


General: Game On #57:| Highs & Lows of Warlords of Draenor's Launch

Posted: 25 Nov 2014 06:45 AM PST

Game On #57:| Highs & Lows of Warlords of Draenor

This week on Game On with MMORPG.com, Chris returns to the mic, joined by fellow columnist Ryan Getchell! Hiatuses are explained and changes are discussed, making this an important show for every fan. The two break down the week's news, including ArcheAge's continuing problems, Elite: Dangerous' single-player woes, and more before taking a look at the highs and lows of Warlords of Draenor's launch.

Guild Wars 2: Seeds of Truth Trailer Reveals a Terrifying Secret

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 05:08 PM PST

Seeds of Truth Trailer Reveals a Terrifying Secret

Fans of the ongoing Living Story in Guild Wars 2 will want to check out the latest trailer for the next installment, Seeds of Truth. Those who prefer to keep the story pristine may wish to pass as the video reveals a rather large spoiler. You have been warned!

General: 5 Reasons Why Dragon Age Would Make a Great MMO

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 04:17 PM PST

5 Reasons Why Dragon Age Would Make a Great MMO

My PlayStation 4 has been dominated by Dragon Age: Inquisition over the past week. In about 7 days, between working full-time, writing as a freelancer, balancing relationships, and several other things, I have somehow found nearly 20 hours of spare time to invest in Bioware's latest epic - and I can tell I'm just now scratching the surface.

General: Revelation Online Set to Hit Open Beta in January

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 04:58 PM PST

Revelation Online Set to Hit Open Beta in January

Revelation Online is the latest of several Chines MMOs set to hit the public realm in the near future. Plans are underway to bring Revelation Online to open beta beginning January 15th in China. There is no word if, or when, a Western version of the game will be forthcoming.

Triad Wars: New Live Stream Event to Take On Player Questions

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 05:19 PM PST

New Live Stream Event to Take On Player Questions

The Triad Wars team will be hosting a special live stream event on the game's official channel on Wednesday, November 26th beginning at 11:00 a.m. PST / 2:00 p.m. EDT. The team plans to answer fan questions that can be submitted ahead of time for consideration.

Neverwinter: Tiamat & the Cult of the Dragon

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 10:40 AM PST

Tiamat & the Cult of the Dragon

Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic Studios recently released the latest Neverwinter update, Rise of Tiamat. We caught up with Lindsay Haven, Producer and Michael Edwards, Systems Designer to talk about the new module. Read on!

Guild Wars 2: Give Me Dungeons!

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 10:20 AM PST

Give Me Dungeons!

There are many parts of the MMO experience, but perhaps one of the most important is the dungeon. Guild Wars 2 launched with some dungeons that not only helped tell a story, but also offered another reason for players to unite for a single cause. Dungeons were also exciting parts of the Living World story, taking dungeon design to a whole new level.

Skyforge: Dual-Wielding Berserker Revealed in New Trailer

Posted: 24 Nov 2014 11:37 AM PST

Dual-Wielding Berserker Revealed in New Trailer

Obsidian has sent out the first information about the Skyforge Berserker class, a dual wielding dynamo. As he name implies, the Berserker leaps into battle with brutal fury. Check out the teaser trailer sent out by Obsidian and let us know what you think.

Runescape: Players Wipe Out Last Year's Charity Giving Record

Posted: 24 Nov 2014 11:22 AM PST

Players Wipe Out Last Year

With a week yet to go, RuneScape players have beaten last year's in-game charity initiative called the Well of Goodwill. During 2013, players raised over $90,000. To date in 2014, the total Jagex is ready to donate to selected charities is over the $120,000 mark with seven more days of giving to go.

Shroud of the Avatar: Early Access on Steam Begins

Posted: 24 Nov 2014 11:12 AM PST

Early Access on Steam Begins

Early Access players can now log into Steam to give Shroud of the Avatar a look. The game will be available to players 24/7 and will give the opportunity to see SotA evolve over time.

World of Warcraft: New Blood Elf Models to Be Shown Tuesday

Posted: 24 Nov 2014 10:50 AM PST

New Blood Elf Models to Be Shown Tuesday

A new Twitter post has been blasted onto the 'Net that lets World of Warcraft players know that the game's 'beautiful people', the Blood Elves, will have the new character models shown on Tuesday, November 25th.

Destiny: Trying to Bring Players More

Posted: 24 Nov 2014 10:38 AM PST

Trying to Bring Players More

The latest Destiny: The Dark Below video has been released. This time, the team shows off game play and the team talks about what players can expect to find when the expansion launches in December. See what you think!

Guild Wars 2: Grab a Copy for 50% Off Starting Wednesday

Posted: 24 Nov 2014 10:34 AM PST

Grab a Copy for 50% Off Starting Wednesday

Starting "Black Friday" a couple days early, ArenaNet has announced that digital editions of Guild Wars 2 will be 50% off from November 26th through December 7th. Copies will be eligible for this price only via the Guild Wars 2 site.

Shards Online: It’s A Reality

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 01:33 PM PST


When we were introduced to Citadel Studios' Shards Online, it immediately made us think of Ultima Online's heyday, which should come as no surprise as Citadel Studios is comprised of designers from UO and DAOC. Following the recent quick success of their Kickstarter campaign (which still has about 20 days left to go), we caught up with Derek Brinkmann to talk about the game and what the team's been up to since the announcement in March.

Shards Online: First Alpha Map Revealed

Posted: 24 Nov 2014 08:30 AM PST

First Alpha Map Revealed

The Shards Online team has a new video out that proudly shows off the game's first alpha map called "Celador". Check it out!

ArcheAge: Apex Disabled in Game

Posted: 24 Nov 2014 08:20 AM PST

Apex Disabled in Game

A short post on the ArcheAge forum has admitted that there is an "exploit bug" that is being investigated by the team. In the meantime, Apex has been disabled in the game. Trion has been roundly criticized lately for the continuing issues surrounding Apex and the appearance of a duplication bug that has been an ongoing issue since beta.

General: Can Goats Teach MMOs to Be More Fun?

Posted: 23 Nov 2014 10:05 AM PST

Can Goats Teach MMOs to Be More Fun?

With the announcement of games like Grass Simulator, and I Am Bread, it seemed like the horse that is the quirky, physics-based simulator game was about to be getting its proverbial execution and subsequent beating. Yet, Coffee Stain Studios, developer of Goat Simulator, unleashed Goat MMO Simulator update upon gamers last week, showing that you can invigorate a game in an unexpected way. The best part may also be that it's free DLC for the original game's owners.

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