


General: R2Games Launches New Games Portal

Posted: 19 Oct 2015 07:43 AM PDT

R2Games Launches New Games Portal

R2Games is opening a brand new portal to all of their MMOs and is ready to celebrate with fans that will include swag of all kinds from iPads to t-shirts to a mystery prize worth up to $1000 USD.

Forsaken World Mobile: Babel Ascending Expansion Announced

Posted: 19 Oct 2015 07:40 AM PDT

Babel Ascending Expansion Announced

Fedeen Games has announced that Forsaken World Mobile will be expanding soon with Babel Ascending. Players will be able to check out the literal tower of Babel dungeon that features 100 floors with tons of monsters and epic loot. In addition, three new world bosses will be roaming around waiting for packs of players to find them and take them down.

Guild Wars 2: Countdown to Heart of Thorns Launch - Guild Halls

Posted: 19 Oct 2015 07:21 AM PDT

Countdown to Heart of Thorns Launch - Guild Halls

ArenaNet is preparing players for this week's launch of the Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns expansion by providing a summary and links to earlier blog posts about various features coming with the new content. Today's spotlight shines on Guild Halls.

Battleborn: A Mix of Genres, Ripe for MMO and RPG Fans

Posted: 18 Oct 2015 03:14 PM PDT

A Mix of Genres, Ripe for MMO and RPG Fans

A lot of our readers may not know it, but Gearbox and 2K's Battleborn are poised to bring a much-needed sense of co-op PVE to the land of competitive online shooters when the game launches in February. We reached out to Creative Director Randy Varnell to ask about Battleborn's more RPG and PVE sensibilities, and we think you'll like his answers...

Conquer Online 3: Kingdom War Expansion Launches!

Posted: 17 Oct 2015 10:39 AM PDT

Kingdom War Expansion Launches!

Conquer Online has expanded yet again with the successful launch of the Kingdom War content upgrade. After launching on October 15th, players have been working to grab the last Talisman, "Tempest Wings". In addition, server wars are raging with one invading another's cities and by launching military campaigns to plunder gold bricks.

Shroud of the Avatar: Music Peek, Zone Screens & Gallery of Wonderful Horrors

Posted: 17 Oct 2015 10:26 AM PDT

Music Peek, Zone Screens & Gallery of Wonderful Horrors

The latest Shroud of the Avatar newsletter has arrived that is packed to the rafters with a video showcase of the game's music system seen in the video below, a pair of zone profiles and an invitation to check out the Gallery of Wonderful Horrors.

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