


Civilization Online: Improved Character Customization Shown in New Videos

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 07:51 AM PST

Improved Character Customization Shown in New Videos

Fans of Civilization Online will want to check out a pair of new videos showing how character customization has been improved during the ongoing beta test in Korea. Initially, character creation was considered overly simplistic. With tester input, customization is now robust and multifaceted.

General: US Operations Lower Perfect World's Earnings

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 07:45 AM PST

US Operations Lower Perfect World

According to the latest financials released by Perfect World Entertainment, operations in the United States have had an adverse affect on the company's earnings. While PWE made a slight profit overall in a year-to-year comparison, the increase was due largely to revenue generated by Chinese earnings by DOTA 2 and a pair of mobile games that have scored well with the same audience.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan Hinted to be the Start of Focus on Story

Posted: 26 Nov 2014 07:39 AM PST

Revan Hinted to be the Start of Focus on Story

IGN has a new interview with Bioware's Jeff Hickman. In the article, he indicates that if Star Wars: The Old Republic players like what they're seeing in Shadow of Revan, they won't be disappointed when they see what 2015 will bring to the game's story.

Elder Scrolls Online: Provisioning Revamp: More Logical, Less Redundant

Posted: 25 Nov 2014 12:44 PM PST

Provisioning Revamp: More Logical, Less Redundant

With Thanksgiving here in the US this week, it is probably a good time to talk about food. Namely, the long-awaited Provisioning overhaul that is set to arrive in update 6 of The Elder Scrolls Online. The changes to crafting in the game continue, but Provisioning will not just intend to increase immersion in the game world, but help players with management as well.

Defiance: Aftermath Content Released

Posted: 24 Nov 2014 04:02 PM PST

Aftermath Content Released

Defiance has been updated with new content that builds on the conclusion of this season's Defiance Syfy television show. "Aftermath" takes up where the show ended and features new enemies, pursuits, contracts, and events. In addition the multiplayer experience has been updated.

ArcheAge: How to Defend Your Castle

Posted: 25 Nov 2014 10:36 AM PST

How to Defend Your Castle

I was lucky enough to participate in one of this weekend's castle sieges as an attacker. I'd love to recall for you an epic tale of bravery and destruction, but nothing of the sort actually occurred. Instead, here's some tips for castle defenders preparing for the next round of sieges.

ArcheAge: "An Invitation to Demonic Possession"

Posted: 25 Nov 2014 12:14 PM PST

"An Invitation to Demonic Possession"

According to televangelist Pat Robertson, ArcheAge, Dungeons & Dragons and games like them can be an invitation to demonic possession. You have to see and hear it to believe it.

General: Say Hello to Y2K

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 04:47 PM PST

Say Hello to Y2K

AckkStudios may be a small development studio comprised of a few family members, but don't call it a family business. "I usually cringe when people say that," co-founder Andrew Allanson joked during a phone interview this week. "But it is, yeah."

EverQuest II: Altar of Malice Released for All

Posted: 25 Nov 2014 11:55 AM PST

Altar of Malice Released for All

Sony Online Entertainment has announced the release of the eleventh EverQuest II expansion, Altar of Malice. All-Access members have been playing for a couple of weeks, but the expansion is now open to all. Altar of Malice continues the tenth anniversary celebration and brings players a new zone, new adventures, new quests, monsters, gear and much, much more.

Wizard101: Fifty Million Players in the Spiral

Posted: 25 Nov 2014 11:35 AM PST

Fifty Million Players in the Spiral

KingsIsle has produced a pretty cool infographic to show off some great statistics in celebration of fifty million players joining the Spiral via Pirate101 and Wizard101. Check it out!

World of Warcraft: New Male and Female Blood Elf Models Revealed

Posted: 25 Nov 2014 10:31 AM PST

New Male and Female Blood Elf Models Revealed

Blizzard promised to give World of Warcraft players a look at the forthcoming character model updates for the game's most popular race, Blood Elves. Delivering on that promise, here is what players can expect when the updated models go live.

WildStar: The Story Unfolds

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 05:47 PM PST

The Story Unfolds

Carbine Studios has a metric ton of lore to reveal over the next few months as it begins a new series that will explore the story behind WildStar. In the first short story, "Voyage of the Nomad", the Cassian's journey to Nexus is revealed in all its glory and horror.

General: Long-Distance Thoughts on G-STAR 2014

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 04:38 PM PST

Long-Distance Thoughts on G-STAR 2014

Unbeknownst to many in this part of the world, the latest iteration of G-STAR wrapped up its usual four-day run on Sunday. For observers in this hemisphere, Korea's trade and consumer game industry event has never even remotely approached the levels of visibility and hype that its western counterparts typically generate. Accordingly, it's seldom held in the same regard. Nonetheless, this year's version drew my attention for various reasons.

KingsRoad: Harvest Tournament & Special Rewards Incoming

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 05:13 PM PST

Harvest Tournament & Special Rewards Incoming

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, the KingsRoad team wants to make sure its players have lots to celebrate. Fans can look forward to a special Harvest Tournament and some awesome Harvest rewards. The Harvest event will be live in KingsRoad beginning today, Tuesday, November 25th through mid-December.

The Crew: 'Don't Believe Everything You Read' says Ubi

Posted: 25 Nov 2014 08:55 AM PST

Ubisoft has an interesting new post on The Crew blog today that lets players know that reviewers will be able to start posting their thoughts as early as the game goes live in December. That announcement comes with the caveat that those reviewers may be basing their thoughts on early versions or beta versions of the game and that writers may not have seen The Crew in its optimal light.

Marvel Heroes 2015: The Heart of a Superhero Game is Being One

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 04:28 PM PST

The Heart of a Superhero Game is Being One

While not every game system or design feature directly serves this principle, at the end of the day the Marvel Heroes design team's goal is for a player to feel like a superhero. This ambition was a core part of the development of our earlier Midtown Patrol game mode, and is just as much in evidence with the release of our latest patrol mode set in the Brooklyn district of Industry City.

Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin Announced for April

Posted: 25 Nov 2014 07:19 AM PST

Scholar of the First Sin Announced for April

Dark Souls II will be expanding on April 7th with the Scholar of the First Sin. The new content will launch on April 7, 2015 on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, and PC via Steam. This release will also include the three previous DLC packages, Crown of the Sunken King, Crown of the Old Iron King, and Crown of the Ivory King as well as additional bonuses.

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