Charity-Driven Game Sustainaville Enters Closed Beta Posted: Sustainaville, a charity-driven game for mobile, PC and Mac, has entered closed beta testing. The new game, developed by Good Games Productions, will donate all proceeds from in-game purchases directly to the international children's charity. Access the closed beta HERE.  |
Ar: pieL Closed Beta Has Begun on June 25th Posted: Nexon Korea kicked off the Closed Beta Ar: pieL on June 25th in South Korea with a new traler. Seem from the video, players can decorate the room. In fact, classroom, library, dormitory and other outdoor places are introduced in this Beta.  |
Rush of Heroes: The Top 1 Grossing Action-filled RPG in Multiple Countries Posted: Join Rush of Heroes, THE ULTIMATE Action RPG with high-quality 3D visual effects and fully interactive battles. Command a really self-aware team of heroes in their quest to fight monsters and epic bosses for the sake of awesome treasure  |
WildStar's Update Brings Major Game Enhancements and Rewards Program Posted: Following the announcement that the critically-acclaimed MMO WildStar is going free-to-play, Ncsoft and Carbine Studios have released further information on the game's new payment model, detailing upcoming improvements to the game experience and outlining a unique rewards program for players who make investments in the game. Coming to players this fall, the update will be the biggest one yet.  |
Overwatch Reveals The Lastest Gameplay Hero Zarya Posted: Zarya is not strange to us, she has just been unveiled at the latest Pax East. And recently, Overwatch has revealed a nearly 10-min gameplay video about her, in which we can learn more about Zarya's abilities.  |
Soul Purification, Soul Skills, and Chaos Souls in Echo of Soul Posted: This soul tastic guide goes over Chaos Souls, Soul Purification and Soul Skills, unique concepts to Echo of Soul that you'll need to master to be a true soulkeeper  |
3D Action MMORPG Closers Online JP CBT Starts in July Posted: Naddic Games has announced that Closers Online gets their Japan exclusive publisher SEGA. The First Closed Beta in Japan will take place in July. Three characters Striker Seha Lee, Ranger Yuri Seo and Caster Seulbi Lee may be playable  |
Lilith Games' Soul Hunter Launches Today on iOS and Android Posted: Chinese game developer Lilith Games announced today that its internationally acclaimed mobile CCBG Soul Hunters is now available for download across mobile platforms in the West  |
New Fashion Shadow Hunter Comes to TERA [KR] Posted: Today the Korean server of TERA unveiled a new fashion named Shadow Hunter.  |
Vainglory Officially Releases July 2nd, Adds Android Support Posted: While Vainglory, the made-for-mobile MOBA, has been out for a while now, it hasn't 'officially' launched according to its developers, Super Evil Mecacorp (SEM). Bo Daly, SEM CEO and co-founder, explains that if Vainglory was a PC title, July 2nd would be the day it would come out of beta.  |
Echo of Soul - The Journey to Level 60 Posted: My level 1-60 experience to say the least has been pretty straight forward and very easy to get into, this game has a very minimal amount of time wasting in terms of no running back and forth between quest hubs.  |
Skyforge Reveals New Open World Zone, Eskenian Peninsula Posted: Obsidian Entertainment and Allods Team have released a brand new video showcasing the Eskenian Peninsula, the latest sprawling open world location in the upcoming Sci-fi fantasy MMORPG, Skyforge. The Eskenian Peninsula is one beautiful and idyllic coastal region before the local wildlife became hostile and inhabitants became threatened by hordes of Demons that have escaped from ancient seals in nearby temples.  |
To Prove Your Talent in Blade and Soul NA/EU Costume Contest Posted: If you think you have a talent for designing or drawing, it's time share it to Blade and Soul NA/EU! Blade and Soul NA/EU has annnounced the costume contest recently, and it will be available until July 5th 2015. The designs of winners will be released in the game! And here is their details of the event.  |
DRAGON QUEST VI is Available on Android and iOS Now Posted: DRAGON QUEST VI: Realms of Revelation, SQUARE ENIX's classic role-playing game (RPG), is now available on compatible Android and iOS devices.  |
Black Desert Beast Master's New Video Revealed Posted: DAUM today released a brand-new video for Black Desert female chracter Beast Master that displays the appearance and explains the gamplay skills again for us. Beast Master first arrived in Black Desert Korea server at the end of January this year.  |
Minecraft World Record Starring Starcraft's Kerrigan Posted: The Minecraft Pixel Art has come to an insane record. The Pixel Art King Thorlar, who streamed the building process on Twitch managed to recreate the wallpaper from BlizzCon 2010, by using 1,128,960 blocks.  |