


General: Twitch Set to Stream the Best of MomoCon 2015

Posted: 21 May 2015 07:53 PM PDT

Twitch Set to Stream the Best of MomoCon 2015

MomoCon, an all ages convention taking place May 28th - 31st in Atlanta, Georgia, is growing like mad and announced this week that Twitch will be streaming the best panels of the con.

General: Abyss Dark Arisen Reveals Feature List

Posted: 21 May 2015 08:14 PM PDT

Abyss Dark Arisen Reveals Feature List

NGames revealed an exhaustive feature list for its new fantasy RPG Abyss Dark Arisen, covering everything from combat to equipment and PvE to PvP, insisting "battles will become more furious."

La Tale: New Episode - Genesis Stars Odin and Kazno

Posted: 21 May 2015 08:24 PM PDT

New Episode - Genesis Stars Odin and Kazno

2D fantasy MMO La Tale Friday launched a new episode that along with new story content, brings with it two new maps, a new UI revamp and a new Achievement system.

TERA: Free Crown of Gold Gift Key!

Posted: 22 May 2015 04:15 PM PDT

Free Crown of Gold Gift Key!

MMORPG.com has partnered with En Masse Entertainment to bring our community a special in game gift offer! If you redeem one of our special gift keys you will receive the cosmetic item "Crown of Gold" in game! Get your key now while supplies last!

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Closed Beta Event Coming on May 26th

Posted: 22 May 2015 02:35 PM PDT

Heart of Thorns Closed Beta Event Coming on May 26th

ArenaNet has announced that players who scored a portal to the Heart of Maguuma during the special event held recently in certain locations within the game will be invited to the closed beta for the Guild Wars 2 expansion Heart of Thorns. Players are reminded to keep an eye out on their email for special instructions.

ArcheAge: Rum Runner Rapids Event Scheduled for Summer

Posted: 22 May 2015 01:48 PM PDT

Rum Runner Rapids Event Scheduled for Summer

ArcheAge is teasing players with the news of the Rumrunner's Rapids event that will be ongoing this summer. During the event, players will be able to face off against one another in raft races to earn tokens to trade in for summer-themed items and prizes.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III: Steam Launch Day Arrives

Posted: 22 May 2015 01:28 PM PDT

Steam Launch Day Arrives

Neocore Games has announced that the final act in the three part story of Van Helsing has launched on Steam. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III brings to a close the story, with all three parts launching on this very day. To celebrate the game's release, Neocore has sent out a brand new trailer. Check it out!

General: The Heavensward Hype Train Keeps Going

Posted: 22 May 2015 08:17 AM PDT

The Heavensward Hype Train Keeps Going

Victor discusses some new videos as the hype train for Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward chugs along. Today's talk is less of me talking and more of you folks watching a bunch of videos. To wit, there are actually four videos we've got in store for you today with regard to Heavensward, so we'll start with the order they've been presented in YouTube, save for this one video that's already been shown in a previous news release.

Lord of the Rings Online: Summer Plans Include Server Merges & New Datacenters

Posted: 22 May 2015 12:57 PM PDT

Summer Plans Include Server Merges & New Datacenters

The Summer Producer's Letter has been published on the Lord of the Rings Online forum to give players a forward look at the happenings of the next several months.

General: 25 Tips for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Posted: 21 May 2015 04:01 PM PDT

25 Tips for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The day has finally arrived. The long awaited The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt hit store shelves this week and has quickly taken the gaming world by storm. The 200-hour playtime has panned out, the open world is rich with stories and hidden content, and the game as a whole can be taken as one of the achievements of this generation of video games. It's also deep. But never fear! We're here to help you get started with our own set of 25 handy tips.

EverQuest: Ragefire Progression Server Reopens

Posted: 22 May 2015 09:16 AM PDT

Ragefire Progression Server Reopens

Daybreak Game Company has announced that the Everquest progression server, Ragefire, has reopened. The server will run alongside current servers, but players will be able to experience the game as it was at launch in 1999 and as expansions launched over the years.

Age of Conan: Unchained: Shadow of Vanaheim - Matthew Bennett Interview

Posted: 21 May 2015 03:49 PM PDT

Shadow of Vanaheim - Matthew Bennett Interview

This week we had the chance to talk with Matthew Bennett from the Age of Conan team on the game's seventh anniversary and their recent update, Shadow of Vanaheim. The game has come a long way over its lifespan and still maintains a loyal audience. Players continue to return for updates and remain active with the achievement system and PvP. With Shadows, the team was able to unlock more areas of the Hyborian world and offer players a unique story to experience.

Star Trek Online: Captain Nog to Participate in the Iconian Wars

Posted: 22 May 2015 08:51 AM PDT

Captain Nog to Participate in the Iconian Wars

Cryptic has announced that Aron Eisenburg, aka Captain Nog from Deep Space Nine, will be joining the cast of Star Trek Online to take the fight to the Iconians. Eisenburg joins Robert McNeill and Lisa LoCicero who are also bringing their iconic characters into the game.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Make 100k Crowns in About an Hour

Posted: 22 May 2015 07:56 AM PDT

Make 100k Crowns in About an Hour

Financial schemers on console have figured out a way to gain about 100,000 Crowns in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It takes about an hour and comes via an exploit that can be seen as somewhat tedious, but that can net some big bucks from virtual NPCs.

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