


The Division: E3 2015 - It Looks Damned Good & Highly Addictive

Posted: 18 Jun 2015 03:24 AM PDT

E3 2015 - It Looks Damned Good & Highly Addictive

The Division has been one of my most anticipated games for quite some time. It feels like years really. That's why I I started foaming at the mouth when Ubisoft asked if I wanted to get some hands-on time with the game. I'm pretty sure I had to be resuscitated.

World of Warcraft: Patch v6.2 to Drop on June 23rd

Posted: 17 Jun 2015 03:33 PM PDT

Patch v6.2 to Drop on June 23rd

Blizzard has laid out the schedule for the v6.2 patch and the addition of the raids in Hellfire Citadel, the next tier in World of Warcraft. Patch v6.2 will officially launch on Tuesday, June 23rd along with the Hellfire Citadel Normal and Heroic difficulties. Mythic difficulty and Raid Finder wings will open in the weeks following the patch deployment.

Overwatch: Winston Shown in New Gameplay Trailer

Posted: 17 Jun 2015 12:45 PM PDT

Winston Shown in New Gameplay Trailer

Blizzard has released the latest in it series of gameplay videos featuring the heroes from Overwatch. This time, big boy Winston takes center stage. Winston plays on the attacking team in Watchpoint: Gibraltar, a Payload map set in an abandoned Overwatch outpost perched above the Mediterranean Sea.

Camelot Unchained: Reviewing the Progress

Posted: 15 Jun 2015 07:33 PM PDT

Reviewing the Progress

I'm going to touch on some top secret information...information that many Bothans died to bring me...information that came from the latest Camelot Unchained update! Ok so it's not really secret since I share it with roughly twenty thousand Camelot Unchained backers and whoever reads the newsletter and updates on the CU website once they are added.

Elder Scrolls Online: The XP Boost Potion

Posted: 15 Jun 2015 06:27 PM PDT

The XP Boost Potion

Earlier this week, Monday to be exact, Zenimax implemented something that typically has a bit of controversy around it. Experience Boost potions, I'm completely against anything that increases your leveling experience however the way ZOS implemented it is probably one of the best ways I've seen it done.

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