo’s Opus, But Not for Everyone

Posted: 19 Oct 2015 03:15 PM PDT

A Duo

When we first heard about Rebel Galaxy, from Torchlight creators Erich Schaefer and Travis Baldree at their new studio Double Damage, we were floored. How could we not be excited about a procedural space-faring single-player RPG adventure with a full economy, factional warfare system storyline, and endless replayability? Turns out, our hunch was right and Rebel Galaxy is one hell of a game. But it won't be for everyone. Read on for our review.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire Early Access Begins

Posted: 18 Oct 2015 06:07 PM PDT

Knights of the Fallen Empire Early Access Begins

Bioware has announced that early access for the Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire, is scheduled to kick off today. KotFE marks a return to storytelling and will come to players courtesy of nine chapters, new companions and new enemies. Early Access is for active subscribers between July and early October. To celebrate, the team has released a new trailer called "Alliance".

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