


World of Warcraft: Time-Walking Rewards, Valor's Return & New Mounts

Posted: 14 Oct 2015 08:02 AM PDT

Time-Walking Rewards, Valor

The World of Warcraft community site has been updated with a preview of the next patch coming to the PTR soon that, while called a "small" patch, contains some important and interesting changes to time walking dungeons, the return of Valor as a currency, the end of Arena Season 2 and more.

Guild Wars 2: AARM's All Out Birthday Bash to Take Place November 1st

Posted: 14 Oct 2015 07:44 AM PDT


The largest guild in Guild Wars 2 is ready to throw open the doors for a celebration of its tenth year. Apocalyptic Armageddon (AARM) has over 2,000 members and has been integral in the Guild Wars 2 community since it arrived three years ago. AARM's home is the Tarnished Coast server and any players there are invited to take part in the games, entertainment and prizes being offered.

Guild Wars 2: ESL & ArenaNet Partner Up for 400k Tournament Series

Posted: 14 Oct 2015 07:12 AM PDT

ESL & ArenaNet Partner Up for 400k Tournament Series

ArenaNet and ESL have announced a partnership in the new ESL Guild Wars 2 Pro League with over $400,000 at stake over the course of the event. The prize pool will be divided over the next two seasons of competitive gaming.

Saga of Lucimia: A Return to the Roots of MMOs - Part 2

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 02:43 PM PDT

A Return to the Roots of MMOs - Part 2

And now for the continuation of this Saga of Lucimia developer journal. Don't forget to read Part One to get the whole picture, and understand our focus on community first.

MU Online: 14th Anniversary to Begin with New Season Update

Posted: 14 Oct 2015 07:00 AM PDT

14th Anniversary to Begin with New Season Update

Webzen has held a special press event to celebrate MU Online and its fourteen anniversary. Over its history, MU players have created 30 million characters and played for over 5.4 billion hours. As part of the event, Webzen announced that Season XI will be heading into the game soon that will include a new boss, a new armor set, new skills and much more. It is expected that Season XI will arrive in Spring 2016 for western players.

Black Desert: EU/NA Version to Be 'Buy to Play', Not Subscription or F2P

Posted: 14 Oct 2015 05:39 AM PDT

EU/NA Version to Be

It seems that the hopes of thousands of European and North American fans of Black Desert have just come true with the announcement that the alpha for the westernized version of the game is going to be starting soon.

Destiny: Microtransactions Hit Live Servers with 2.0.1 Update

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 04:13 PM PDT

Microtransactions Hit Live Servers with 2.0.1 Update

Destiny was updated earlier today with a significant patch that brings, among many other things, microtransactions into the game. Players will be able to meet Tess Everis to grab hold of some pretty cool emotes that are only available for real-world currency.

World of Warcraft: Darkmoon Faire Making a Trip to Blizzcon

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 03:08 PM PDT

Darkmoon Faire Making a Trip to Blizzcon

Blizzard has posted a new article on the Blizzcon site to let fans know that World of Warcraft's Darkmoon Faire will be making its way to Anaheim, California for this year's party on November 6th-7th.

General: For the King Triples Funding Goal with a Week Yet to Go

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 02:17 PM PDT

For the King Triples Funding Goal with a Week Yet to Go

IronOak Games has announced that it has not only met its initial funding goal, but has tripled it with over a week to go before the KickStarter initiative closes. To celebrate, the team has announced several new stretch goals that include a frozen realm, companion pets, special character skins and more.

Guild Wars 2: The Mad King Returns for His Annual Celebration

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 02:00 PM PDT

The Mad King Returns for His Annual Celebration

The Guild Wars 2 team has announced that the annual Shadow of the Mad King event will be returning to Tyria on Friday, October 23rd. Players will be able to take part in a number of activities to score holiday swag, face off against 'grisly monsters' and much more.

TERA: The Lost Isle Halloween Giveaway!

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 01:35 PM PDT

The Lost Isle Halloween Giveaway!

MMORPG.com and En Masse Entertainment have partnered to give you some cool in game gifts for TERA while they kick off their brand new update "The Lost Isle!" These gift keys will give players a Pumpkin Mask, a 7 day mount "Boneshaker" and more! Get your key now while supplies last!

World of Tanks: XBox One to 360 Comparison

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 04:04 AM PDT

XBox One to 360 Comparison

World of Tanks had been on the XBox 360 for a long time, even when the XBox One was announced. Now it has made the leap up to the new console and XBox One players are lining up to buy tanks, shoot it out, and crush some walls along the way.

Crowfall: Todd Coleman on Crowfall’s First Pre-Alpha Lessons Learned

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 10:45 AM PDT

Todd Coleman on Crowfall

With the first Pre-Alpha test having wrapped up just a week or so ago, we caught up with ArtCraft's Todd Coleman to chat about the lessons learned, the next step of Pre-Alpha, and what Todd thinks about the current state of MMOs. Read on for the full interview!

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Hearts of Stone Expansion Launches

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 11:36 AM PDT

Hearts of Stone Expansion Launches

CD Projekt Red has announced that the Hearts of Stone expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has officially launched. The expansion brings over ten hours of new game play to the critically acclaimed title.

Das Tal: It's No Trick -- 9 Day Event to Start on October 31st

Posted: 13 Oct 2015 11:30 AM PDT


The Das Tal team is ready to unleash a big new update during a nine-day event for development supporters, testers and clans. Beginning October 31st, two servers will be active, one in North America and one in Central Europe. Players will be able to check out months' worth of upgrades and overhauls to some systems and to the introduction of new ones.

Saga of Lucimia: A Return to the Roots of MMOs - Part 1

Posted: 11 Oct 2015 08:10 PM PDT

A Return to the Roots of MMOs - Part 1

In this month's dev journal, were going to talk about the most recent round of alpha testing for the Saga of Lucimia, as well as upcoming goals for the next monthly build, and cover some of what we have been working on for over the past year and a half building the game up from scratch.

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