


General: New Games and Old Tricks

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 02:13 PM PDT

New Games and Old Tricks

This week on Tales from the Neighborhood we're looking at reviews and overviews for Pillars of Eternity and Crowfall, singing the praises of the current RPG market, and highlighting stories from the LOTRO and WildStar communities that you may have missed.

General: Nosgoth Players Welcomed to The Crucible

Posted: 30 Mar 2015 06:08 PM PDT

Nosgoth Players Welcomed to The Crucible

Square Enix has sent word that Nosgoth has been updated with a brand new map called The Crucible. The Crucible is filled with workshops, forges, arenas, slave pens and more. It will challenge even the toughest players. Check out the trailer to learn more about The Crucible.

Trove: Fish 'N' Ships Deployed

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 01:24 PM PDT


Trove players will want to head into the game to check out the latest update, Fish 'N' Ships. Players can now access fishing boats and take the battle to the high seas against pirates and head to the Treasure Isles. Trion has released a new trailer to show off Fish 'N' Chips. Check it out, me hearties!

Star Trek Online: Brand Spanking New Tier 6 Ships Arrive

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 01:14 PM PDT

Brand Spanking New Tier 6 Ships Arrive

The Star Trek Online site has been updated with a new blog penned by Lead Systems Designer Phil "Gorngonzolla" Zeleski. In it, Zeleski shows off three brand new Tier 6 ships: the Andromeda Class Exploration Cruiser, the Negh'Tev Heavy Battlecruiser, and the D'Khellra Battlecruiser Warbird.

Skyforge: High-End Progression Revealed in New Blog

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 12:42 PM PDT

High-End Progression Revealed in New Blog

Creative Director Alexander Mishulin has penned a new post that has been posted on the Skyforge site to give players new information about the end game and some of the goals for players at level cap.

Neverwinter: XBox One Version Arrives

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 12:06 PM PDT

XBox One Version Arrives

Perfect World and Cryptic Studios have announced that Neverwinter is now available for XBox One. Players can experience all of the content previously released including the base game, all playable characters up to the Scourge Warlock and through the Tyranny of Dragons expansion.

Guild Wars 2: Personal Story Restoration Detailed

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 12:00 PM PDT

Personal Story Restoration Detailed

A few weeks ago, ArenaNet announced that it would be restoring the Guild Wars 2 Personal Story, most notably replacing the deactivated "My Greatest Fear" story. In addition, steps from Chapter 8 were moved to Chapter 7 which created an issue with players not being able to access some content and gave a feeling of discontinuity to the overall story arc.

General: Nekro: Take Part as a Gleefully Evil Necromancer

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 11:45 AM PDT

Nekro: Take Part as a Gleefully Evil Necromancer

Nekro is a new game on Steam from indie developer darkForge Games. In Nekro, players take the part of a necromancer out to dominate the world by summoning demons and terrifying weapons of war. The development team call it a "fitting, if twisted, spiritual offspring of games like Dungeon Keeper, Myth: The Fallen Lords and Giants: Citizen Kabuto".

General: Game On #63 - Crowfall or Camelot: Unchained?

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 11:04 AM PDT

Game On #63 - Crowfall or Camelot: Unchained?

Welcome to another new episode of Game On! This week Chris and Ryan team up to talk about Skyforge banning P2W, Elder Scrolls Online's Buy to Play launch, Crowfall concluding their Kickstarter, and Camelot: Unchained's first gameplay video.

General: 5 MMOs You've Probably Never Played

Posted: 30 Mar 2015 04:50 PM PDT

5 MMOs You

I like nothing more than finding some weird or unknown MMO and presenting it like a baby to the world. That's how it happens in my head, at least, but the truth is that all of the MMOs I find and think "I discovered this!" were already discovered by someone else, or else they wouldn't have existed for me to find them! Still, it's important to show off indie or lesser-known MMOs to anyone I can.

Defiance: Armistice Festival Begins, Runs Through April 20th

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 10:00 AM PDT

Armistice Festival Begins, Runs Through April 20th

Defiance players will want to check in on the annual Armistice Festival, generally a time of peace but this year, the remembrance of those who fell during the battle of Defiance is being disrupted by Hulkers, Biomen, Volge and Hellbugs.

Dying Light: Beware the Antizin Injections

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 09:10 AM PDT

Beware the Antizin Injections

The Dying Light team has let players know that tomorrow, April 1st, it might be wise to use Antizin injections with caution. The injections have been producing some odd reactions in those using them. It seems these results will be for one day only.

Warhammer 40.000: Eternal Crusade: This Week in the Eternal Crusade

Posted: 30 Mar 2015 04:43 PM PDT

This Week in the Eternal Crusade

Greetings fellow Crusaders, and welcome to this week's look at the development of Eternal Crusade, a Warhammer 40K-based massive multiplayer third-person shooter. This week we are going to talk about Senior Producer Nathan Richardsson's latest State of the Crusade post, some recent news revealed on the Eternal Crusade twitch show, and some of the more interesting conversations taking place on the Eternal Crusade forums.

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