Random Battleground System Might Return to the Upcoming Beta of Moonlight Blade CN Posted: Rumors spread that random Battleground system might re-added to this Beta. Any place can be a battleground, even friends can become opponent. During the Second Beta Test, the announcement says that a fight breaks out at some place, and all the characters in this region will be involved in to the battle and be assigned to two different teams. That's what random battleground system means and it is extremely similar to MOBA.  |
Overwatch: Another Cryptic Image Revealed Posted: Blizzard has released a cryptic new teaser picture on Overwatch official twitter and it seems to be a forthcoming opinion piece with the title "The New Peacekeepers: Vigilante justice—is it vital in a post-Overwatch world?"Here the picture below and just let us know your opionions about it.  |
Dead Effect 2 Coming Soon to iOS and Android Later This Year Posted: The Award-winning zombie shooter Dead Effect is going to have a sequel. Surprising no-one, it's called Dead Effect 2, and it will be launched to both iOS and Android in the third quarter of 2015  |
Reworked Zilean, Mordekaiser, and Veigar Champion Reviews Posted: The League of Legends 5.4 patch brought about a lot of major game changes. In addition to completely taking the Revive Summoner Spell out of the game, various champions and items also got tweaked in an attempt to keep the game balanced. Several champions got changed so the point of having their whole kits completely reworked. Zilean, Mordekaiser, and Veiger all got reworks in this patch. But did they get better or worse?  |
The Popular Side-Scrolling Fighter Elsword Comes to Arc Posted: KOG Games and Perfect World Entertainment Inc. announced today a partnership to bring the popular side-scrolling fighter, Elsword to Arc  |
Play Guild Wars 2 : Two Heart of Thorns Demos at PAX East Posted: PAX East attendees will be able to get their hands on the Guild Wars 2 expansion, Heart of Thorns. Fans can check out a PvE demo that takes them on the earliest steps into Maguuma or a PvP demo that shows off Strongholds. ESL and ArenaNet will also be hosting the Guild Wars 2 World Tournament Series Finals during PAX East.  |
Action Dungeon Crawler 'Taichi Panda' Hits App Store Posted: If you've been sitting tight twiddling your thumbs, dreaming of a fun action game for your iPhone or iPad in the vein of Diablo or Torchlight, you're in luck. Chinese developer Snail Games has been pushing a new action dungeon crawler for iOS- Taichi Panda. Self-described as a "kungfu fantasy adventure filled with bandits, goblins and pandas," we've taken a look at Taichi Panda to get to the black/white cuddly heart of the matter.  |
Kritika Enters CBT in Taiwan with 3 Classes Available Posted: The Taiwan server of the long-waited action MMO Kritika finally started its CBT today. In this CBT, 3 original classes available for players to experience, which are Warrior, Rogue and Mage  |
Black Desert : Warrior Skills Preview Posted: Hello mmositers,today we will check the Black Desert Warrior skills.The Warrior is skilled in combat, and usually can make use of some of the most powerful heavy armor and weaponry in the game.Warriors, are characterized by high strength and HP with moderate speed, while lacking in skill and usually defense.This makes them an easy target for enemy sword-users who are generally faster and more accurate than Warriors.  |
Marvel Super Heroes Squad Review Posted: I was looking for a game innocent enough. That my son can usher himself into MMO's. This game fits that. It's free2play lots of mini games. And basically has kid versions of all the Marvel Super Heroes we love. It's more of an action MMO dungeon crawler. And it does hold your hand a lot. But it's not really meant for the avid pro anyway. It can scale up to that later in game.  |
Nvidia Unveiled Titan X and Shield at GDC 2015 Posted: During Nvidia's yesterday night GDC press conference, they brought us a bit of a surprise: "Shield" console, GTX Titan X and so on. We've sort out all the details about Nvidia's event at GDC 2015, hope it can help you learn more about Nvidia's latest products.  |
New MMO Crowfall Reaches $1 Million in Crowdfunding in Eight Days Posted: ArtCraft Entertainment, Inc. announced that their self-developed game Crowfall had reached the one million dollar crowdfunding threshold on March 5. Additionally, the campaign already has more than 10,000 backers.  |
Nanbo's Starbound Early Access Look Posted: Hello MMOSITE readers and welcome to my Starbound early beta access review. Right now you can get in on early access to Starbound on Steam  |
Cryptract - 2D Fantasy JRPG Available on Android and iOS Posted: Cryptract, Bank of Innovation's 2D Fantasy JRPG is available on Android and iOS now. Come on and begin your fantasy journey in Cryptract.  |
A Big Update of Siralim Is Coming Soon Posted: If you like your RPGs mechanically deep, extremely challenging, and don't mind if the visuals are a bit antiquated, Siralim is one of the best games you can get on the App Store. The developer Thylacine Studios has been diligently updating it ever since.  |
Sony Reiterates Their Focus On The F2P Market Posted: Recently at the Game Developer's Conference aka GDC, Sony reiterated their free-to-play focus.  |
Heroes of the Storm Is The Most Expensive MOBA To Date Posted: In this video, I discuss my thoughts on Heroes of the Storm's item mall. If you don't already know, Heroes of the Storm is published and developed by Blizzard Entertainment, the company that has brought you hit titles such as World of Warcraft and Diablo.  |