


World of Tanks: Blitz Players Embark on Rise of Continents Event

Posted: 29 Sep 2015 07:52 AM PDT

Blitz Players Embark on Rise of Continents Event

Mobile World of Tanks: Blitz players have kicked off the Rise of Continents event sponsored by Sennheiser. During the event, each region will be working collectively to accomplish goals including most tanks destroyed, most victories, etc. Commanders demonstrating exceptional skills in battle also have the chance to win various Sennheiser headsets.

WildStar: Ready, Set, Go! Free-to-Play Version Launches

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 03:23 PM PDT

Ready, Set, Go! Free-to-Play Version Launches

NCSoft and Carbine Studios are pleased to announce that today marks the free-to-play iteration of WildStar. The game launches with a host of quality of life improvements, updated features and systems and much, much more. To celebrate the F2P launch, Carbine has released a brand new trailer.

WildStar: Hitting the Ground Running - Bill Live at Midnight Eastern!

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 04:29 PM PDT

Hitting the Ground Running - Bill Live at Midnight Eastern!

WildStar is ready to go with the free to play version that has been kept under wraps for the last several months. Set to go live at midnight Eastern / 9:00 pm Pacific, our own Bill Murphy will be on hand to show you exactly what Carbine has been up to and why you will want to become one of the faithful.

General: Preta Mobile RPG Debuts in Select Nations

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 03:02 PM PDT

Preta Mobile RPG Debuts in Select Nations

Nexon Korea has announced the "soft launch" of its action adventure RPG, Preta. The game is available for Android devices in Australia, Canada, India, Mexico, Russia, Spain and Thailand.

Runescape: DarkScape - An Opportunity to Create a Game that Embraces PvP

Posted: 27 Sep 2015 02:50 PM PDT

DarkScape - An Opportunity to Create a Game that Embraces PvP

With the launch of DarkScape, a hardcore PvP version of RuneScape, Jagex has given players free rein to take part in no-holds barred player vs player action in a shadowy world reminiscent of the gentler version. We spoke with Jagex's Conor Crowley to find out more.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Hearts of Stone Adds More Everything to the Witcher 3

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 12:08 PM PDT

Hearts of Stone Adds More Everything to the Witcher 3

Hearts of Stone is the first of several planned expansions to this year's phenomenal RPG, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. We reached out to CDProjektRed with some questions about what we can expect from the add-on, and we were not disappointed with the answers.

General: ArenaNet's Eric Flannum Joins Amazon Game Studios

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 11:40 AM PDT


Former Guild Wars 2 lead designer Eric Flannum has announced via a LinkedIn recruitment article that he has joined Amazon Game Studios in its Seattle location. Flannum was with ArenaNet for ten years. Amazon Game Studios is ramping up development on its as-yet unannounced title.

Guild Wars 2: The Gang's All Here - Guild Week Begins

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 11:12 AM PDT

The Gang

ArenaNet's Rubi Bayer will be on hand all week on the Guild Wars 2 Twitch.tv channel to show off some of the upcoming guild functionality coming with the Heart of Thorns expansion set to be released at the end of October.

General: The Five Best MMOs for New Players

Posted: 27 Sep 2015 06:41 AM PDT

The Five Best MMOs for New Players

Jumping into a new MMO can be an intimidating experience for even the most seasoned players, especially those who have little familiarity with MMORPGs in general. Most of us on the site play MMOs like doing so is our job, and yet there are still some times when I start up a new game, or an existing one that I haven't touched in a while, and feel the familiar sense of panic when I see how many skills or activities are available.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Hearts of Stone Trailer Paves Way for October Release

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 10:29 AM PDT

Hearts of Stone Trailer Paves Way for October Release

CD Projekt Red has released a new trailer from the upcoming expansion to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Called "Hearts of Stone", the expansion sends players on a ten-hour jaunt into little traveled locations already present in the game. Hearts of Stone is set for an October 13th release. See what you think in today's latest trailer and let us know what you think.

Albion Online: How We Did It - Map Design from a Developer's Perspective

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 10:22 AM PDT

How We Did It - Map Design from a Developer

The Albion Online team has posted a brand new developer diary to show the community the intricate process of map and level design. The blog goes into detail about the initial steps in creating maps through completion.

Black Desert: Russian Version OBT Dated for October 12th

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 10:13 AM PDT

Russian Version OBT Dated for October 12th

GameNet has announced that the open beta for Black Desert Online will begin on October 12th. The team will be on hand this weekend during Russia's Igromir games festival where players can interact with both BDO and the publishing team. GameNet will reveal more details soon.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen: Seed Funding Achieved - Game Development to Continue

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 09:50 AM PDT

Seed Funding Achieved - Game Development to Continue

Visionary Realms has announced that it has secured seed funding to continue the development of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. According to Venture Beat, the funding will see the game extended beyond the currently available ten fully playable levels that exist.

Chronicles of Elyria: Contracts and Player-Created Professions

Posted: 28 Sep 2015 01:55 AM PDT

Contracts and Player-Created Professions

Contracts give power back to the players, enabling an infinite number of character-driven occupations. The foundation for marriages, guilds, trade agreements, in-game mail systems, families, and even governments, contracts make Chronicles of Elyria one of the first true sandbox MMOs.

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