


World of Warcraft: 6.2 PvP Hotfix To Champion's Strongboxes

Posted: 18 Jul 2015 09:59 AM PDT

6.2 PvP Hotfix To Champion

Due to recent player feedback, Blizzard has announced a series of changes to PvP rewards at Ashran and Rated Battlegrounds in World of Warcraft.

Second Life: Linden Labs Looks to the Future of Online Experiences

Posted: 18 Jul 2015 11:53 AM PDT

Linden Labs Looks to the Future of Online Experiences

Back in 2003, San Francisco's Linden Labs led the charge when it came to virtual reality. Unlike other online products, its platform, Second Life, wasn't just a game; it was a means of realizing any and all kinds of online fantasies. Second Life held steady through a decade's worth of digital trends, but now with a new generation of VR technology on the horizon, Linden has a new platform that's once again poised to take the lead.

Granado Espada Online: New Era Episode 1 For EU Version

Posted: 18 Jul 2015 09:41 AM PDT

New Era Episode 1 For EU Version

EuroGameZ has announced New Era Episode 1 for Granado Espada Europe, which will contain new story, character, raid monster, areas and missions.

Star Citizen: Alpha 1.1.5 PTU Now Available

Posted: 17 Jul 2015 07:23 PM PDT

Alpha 1.1.5 PTU Now Available

RSI has just posted on the Star Citizen site that the 1.1.5 Alpha is now available on the Public Test Universe (PTU).

Star Citizen: FPS Module in 3-5 Weeks According to Roberts

Posted: 18 Jul 2015 03:24 PM PDT

FPS Module in 3-5 Weeks According to Roberts

GamersNexus.net has a comprehensive video interview with Star Citizen's Chris Roberts. The focus of the interview is on the first person shooter module that was recently delayed indefinitely. That has changed, however, with Roberts indicating that it will be out in three, four or five weeks, perhaps coinciding with Gamescom.

Civilization Online: Industrial Age Gameplay Videos Arrive

Posted: 18 Jul 2015 03:15 PM PDT

Industrial Age Gameplay Videos Arrive

Steparu.com has a new article that contains three epic videos from Civilization Online, one that features PvP, PvE and PvP RvR. If you're a fan, you definitely don't want to miss these.

General: Guild of Dungeoneering Review: Casual, Friendly and Drama Free

Posted: 18 Jul 2015 10:10 AM PDT

Guild of Dungeoneering Review: Casual, Friendly and Drama Free

Guild of Dungeoneering is a beautifully simplistic strategy RPG that hearkens to the many days spent with table-top RPGs. With a gorgeous but minimal art style, addictive progression, and loads of charm this might be the perfect game for just about all of you out there.

SMITE: PC And Xbox One World Championships Announced

Posted: 17 Jul 2015 02:33 PM PDT

PC And Xbox One World Championships Announced

Hi-Rez Studios, working in partnership with Microsoft, has announced the SMITE world championships for both PC and Xbox One that are to take place in Atlanta, Georgia, from January 7th to January 10th, 2016.

Phantasy Star Online 2: Region Lock Reportedly Removed

Posted: 18 Jul 2015 08:51 AM PDT

Region Lock Reportedly Removed

MMOsite.com is reporting that the region lock has been removed from the SEA version of Phantasy Star Online 2. Players can now access the game without the use of a VPN.

General: WEBZEN's Blazing Summer Festival Begins

Posted: 17 Jul 2015 02:23 PM PDT


From now to July 28th players of all WEBZEN's MMOs will be able to access the new summer events that include online card game at the WEBZEN site that can reward players with in-game items as they accumulate wins and a number of in-game events.

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