


General: Grab Your Lightsabers - Humble Bundle Goes Star Wars

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 07:12 AM PST

Grab Your Lightsabers - Humble Bundle Goes Star Wars

Fans of Star Wars games, including one of the best RPGs ever made, will want to head to the Humble Bundle site to take advantage of today's deal. Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars: Jedi Academy and Star Wars: Dark Forces unlock for any amount of money paid. Go above the average donation (right now a bit over $11) and unlock Star Wars Battlefront, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Star Wars Republic Commander and a mystery title.

General: Underworld Ascendant KickStarter Launches

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 06:19 AM PST

Underworld Ascendant KickStarter Launches

OtherSide Entertainment has announced that its KickStarter campaign to fund the development of Underworld Ascendant has officially begun. The team is comprised of the original development group that created Ultima Underworld. The KickStarter project is a dream to bring the series back to life. OtherSide is hoping to raise $600,000 to bring the core RPG to PCs.

Elder Scrolls Online: A Preview of the Tamriel Unlimited Crown Shop

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 02:48 PM PST

A Preview of the Tamriel Unlimited Crown Shop

Changes are in full swing in The Elder Scrolls Online, first on the PTS, where update 1.6 has been released and players have also been given the opportunity to test out the game's upcoming cash shop, the Crown Store. The Crown Store opened up for testing with players on the PTS given Crowns to use as they please and test an array of items that will likely make their debut when the game transitions over to subscription-optional Tamriel Unlimited.

Guild Wars 2: Peek at Maguuma & the Mastery System

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 04:44 AM PST

Peek at Maguuma & the Mastery System

A new video and article have appeared over at IGN that give Guild Wars 2 players and fans a look at the Maguuma Jungle, the setting for the upcoming Heart of Thorns expansion. In addition to seeing the setting, the article goes into some detail about the newly-announced Mastery System that will give players new ways to advance through the game.

Destiny: RUMOR: House of Wolves Coming May 19th

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 04:17 AM PST

RUMOR: House of Wolves Coming May 19th

A Reddit user has claimed to have unearthed new details about the Destiny expansion House of Wolves including the release date of May 19th. Details about how this information was gained remain sketchy, but megamanexe4 has posted some fascinating details about House of Wolves along with many, many images to solidify the rumors.

Mass Effect 4: Dragon Age: Inquisition Not a "Template"

Posted: 04 Feb 2015 04:04 AM PST

Dragon Age: Inquisition Not a "Template"

In a new post on the NeoGAF site, Bioware's Aryn Flynn has indicated that while Dragon Age: Inquisition and Mass Effect will feature some similarities, Mass Effect 4 will build on its own unique experience. Some of the supposition stems from the fact that both utilize the Frostbite 4 game engine and that developers have said that ME4 will feature large explorable maps similar to what has been seen in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

General: Father of the Final Fantasy Series to be Honored

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 03:55 PM PST

Father of the Final Fantasy Series to be Honored

During this year's Game Developers Choice Awards on March 4th, Hironobu Sakaguchi, the father of the Final Fantasy series, will be recognized for his contributions to the games industry with the Lifetime Achievement Award.

Trove: Shadow Hunter Detailed

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 03:47 PM PST

Shadow Hunter Detailed

When the Take Flight content update goes live in Trove later this spring, the new Shadow Hunter class will make its debut in the game. As the name implies, the Shadow Hunter is a deadly ranged opponent that uses a bow and arrows.

Marvel Heroes 2015: Hot Dogs to Celebrate the Win

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 12:29 PM PST

Hot Dogs to Celebrate the Win

As part of the celebration going on for Marvel Heroes 2015 taking home the MMORPG.com Player's Choice Award, Gazillion's Michael Parks will be feasting on 35 hot dogs, one for each percentage point MH 2015 earned ahead of the second place winner. The epic event will be broadcast via the Marvel Heroes 2015 Twitch channel at 2:00 pm Pacific / 5:00 pm Eastern. Further, Gazillion will donate $10 for each hot dog that Michael consumes to the Second Harvest Food Bank of San Mateo.

General: A Sad Day For MMOG Enthusiasts Like Me

Posted: 02 Feb 2015 03:57 PM PST

A Sad Day For MMOG Enthusiasts Like Me

As often happens, I'm writing this column on Sunday. It's slated to appear on Tuesday, which will be the last day for Massively. If you primarily see this as the closure of a key MMORPG.com competitor, it may not seem particularly unfortunate. From a broader picture point of view, however, I'm saddened because I want to believe the growing and deepening interest in the MMOG genre is sufficient to support more sites like it and this one, not fewer.

Age of Conan: Unchained: Achievement System Incoming

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 11:58 AM PST

Achievement System Incoming

The latest Age of Conan Producer's Letter has been published and it brings the fascinating news that the game's Achievement System is ready for deployment. Players will have the opportunity to earn over 650 achievements, 60 titles and over 3000 sub-achievements. A new NPC will be available, the Chronicler of Deeds, who will announce deeds and titles as players pass by as well as award achievements already earned.

General: MyDream is Much More than a Minecraft Wannabe

Posted: 02 Feb 2015 03:15 PM PST

MyDream is Much More than a Minecraft Wannabe

Recently I was introduced to MyDream, a multiplayer game that immediately made me think of Minecraft. The developer of the title has no issue with describing her game as Minecraft-like, but that doesn't mean MyDream is just an exact copy of the popular game that was originally created by the now famous (and rich) Notch.

General: MMORPG.com Reacts to SOE Going Independent

Posted: 02 Feb 2015 03:33 PM PST

MMORPG.com Reacts to SOE Going Independent

Yesterday, the MMO space was surprised to learn that Sony Online Entertainment had been bought out by Columbus Nova, an investment management firm. What this means in both the long- and short-term remains to be seen. We have a few thoughts to share on the subject and invite you to reply with your own.

Darkest Dungeon: Early Access Launch Livestream with Red Hook Tonight!

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 08:05 AM PST

Early Access Launch Livestream with Red Hook Tonight!

The roguelike and macabre RPG Darkest Dungeon officially launches as a Steam Early Access title today, and we're celebrating with the Red Hook dev team tonight at 930pm ET, 630pm PT. Come join us, see what the RPG is all about, and maybe win a copy!

Crowfall: Hunger Week Day 2, Templar Revealed

Posted: 03 Feb 2015 07:31 AM PST

Hunger Week Day 2, Templar Revealed

The Crowfall site has been updated with the second day of Hunger Week with a new look at the Templar playable class and a great look at the evolution of some undead warriors through the four stages of The Hunger as detailed in yesterday's update.

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