Lost Ark KR Might Kick Off Beta in February Posted: Rumors spread from testers on Smile Gate Forum that Lost Ark KR might start test in the mid of February, while the test is likely to be delayed for technical test.  |
Do a Doodle to Cast a Spell in Jujubee's RPG Spellcrafter: The Path of Magic Posted: Flashout developer Jujubee is putting its futuristic hover cars in the garage for a while, as its next iOS and Android game is a fantasy RPG about magical realms, turn-based combat, and spells.  |
Revelation Online Classes Showcase and How to Get a Key for the Beta 1/15 Posted: eing that in 5 days Revelations will grace us with it's presence. I decided to put together this nice trailer for the game. You guys should like it and get amped for the game.  |
How to Fix Toxicity in League of Legends Posted: Riot Games recently announced a new initiative in which they will be rewarding non-toxic players with a Mystery Gift if they haven't been chat restricted or suspended/banned within the last year. This effort is the latest in a long line of attempts to reduce toxicity in the League of Legends online community.  |
Fast-paced MOBA Chaos Heroes Online Launches on Steam Posted: Chaos Heroes Online, the fast-paced, action-packed multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game from Aeria Games, is now available on Steam! Hailing from South Korea, Chaos Heroes Online is a highly competitive MOBA and successor of the popular Korean Warcraft 3 custom map DotA:Chaos.  |
Cabal II: Several Dungeons and PvP Battlegrounds Are Coming to Light Posted: Dungeons and PvP battlegrounds have been revealed as the beta sign-up event starts, including Forgotten Desert Temple, Castle Vortex, Hall of Recluse, Lupurs Excavation, Frostrock Forest and Heavenly Citadel.  |
What're Your WoW Resolutions for 2015? Posted: The new year is fully underway, and many World of Warcraft players are making resolutions, setting goals, and using this opportunity to make a fresh start. So what's your WoW resolution for 2015?  |
Minecraft - Pocket Edition Achieves 30 Million Downloads Posted: It's no secret that Minecraft - Pocket Edition, and all versions of Minecraft for that matter, are monumentally popular, but according to a post from developer Mojang the mobile version has recently crossed an impressive milestone as it's been downloaded more than 30 million times.  |
First Footage of Upcoming 'Sons of Anarchy: The Prospect' Revealed Posted: Sons of Anarchy: The Prospect was announced a few weeks ago, with the aim of serving as a sort of 'expanded universe' take on the universe of the TV series, which just ended a seven-season run. While we didn't quite have any details on what the game would entail, but we do now, thanks to a rough cut of a trailer for the game that show creator Kurt Sutter posted over the weekend.  |
Blade and Soul KR Teases 1v24 Instance Zone with New Poster Posted: Blade and Soul KR has unveiled a new poster on their official website yesterday, titled "Plain of the Wind, 1vs 24: Challengers".This instance zone is probably designed for the new class Shaman(Warlock), and it's the most difficult one ever!  |
sZone Online Now Free to Play on Steam Posted: First I need to remind you that the game is in Early Access and currently only available in Russian and the English version is underway. sZone Online is obviously inspired by the famous Stalker series. The game's graphics, monsters, character designs and anomalies are very similar to the original Stalker title  |
Age of Wulin: Three Expansions on the Way! Posted: WEBZEN, a global developer and publisher of free-to-play games, is delighted to announce that the martial arts MMORPG, Age of Wulin will release its third expansion in March 2015, leading the way of an exciting roadmap for 2015  |
WoW: Wrongful Game Master Decision! Posted: Nobody's perfect that's for certain, but this post really made me angry and I think it deserves more recognition. I understand that Game Masters are not more than mortal humans, but everyone should adhere to the same rules.  |
Revelations Online Classes Showcase and How to get a key for the beta 1/15 Posted: Being that in 5 days Revelations will grace us with it's presence. I decided to put together this nice trailer for the game.  |
Yak Dash: Horns of Glory with Unique Theme Releases on January 22nd Posted: Yak Dash: Horns of Glory is a game that's high up on my list of games to be excited about in part because the game has a really unique theme and has a nifty look to it.  |
Vindictus - Mastering Arisha Is Confusing, So Many Functions! Posted: Today I'm bringing you the Arisha guide for the new hero in Vindictus. She has so many different mechanics that it's very unorthodox to play her to maximum efficiency compared to the other heroes.  |