


Guild Wars 2: Jon Peters on the Reaper Elite Spec

Posted: 15 May 2015 05:33 AM PDT

Jon Peters on the Reaper Elite Spec

Yesterday the Reaper was announced as the Necromancer's Elite Specialization in Guild Wars 2's upcoming Heart of Thorns expansion. We pestered ArenaNet's own Jon Peters for a little more detail on the spec, and this is what we managed to choke out of him.

Shadowrun Chronicles: Not the MMO We Were Expecting, But Still Fun

Posted: 14 May 2015 04:43 PM PDT

Not the MMO We Were Expecting, But Still Fun

The campaign exceeded its $500,000 goal, but, unfortunately, was delayed for quite a bit longer than anticipated until last week finally saw the release of the newly christened Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown. Thanks to years of feedback from hardcore Shadowrun players who backed the game, Shadowrun Chronicles evolved into something that is a bit different from the original Shadowrun Online idea.

Umbra: KickStarter Launches to Secure Funding

Posted: 15 May 2015 06:09 AM PDT

KickStarter Launches to Secure Funding

SolarFall Games has announced that a Kickstarter project has officially begun for Umbra, its open world, free progression action RPG. SolarFall hopes to secure nearly a quarter of a million dollars to complete development.

Gloria Victis: Port to Unity 5 Nears Completion

Posted: 15 May 2015 06:00 AM PDT

Port to Unity 5 Nears Completion

The Gloria Victis team has sent word that the port to Unity 5 is nearing completion and will be ready for release soon. Graphics show marked improvement as well as steady increases in FPS, better lighting effects, high quality textures and much more.

Divinity: Original Sin: Enhanced Edition Announced, Free to Current Owners

Posted: 15 May 2015 05:52 AM PDT

Enhanced Edition Announced, Free to Current Owners

Larian Studios has announced that a completely overhauled and remastered version of Divinity: Original Sin will be coming out soon and will be a no-cost addition to the game for players who already own the game. The enhanced edition will include controller support, split screen coop, and reimagined story with a brand new ending and more.

Warframe: Join Bill Tonight with Warframe's Rebecca Ford!

Posted: 14 May 2015 08:25 AM PDT

Join Bill Tonight with Warframe

The Den of Kubrow and its many many puppies are in full swing with Warframe. Tonight, our own Bill Murphy will play and chat with Digital Extremes' Community Manager (and voice of the Lotus) Rebecca Ford. Join them both as they check out the new content, talk about the present and future of Warframe, and give away some codes to redeem in the Warframe store as well!

Diablo 3: Cowpocalypse MOOving Into the Game World

Posted: 14 May 2015 02:41 PM PDT

Cowpocalypse MOOving Into the Game World

While Blizzard is moovelous at debunking the constant moomurs of a SECRET COW LEVEL, it appears that the bovine denizens of Khanduras beg to differ. From May 15th through May 21st, players are encouraged to moove into the game to try to discover whether this is udder nonsense or if there is something to these moovelous rumoors.

Heroes of the Storm: World Championships to Take Place at Blizzcon 2015

Posted: 14 May 2015 02:34 PM PDT

World Championships to Take Place at Blizzcon 2015

Blizzard has announced that the inaugural Heroes of the Storm World Championships will take place in Anaheim, California during Blizzcon 2015. Teams from around the world will be brought in to try their hand at grabbing a piece of the $1.2 million cash and prize pool.

Royal Quest: A World of Magic, Technology & Alchemy Arrives on Arc

Posted: 14 May 2015 02:20 PM PDT

A World of Magic, Technology & Alchemy Arrives on Arc

Royal Quest, the debut MMO from 1C Company and Katauri Interactive, has officially reached its release date on Perfect World's Arc platform. In Royal Quest, players battle in the world of Aura that is filled with magic, technology and alchemy.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: A Night to Remember - The Best Trailer Yet

Posted: 14 May 2015 01:46 PM PDT

A Night to Remember - The Best Trailer Yet

CD Projekt Red has unveiled a new cinematic trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt called "A Night to Remember". The trailer shows Geralt at his best doing the one thing he knows better than any other -- hunting. Check it out for some explosive action and gorgeous cinematics to get you excited for May 19th!

Black Desert: First Russian Closed Beta Event Coming This Month

Posted: 14 May 2015 01:15 PM PDT

First Russian Closed Beta Event Coming This Month

GameNet has announced that the first closed beta test for Black Desert Online in Russia will take place from May 28th to May 31st. Players can gain access to the CBT through a series of events, give aways and contests promoted by GameNet and will be the only players to try out some of the new content being specifically designed for the Russian community, most notably in PvP and leveling.

Crowfall: The Combat Combo Chains That Bind You

Posted: 12 May 2015 08:12 PM PDT

The Combat Combo Chains That Bind You

The Crowfall Combat Strike team has assembled in the Crow's Nest, a tactical team aimed at developing the next level of combo and action-based combat. Taking a mixture of the DCUO and TERA combat models as their North Star, Crowfall has found the starting point in designing their unique combat personality.

Overwatch: Mercy in Action in New Gameplay Video

Posted: 14 May 2015 12:37 PM PDT

Mercy in Action in New Gameplay Video

The latest in a series of gameplay videos designed to show off the heroes coming in Overwatch centers on Mercy, a healer extraordinaire. The unedited footage gives players an inside look at her fantastic powers. Check it out!

Destiny: House of Wolves Launch Trailer Unleashed

Posted: 14 May 2015 12:33 PM PDT

House of Wolves Launch Trailer Unleashed

Bungie has sent out the official launch trailer for Destiny: House of Wolves. The expansion will bring a new zone, new content, adventures and more to the game when it launches on Tuesday, May 19th.

Neverwinter: Lead Designer Scott Shicoff Talks Elemental Evil Changes

Posted: 14 May 2015 12:18 PM PDT

Lead Designer Scott Shicoff Talks Elemental Evil Changes

Neverwinter Lead Designer Scott Shicoff has penned a forward look at changes coming to the Elemental Evil module that caused an uproar with the community when it was released. Not long after, Shicoff apologized to the player base and promised that the game would be fixed. Making good on that promise, Shicoff wrote

Warframe: Welcome to the Den of Kubrow Bonus Weeks

Posted: 12 May 2015 08:08 PM PDT

Welcome to the Den of Kubrow Bonus Weeks

There are few things more satisfying than watching the small, innocent puppy you raised from birth grow into the strong and confident Grineer killing machine it was born to be.

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