AZERA Online KR Is Updated with Level 45 Content Posted: MMORPG AZERA Online KR developed by Timber and published by SmileGate launches the biggest update recently. The level cap has been raised to 45 with large-scale battlefields, dungeons and new map Giant mountain.  |
Bandai Namco Partners with Sony Pictures to Produce a Pixels Mobile Game Posted: Bandai Namco today revealed a new partnership with Sony Pictures to release a mobile game adaptation of the upcoming live-action film, Pixels  |
World of Warcraft: Come Back to Old Dungeons in 6.2 with New Feature Timewalking Posted: Patch 6.2 is being tested on World of Warcraft PTR now, but many of us can't get this chance to experience this patch earlier. And thanks for Blizzard's recent post on, we can get a preview of Patch 6.2's new feature - Timewalking.  |
Mistwalker's The Last Story Collaboration Coming to Terra Battle Posted: Mistwalker Corporation's fans can anticipate a special update for the successful mobile and tablet role-playing game Terra Battle  |
Luna: Moonlight Thieves Released New Game Details and Screenshots Posted: Webzen has unveiled new details and screenshots of Fjord Snowfield and Ice Witch Tower for its new title: Luna: Moonlight Thieves. According to the post, it will enter its open beta test in the first half of this year.  |
Nexon KR Enters A Recruitment Trailer for MapleStory 2's Final Test Posted: As the launch date of MapleStory 2's final test is approaching, Nexon KR has released a new recruitment trailer for this CBT in order to showcase the new features in it. And we've already mentioned that there will be three new classes, mini-games, new gameplays in this upcoming CBT.  |
Say Goodbye to Fantasy MMORPG Grand Chase Posted: KOG Games today announced that the popular side-scrolling MMORPG fantasy epic Grand Chase will end service in North America today. Grand Chase launched in Korea 12 years ago and followed with a North American launch 7 years ago.  |
Blade and Soul CN New Update Preview: Farming System Posted: We've talked much about the upcoming update of Blade and Soul CN, apart from the new storyline, new instance zones, and other new features, there will be an important and interesting brand new gameplay - Farming System.  |
Skyforge Adds New PvP/Group Content Ahead of Closed Beta 3 Posted:, Obsidian and Allods Team will be launching the third closed beta session for Skyforge next week beginning on April 22nd at 7am PST and running to May 13th. Players who have purchased a Skyforge Founders Pack or received a Skyforge beta key will be able to join their fellow immortals to take on the latest new content, including:  |
Terra Battle Getting The Last Story Crossover Update Soon Posted: Terra Battle is getting an update that crosses the popular mobile title from Hironobu Sakaguchi with his acclaimed RPG, The Last Story. That's about all the info we'll have until tomorrow at 5:00 am PDT or an hour past noon in the UK, when NicoNico livestreams the full announcement.  |
Action RPG Crusaders Quest Unveils New Features in Fortress of Souls Posted: Crusaders Quest unveils new heroic quests, dungeons, and weapons in Fortress of Souls. Now start the quest to reconstruct the Soulbound Weapons and finally defeat the impossibly malicious machines of the Frozen Tundra!  |
Rift: Echo of Madness Awakens Goes Live Today Posted: Trion today announces that Rift's 3.2 patch is officially live, giving players a wealth of exciting new content and features  |
Dungeon Fighter Online Grandmaster lvl 70 Press Look Posted: Thanks to the Neople Dev team for hooking MMosite and me up. With these characters to show off high level fun. Today I'll just be showing Grandmaster. I'll do more as I gain more experience with the other classes. For now enjoy this one and the fun to be had :) I didn't expect to do this really. So I had to scramble and understand a end game build. I put something together on Grandmaster I was comfortable with. Then went out into the game world like a boss. I'll try to do a bit more better for the next few. Also figure out the higher level zones to hit.  |
Dissidia Final Fantasy New Character Artworks Preview Posted: Dissidia Final Fantasy released many new character artworks, including Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy, Onion Knight from Final Fantasy III, Terra from Final Fantasy VI, Cloud from Final Fantasy VII, Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII and also Y'shtola from Final Fantasy XIV.  |