


Guild Wars 2: E3 2015 - Guild Halls Are Coming!

Posted: 15 Jun 2015 08:56 PM PDT

E3 2015 - Guild Halls Are Coming!

Let's get this out of the way: by the time you're reading this, Heart of Thorns will have just gone on sale, so get yourself to the Guild Wars 2 website (or really, ANYWHERE) and pick yourself up a preorder.

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Pre-Purchase Begins & Guild Hall Video

Posted: 15 Jun 2015 07:28 PM PDT

Heart of Thorns Pre-Purchase Begins & Guild Hall Video

ArenaNet has announced that the Guild Wars 2 expansion, Heart of Thorns, is now available for pre-purchase that will include access to beta weekend events and in-game items that will be awarded in game. The expansion can be pre-purchased in three packages: $49.99, $74.99 and $99.99.

Pillars of Eternity: The White March Expansion Announced

Posted: 15 Jun 2015 08:10 PM PDT

The White March Expansion Announced

During this week's PC Gaming Show, Obsidian Entertainment announced the first expansion to Pillars of Eternity. Called "The White March", the expansion is "a whole lot more Eternity" with more companions, a level cap increase, more dialog, etc. It will be more than the first game.

Crowfall: Creating the Centaur

Posted: 15 Jun 2015 06:23 PM PDT

Creating the Centaur

The Crowfall team has posted its latest in a series of videos to show the behind-the-scenes creative process that has gone into creating the Centaur, one of the game's archetypes. Check it out!

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: Heavensward Launch Trailer Paves Way for June 23 Release

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 01:10 PM PDT

Heavensward Launch Trailer Paves Way for June 23 Release

During Square Enix's E3 press conference, the official Heavensward launch trailer was shown by the Final Fantasy XIV team. Heavensward is slated to arrive on Tuesday, June 23rd. Let us know what you think!

General: The Influence of Players on Game Design

Posted: 15 Jun 2015 03:54 PM PDT

The Influence of Players on Game Design

The recent debate over flying in Warlords of Draenor has the blogosphere considering an important question: how much of an MMO belongs to the players, and how much should be left in the hands of the developers?

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: New Cinematic Trailer & a 2016 Release Revealed

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 12:34 PM PDT

New Cinematic Trailer & a 2016 Release Revealed

Fans of Deus Ex will be thrilled to hear that a brand new cinematic trailer for Deux Ex: Mankind Divided has been released at this week's E3. The video contains a bit of gameplay and in-game vistas that just might make your mouth water in anticipation of its release in 2016.

EverQuest II: Time-Locked Expansion Servers Announced

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 12:05 PM PDT

Time-Locked Expansion Servers Announced

Daybreak Game Studio wants to put players in control of the game they are playing. With that in mind, the EverQuest II team is introducing something called "time-locked progression servers" in both PvE and PvP flavors.

General: The Daily Quest: Is There Anything New Under the Sun?

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 06:32 AM PDT

The Daily Quest: Is There Anything New Under the Sun?

So the big revelations for this year's E3 are out there. EA, Ubisoft, Bethesda and Square Enix have all shown off their stable of games with a lot of excitement generated and yet, it all feels a little hollow. Are we in 2015 or 2009 or somewhere in the 2002? What I mean is that it seems like it's the same titles, the same games, the same characters coming back yet again.

General: June MTD MMO Rumor Power Rankings

Posted: 15 Jun 2015 03:44 PM PDT

June MTD MMO Rumor Power Rankings

Rumors don't come my way nearly as often as they did when I was a full-time editor, but even so, it's unusual for more than a few days to pass without seeing any. The period immediately before E3, which opens up today, has always occasioned an uptick in volume, so unsurprisingly, that has happened again this year.

Crowfall: Over $2M Raised via Crowd Funding

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 10:39 AM PDT

Over $2M Raised via Crowd Funding

Artcraft has announced that it has raised over two million dollars in crowd-funding for its forthcoming MMO, Crowfall. Over nineteen thousand backers have contributed to the cause.

Echo of Soul: Preview - Not Bad, But Nothing New Either

Posted: 15 Jun 2015 03:35 PM PDT

Preview - Not Bad, But Nothing New Either

Echo of Soul is a free-to-play fantasy-themed MMORPG that was originally released in Korea in 2013 and now is making its way to North America and Europe with Aeria Games. The game's story tells of a goddess who sacrificed her life to save the world, causing her body to disperse into souls scattered across all of its inhabitants which later has a play in the game's key feature: Soul Skill system.

World of Tanks: Launching July 28th for Xbox One

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 08:43 AM PDT

Launching July 28th for Xbox One

Wargaming has announced that the XBox One version of World of Tanks will be launching on July 28th. In addition to the core gameplay, both XBox One and XBox 360 will be able to engage in cross-platform warfare.

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