


Camelot Unchained: IT Testing Could Lead to New Beta Event

Posted: 16 May 2015 08:01 AM PDT

IT Testing Could Lead to New Beta Event

The Camelot Unchained site has been updated with the news that a special IT testing event is ongoing through today, Saturday, May 16th that, if successful, could lead to another beta-backer event later this month. The current IT event is open to IT and alpha testers.

General: Saga of Lucimia Shows Off Character Creation

Posted: 16 May 2015 07:56 AM PDT

Saga of Lucimia Shows Off Character Creation

The Saga of Lucimia team was on Twitch.tv recently to show off character creation in the forthcoming MMO. The footage was taken from a rough build of the pre-alpha client. Check it out on the Saga of Lucimia Twitch page.

General: Of Faith, Poetics, and Preorders

Posted: 14 May 2015 04:54 PM PDT

Of Faith, Poetics, and Preorders

The past two weeks have actually been quite calm in terms of big announcements, but Square Enix has made some changes to extend the bridge to more level 50 players seeking to complete the story in preparation for the expansion.

General: Supernova Alpha Test Key Giveaway!

Posted: 15 May 2015 03:26 PM PDT

Supernova Alpha Test Key Giveaway!

MMORPG.com and Bandai Namco are pleased to present a special opportunity for our community to participate in the alpha test of Supernova - an all new sci-fi MOBA game on the PC platform. Get your key while supplies last!

General: 10 Reasons to Get Hyped for The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt

Posted: 14 May 2015 04:57 PM PDT

10 Reasons to Get Hyped for The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is almost upon us! Can you hear it? That's the collective sound of millions of players chomping at the bit to get their hands on this bad boy. We here at the RPG Files are already basking in the deep, warm waters of pre-release excitement and think you should be too, so we're dedicating this column to the reasons why you're right to be excited. Read on and see if yours made the list!

Hex: Say Hello to the Armies of Myth Card Set

Posted: 15 May 2015 06:49 AM PDT

Say Hello to the Armies of Myth Card Set

The third set of cards for HEX is just around the corner, and we're pleased to reveal to you two of the brand new cards coming in the Armies of Myth set. Focusing on building up your deck's troops even more, the Armies of Myth set offers some truly unique new builds that focus on card synergy. Click past the break for a look at a new Coyotle troop and a brand new Orc as well.

General: Occulus Rift System Specs Revealed

Posted: 15 May 2015 11:39 AM PDT

Occulus Rift System Specs Revealed

The computer specifications for Occulus Rift sets have been revealed. According to GamesIndustry.biz, the specs should remain constant throughout the life of the hardware.

Sword Coast Legends: Even Halflings Can Be Scary - New Companion Profile Posted

Posted: 15 May 2015 11:34 AM PDT

Even Halflings Can Be Scary - New Companion Profile Posted

The Sword Coast Legends site has been updated with a new companion profile. This time Belamy Lightfingers takes center stage. He is a Halfling warrior with a particular bent for aggressive tactics. The post further goes into detail about the Halfling race including cultural aspects and physical appearances.

Wakfu: Join Us for a Special Live Stream Event

Posted: 15 May 2015 07:02 AM PDT

Join Us for a Special Live Stream Event

Our own Beau Hindman will be hosting a special live stream event with the Wakfu team to journey through the game world. You can check out all the action and grab a chance a special give away at 3:00 pm Eastern / noon Pacific today, Friday, May 15th.

General: Three Things MMOs Can Learn from Isometric RPGs

Posted: 14 May 2015 04:40 PM PDT

Three Things MMOs Can Learn from Isometric RPGs

As a fan of the Shadowrun setting and isometric RPGs in general, I find it ludicrous that I'm so late to the party with playing Shadowrun Returns, but I'm loving Harebrained Schemes' entry into the cyberpunk RPG genre. It manages to convincingly capture the Shadowrun ethos while, somewhat surprisingly, fit the game setting's mechanics into a modern isometric RPG mold.

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