


Firefall: The Future of Red 5 with Chris Whiteside

Posted: 24 May 2015 05:03 PM PDT

The Future of Red 5 with Chris Whiteside

Chris Whiteside is best known in the gaming industry as the former Lead Producer of ArenaNet on Guild Wars, then the Design Director for Guild Wars 2. After roughly five years, Chris decided to part with the Bellevue, Washington developer. He went into consultancy, but that only lasted a little bit as one of the companies he consulted for was Red 5 Studios, makers of hardpressed but excellent MMO Firefall.

Guild Wars 2: Watch our Heart of Thorns Livestream Tonight!

Posted: 26 May 2015 06:07 AM PDT

Watch our Heart of Thorns Livestream Tonight!

Today marks the first Closed Beta event for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns. Taking place over several two-hour periods, our own Bill Murphy will be livestreaming the last beta event beginning at 730pm PT, 1030pm ET. Come watch!

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Two Free DLC Coming This Week

Posted: 26 May 2015 06:07 AM PDT

Two Free DLC Coming This Week

CD Projekt Red has announced that a pair of free DLC will be released later this week. One includes a mission arc, the other an alternative appearance for Yennefer of Vengerberg.

Star Citizen: Data Leak Reveals the Bengal

Posted: 26 May 2015 03:00 AM PDT

Data Leak Reveals the Bengal

One of Star Citizen's most valuable ships is the carrier class Bengal. Intrepid fans uncovered a partial URL left by one of the staff that led to a huge data pile of images and footage of the Bengal. Once released into the wild via torrents, fans cobbled everything together to give a first hand look at an impressive ship. Check it out and let us know what you think.

ArcheAge: Character Transfers & Possible 'Non-Traditional' Mergers

Posted: 26 May 2015 02:54 AM PDT

Character Transfers & Possible

The Trion team spent the last couple of weeks visiting XLGames in Korea to discuss the way that player characters are transferred from one server to another. At the moment, it is a manual process but the team is working to release an automated option in the near future.

World of Warcraft: A Look at Itemization in WoW 6.2

Posted: 23 May 2015 06:34 PM PDT

A Look at Itemization in WoW 6.2

In an official post on the World of Warcraft site the team outlined new improvements coming in Patch 6.2 to how itemization will work. Essentially the two biggest changes are coming to the Personal Loot system and itemization improvements from bosses in the new Hellfire Citadel raid.

Guild Wars 2: Lion's Arch, The NEW City of Hope

Posted: 23 May 2015 06:24 PM PDT


It's been awhile since we last saw an installment to the living story, and the HoT expansion is still a good bit further down the road, we expect. Still, we can see how our past actions continue change, and evolve the world of Tyria. Scarlet left Lion's Arch in a mess, but now is the time to repair, rebuild, and look towards the future.

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