
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Most Useful Heroes for Newbies in Heroes of the Storm


Most Useful Heroes for Newbies in Heroes of the Storm

Heroes of the Storm has been officially launched for a certain time. As Blizzard's MOBA game, Heroes of the Storm includes all the famous characters from Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo. And what are the favorite heroes of HotS newbies? Let's check them out!

Castle Clash Update: More levels, New character!


Castle Clash Update: More levels, New character!

IGG has announced a massive update for one of its most beloved titles, Castle Clash. This update will feature a massive expansion of the top tier of the game. The cap on Hero levels, Hero Skill levels, and Building levels will all be raised.

E3 2015: The Divsion CBT Will Launch in Dec, Officially Release in Next Year


E3 2015: The Divsion CBT Will Launch in Dec, Officially Release in Next Year

The Division isn't coming to us soon, but we have a good news of this shooter at this year's E3. Today, Ubisoft has announced that Xbox One players can have an advance look at this game in December.

Riot Donating LCS Tournament Fines to LGBTQ Charity


Riot Donating LCS Tournament Fines to LGBTQ Charity

Riot Games, the creators of League Of Legends, has pledged the $31,850 it collected in fines during the 2014 The League of Legends Championship Series to The Trevor Project, a charity that provides a national 24-hour, toll free confidential suicide hotline for gay and questioning youth.

Gunslinger Stratos: Reloaded's Open Beta Coming on August 6th


Gunslinger Stratos: Reloaded's Open Beta Coming on August 6th

Square Enix has announced that Gunsligner Stratos: Reloaded will start its Open Beta test on 6 August. Besides, a Pre-Open Beta phase will take place from August 1st to August 2nd, which will be only for players who sign up now. Gunslinger Stratos: Reloaded is only available in Japan now and there is no word on an English launch.

C9 - Lord of Baltic Teaser Trailer Revealed


C9 - Lord of Baltic Teaser Trailer Revealed

A teaser trailer for Lord of Baltic, the fifth expansion for the dungeon-based MORPG, C9, is released by WEBZEN.

Alpha 6 Goes Live in Supernova Today


Alpha 6 Goes Live in Supernova Today

Today, Alpha 6 goes live in BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America's Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game for PC, Supernova

E3 2015: The Elder Scrolls: Legends is a Strategy Card Game


E3 2015: The Elder Scrolls: Legends is a Strategy Card Game

During pre-E3 press conference, Bethesda announced that The Elder Scrolls: Legends is a strategy card game, which will be released onto PC and iPad later this year. The game is based on The Elder Scrolls franchise.

ELITE Will Be One of the First 'Early Access' Game via XBOX ONE Game Preview Program


ELITE Will Be One of the First 'Early Access' Game via XBOX ONE Game Preview Program

Frontier CEO David Braben announced that Elite: Dangerous will be one of the first 'early access' games available on console for Xbox One's new Game Preview Program. And he also announced Close Quarter Combat – instant-action PVP combat in the Elite: Dangerous galaxy for PC, Mac and Xbox One at E3.

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Knights of the Fallen Empire Announced at E3 2015


Star Wars: The Old Republic - Knights of the Fallen Empire Announced at E3 2015

Today the producer of Star Wars: The Old Republic stepped into the E3 stage and announced the next expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire for the game

E3 2015: Closed Beta for Gigantic Coming This August


E3 2015: Closed Beta for Gigantic Coming This August

Published by Microsoft and developed by Motiga, Gigantic's closed beta will kick off in August on both Windows 10 and Xbox One. This test will feature North American and European servers when it starts, and will officially support Spanish, German, and French in-game with more languages and more regions to come.

Rush of Heroes Launches Globally on Google Play Store


Rush of Heroes Launches Globally on Google Play Store

Firefly Games today announced the release of action RPG, Rush of Heroes, free to download on the Google Play Store for Android devices

A Loyal Fan Designs a Series of Stamps for Warcraft


A Loyal Fan Designs a Series of Stamps for Warcraft

A Chinese WoW player has made a series of stamps for World of Warcraft. Eventhough designing these stamps are quite easy, it still shows the love for WoW. Here are his design works, check them out!

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited PS4 Extended Look!


The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited PS4 Extended Look!

In this live extended look, Zach Sharpes dives into Tamriel once again to give you his first impressions of The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited for the PS4. In this first impressions, the first part of the game will be covered, along with the controls, graphics, and gameplay.

Speak out the Love of Revelation with Angelababy


Speak out the Love of Revelation with Angelababy

On the evening of June 13, a shining Angelababy Love Revelation lighted the sky of beautiful Pearl River

E3 2015: Telltale Announced 'The Walking Dead: Michonne'


E3 2015: Telltale Announced 'The Walking Dead: Michonne'

Telltale Games has announced at their E3 press conference that they will release a new miniseries called The Walking Dead: Michonne, featuring the popular sword-wielding character from the comics and TV series.

Echo of Soul Korean Server's New Update Brings Chinese Style Fashion


Echo of Soul Korean Server's New Update Brings Chinese Style Fashion

Recently, the Korean version of Echo of Soul received an update, with a new Chinese style fashion named Huarang released for all the classes.

Primo Gives You A Chance to See the Real Faces of the Women with Makeup


Primo Gives You A Chance to See the Real Faces of the Women with Makeup

Along with an increasing number of photography applications, cosmetic surgery and make-up emerges, the woman's face in the photographs online we see become more and more beautiful. I don't believe it's from good heredity at all. What if you want to see the real face of the woman you are dating, just in case you find a completely different face for the woman you get married to?!

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