Patch 6.2: Introducing Mythic Dungeons Posted: Patch 6.2 adds a new difficulty to 5-Player dungeons, called Mythic. This seems to be Blizzard's response to a faster gearing up for your alts; the ideal progression curve in Warlords should, after this feature is live, look like this:  |
Tree of Savior CBT2 is Still not Mature Enough Posted: It'quite a pity that western players can not experience Tree of Savior CBT2 in Korea. What does Tree of Savior CBT2 look like? How about Tree of Savior CBT2's new feature? Many of you guys may have the same questions. But thanks for Steparu's recent long detailed review about Tree of Savior CBT2 , we can get a further understanding about this test.  |
WoW Token Prices Per Region! Posted: WoW Token has been enabled on European realms on April, 21. The price was set to 35,000 gold. Currently after one week, the prices have been fluctuating between 29,382 gold up to 47,339 gold. The current buy price is 44,401 gold.  |
What Does Diablo III's Absence from Gamescom Predict? Posted: Blizzard has already announced it will attend this year's Games with its five iconic games: Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, StarCraft II, Overwatch, and World of Warcraft. And you may notice that Diablo III is the only one which is absent from Gamescom 2015. Does it really mean that there's nothing new about Diablo III? Or maybe Blizzard is preparing a next big thing of Diablo III?  |
Bleach Online: Yuan to the Dollar Americans being ripped off Posted: I have many problems with pay2win. But I think one of the most blantantly wrong pay2win. Is when it affects whole countries before you even have a chance to play. It's the most obvious in this game. Where you pay by ration according to where you live.  |
New MMORPG Rodinia War CBT starts on May 7th Posted: The Asian Ons On Sofr company has decided to launch in the European market an interesting online project - Rodinia War . The first phase of closed beta testing will start on May 7 .A new toy in the genre of MMORPG projects with strategy elements. The fact that half of the game you'll play in the strategy of the game and look at the world from above, while the battles themselves will take place in a full 3D.  |
Heroes of the Storm: Weekly Sale Posted: Another new week in the Nexus, means also a new Weekly Sale. This week, the following items were placed on sale; they can be bought by visiting the Heroes in-game Shop:  |
Nanbo's Skyforge 3rd Closed Beta Review Posted: Hello MMOSITE readers and welcome to my Skyforge 3rd Closed Beta Review. Skyforge is upcoming mmorpg. Already released in Russia under, Skyforge has promised a fresh take on the mmorpg genre with a sci-fi / fantasy theme free to play game. So how is the game coming along for the western installation? Read on to find out!  |
Stormthrone Guide: 3 Races Posted: Stormthrone is the latest MMORPG released by R2Games recently. There are 3 races in game for players to choose  |