Japanese MOBA GodGames Launching January 2015 on iOS & Android Platform Posted: GodGames was first announced at TGS 2014 and it supports up-to 15v15 battle. The developer ASOBIMO recently revealed that the game will hit iOS & Android in January 2015. You are playing heroes who want to become gods and attend the game hosted by the immortals.  |
Blade and Soul: Is It Just A Dream of NA/EU Players? Posted: Blade and Soul has been available in Korea, Japan, China, and Taiwan for quite a long time, but the launch date of NA/EU server is still unknown. According to recent news, NCsoft said that they would release Blade and Soul NA/EU in 2015, but sadly, after that NCsoft shows no sincerity in NA/EU market, thus makes us quite upset.  |
Tree of Savior CBT Application For 3,000 Testers Has Started Posted: Tree of Savior Closed Beta Testing (CBT) application has begun at 3PM Korean Standard Time. The test has been confirmed for 3,000 test participants. GM Leslie published a new post today to announce the recruitment of Tree of Savior CBT testers.  |
Legend of Silkroad to Turn off Server on Dec. 31st Posted: With the new year coming soon, here comes a bad news for all the Legend of Silkroad gamers. According to JC Planet, they will close the service of Legend of Silkroad along with the forum and website on December 31st, 2014  |
MapleStory 2: The Next CBT Detailed Preview! Posted: The launch date of MapleStory 2 next closed beta testing is just around the corner, and since Dec 23rd, Nexon has kicked off the registration for MapleStory 2's closed beta testing. Also, they have been releasing some info about new contents of this CBT, let's see!  |
Armored Warfare Premium Commander Available for Holidays Posted: Obsidian Entertainment and publisher My.com are ringing in the holiday spirit by giving away a brand new, premium commander to all players who log in to their Armored Warfare account or sign up for beta access before January 18th, 2015  |
New Character Venom Comes to Marvel Heroes Online Posted: A new villain character – Venom, who is the deadly enemy of spider man, has come to Marvel Heroes Online recently  |
Bounce On Back Updated with Game Center and Challenge Levels Posted: The end of November saw the return of one of iOS's first platforming game mascots with the release of Bounce On Back, the third entry in the Bounce On series.  |
Spotlight on Revelation's New Year Party Posted: Today Revelation starts its New Year Party with several events released. Besides, the introduction page of the class Guardian has finally been updated as well  |
e-Sports in the Olympics? Rob Pardo Says Yes Posted: Former Blizzard CCO Rob Pardo spoke to the BBC last week, saying that e-sports should be featured in the Olympics: "There's a very good argument for e-sports being in the Olympics. I think the way that you look at e-sports is that it's a very competitive skillset and you look at these professional gamers and the reflexes are lightning quick and they're having to make very quick decisions on the fly. When you look at their 'actions per minute,' they're clearing over 300."  |
Japanese MOBA GodGames Launching Next Month on Mobile Platform Posted: GodGames was first announced at TGS 2014 and it supports up-to 15v15 battle. The developer ASOBIMO recently revealed that the game will hit iOS & Android in January 2015  |
Vindictus - The Silver Witch's Full SP Combo Arisha Posted: Hey guys, so most of you know Arisha already from Vindictus KR or Vindictus anywhere since she's now out everywhere in all versions of Vindictus.  |
Dungeon Striker CH Menu Translation Guide Posted: This guide is about some UI translation in Dungeon Striker CH Menu.  |
Survarium European Launch Open Beta Next Month Posted: Vostok Games announced that the new servers for Survarium in Europe will be launched on January 5, 2015. According to the developer, when the servers are up, the European open beta will be launched  |
Heroes of the Storm: Holiday XP Boost and Portraits Posted: Blizzard has added a holiday XP boost to celebrate the festive time of the year. Any player to log in betwen December 24 and January 1 will receive a 25% XP boost. Although available only while logged in to the game, it applies to all Heroes and stacks with similar bonuses such as additive staciking with Stimpacks.  |
Open Puzzle Box - New Puzzle Game That Peak Your Interest Posted: Open Puzzle Box, the latest freemium mobile game published by Gameday is avaliable on Android and iOS now.  |
WoW: Blackrock Foundry Opening Dates Posted: Blackrock Foundry is the second raid to open in Warlords of Draenor. Located in Gorgrond, dropping Tier 17 items.  |
Blade and Soul TW: Lyn Blade Master Finally to Launch Posted: Recently, after Blade and Soul KR new class Shaman's coming, Blade ans Soul TW announced that they will launch the class Blade Master on Jan 17th, and this class only refers to the Lyn race. Along with this annoucement, the new gameplay trailer of this class is unveiled.  |
Black Desert: Thoughts After the Dust Settled Posted: Just my thoughts on the game as it stands early on. For starters I applaud the cash shop. It makes sense and isn't too intrusive on the game. Mainly it's cosmetic, that bothers me a little. But I rather that than paying to win any day.  |
WoW: Winter Veil Gifts! Posted: It's that time of the year when Greatfather Winter brings presents to everyone, regardless of whether you've been naughty or nice! Alliance players will find their gifts in Ironforge, while their Horde counterparts will find them under the tree in Orgrimmar.  |