


Guild Wars 2: The Heart of Maguuma & Masteries Explored

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 05:00 PM PST

The Heart of Maguuma & Masteries Explored

ArenaNet has published a pair of new blog posts on the Guild Wars 2 site to give players some of the most in-depth information about the Maguuma Jungle, the setting for the Heart of Thorns expansion, and the new Mastery System that will allow players to enhance their characters in meaningful ways.

General: How To Optimize Your YouTube Gaming Channel: 5 Tips To Get More Views From TGN

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 02:19 PM PST

How To Optimize Your YouTube Gaming Channel: 5 Tips To Get More Views From TGN

Alright so as we explained last week, TGN is a YouTube network and a big part of what we do is help content creators get big online! How? We work with them to help them find a way bigger audience, distribute their content further and collaborate with brands and other creators.

Neverwinter: XBox One Beta to Begin Today, Live Stream This Friday

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 05:35 AM PST

XBox One Beta to Begin Today, Live Stream This Friday

The Cryptic team will be on hand during a special Neverwinter live stream to show off the game on XBox One. The operational XBox One beta is expected to begin later today and players are invited to apply and to attend tomorrow's stream event. The team will be on hand to answer questions from the community regarding the beta and about Neverwinter itself.

Persona 5: Next Game in the Series Revealed in New Trailer

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 05:24 AM PST

Next Game in the Series Revealed in New Trailer

During a recent streaming event, Atlus showed off the next game in the iconic Persona series in the form of Persona 5. Persona 5 is being developed for both the PlayStation 3 and the PlayStation 4. Atlus has indicated that Persona 5 will be available later this year. Check out the video and let us know what you think.

General: The Daily Quest - Are Dailies Still Relevant?

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 02:06 AM PST

The Daily Quest - Are Dailies Still Relevant?

Yesterday we kicked off a new discussion series here at MMORPG: The Daily Quest. I figured there was no better way to kick of my inaugural edition than to ask you about your opinions on the MMO feature that became this column's namesake.

Elite: Dangerous: Working Together with Community Goals

Posted: 05 Feb 2015 04:08 AM PST

Working Together with Community Goals

When today's Elite: Dangerous beta patch goes live, players will see a laundry list of client and game improvements. Most notably, however, the Community Goals feature will activate. Last week, the team posted a developer blog on the game's forums to explain what Community Goals are.

Gigantic: Magicians Mozo and Griselma Enter Alpha

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 06:20 PM PST

Magicians Mozo and Griselma Enter Alpha

A new pair of heroes has entered the Gigantic alpha test. Both are magicians, Griselma a summoner and Mozo a purveyor of the electrical and arcane.

H1Z1: Server Wipe Coming Tomorrow, February 5th

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 05:07 PM PST

Server Wipe Coming Tomorrow, February 5th

The H1Z1 team has posted on Reddit that a server wipe will be performed on Thursday, February 5th as part of the normal game update cycle. All characters, player-created structures, placed vehicles and more will be wiped.

SMITE: Free Download of Comic #1

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 02:33 PM PST

Free Download of Comic #1

SMITE Comic #1 is now available as a free download via Dark Horse Comics. The first issue debuted during last month's World Championships but is now available worldwide for free.

Darkest Dungeon: Favorite Darkest Dungeon Classes

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 12:14 AM PST

Favorite Darkest Dungeon Classes

With something like 30 hours under my belt in Darkest Dungeon at this point, there are definitely some classes I tend to favor more than others. Face it, some just get the job done better and aren't as vulnerable to the sorts of chaos you're sure to find while adventuring in the game.

Guild Wars 2: Taking the Foundation to New Levels

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 10:18 AM PST

Taking the Foundation to New Levels

The Guild Wars 2 site has been updated with a new blog post to discuss how the Heart of Thorns expansion will bring a renewed focus and improvement to the core principals on which the game was built: "the power of our dynamic event system, the belief that playing with others makes for a better experience, the impact of environment on stories, and the joy of exploration and discovery."

Elder Scrolls Online: Our Supersized Update 6 Preview

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 03:06 PM PST

Our Supersized Update 6 Preview

With patch 1.6 now live on the Private Test Server (PTS) we finally get to enjoy all the exciting changes we've been speaking about for the last few months. In this preview I'll be taking a look at the Champion system, Justice System, and I'm even going to discuss some of the aspects of PvP that will be changing.

Fortnite: First Alpha Update Published

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 09:54 AM PST

First Alpha Update Published

The Fornite team has published a brief overview of the first alpha test. The post shows off some of the outrageous forts that players created during a contest for a new nVidia graphics card. Players also gave useful feedback that will be implemented in future tests.

General: The Daily Quest - Down with the Trinity?

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 09:23 AM PST

The Daily Quest - Down with the Trinity?

Insert exclamation point here... How would you change the Holy Trinity in MMOs? It seems to be a common problem that many developers are facing this day and age. How does one change the nature of combat in MMORPGs without alienating its user base? Give us your ideas past the break.

The Secret World: New Player Experience Improvements & Issue 11

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 09:04 AM PST

New Player Experience Improvements & Issue 11

Funcom's Joel Bylos has published the latest Game Director's Letter on The Secret World site. Bylos goes into some detail about what the team has been working on over the past month, most notably the new player experience overhaul and Issue 11.

Das Tal: No Disrespect Meant Towards ArcheAge

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 02:57 PM PST

No Disrespect Meant Towards ArcheAge

Last week, the guys behind the indie sandbox MMO Das Tal stirred the MMO community pot by comparing their game to XLGAMES and Trion Worlds' ArcheAge, pointing out that AA has had a rocky start and vowing to do better by the player with their own game. The statements from David Wells really struck a nerve within the MMO-verse, and we reached out to him and colleague Alexander Zacherl to comment more on the comparison and their own game's design.

Crowfall: Funding Vision Addressed in New Founders' Letter

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 07:41 AM PST

Funding Vision Addressed in New Founders

A new update from the Founders has been published on the Crowfall site. The main issue addressed in the letter is how Crowfall is being funded. According to the post, Crowfall has taken initial funding from investment sources to get the company running and the development of the game started. But given the overall price to develop a AAA game, more funds will be required, something the Founders are addressing in three ways.

Darkfall: Unholy Wars: Latest Patch Notes Introduce the Advisory System

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 07:34 AM PST

Latest Patch Notes Introduce the Advisory System

The latest Darkfall: Unholy Wars patch notes have been posted on the official site. The most notable addition to the usual list of bug fixes and balance issues is the addition of the new Advisory System.

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