Moonrise: Setting the Tone

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 05:12 PM PST

Setting the Tone

Today we're discussing the tone of our game's story. Tone is one of the hardest things to define for a game, especially before you start writing. Everyone can sit down, talk about touchstones, and agree on a target, but at the end of the day, tone is something that develops during the creation process, not something you just decide to do in advance.

Elder Scrolls Online: Time to Slow It Down, ZeniMax

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 05:30 PM PST

Time to Slow It Down, ZeniMax

Timing is everything. The last time in this space, I wrote about The Elder Scrolls Online rebounding from mistakes and negative first impressions moving forward. Since that was published, a major error happened with the latest round of patching, causing discrepancies between what was supposed to be included and what actually made it to the live server, as well as additional bugs, and, for a time, major login errors.

EverQuest II: Altar of Malice All-Access Play Begins

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 04:42 AM PST

Altar of Malice All-Access Play Begins

Sony Online Entertainment has announced that the EverQuest II expansion, Altar of Malice, is now available to All-Access members who can jump into the game to start adventuring through the eleventh expansion. Players will be able to progress to level 100 and have new quests, gear and zones to explore.

Runescape: Lost City of the Elves Opens Its Gates

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 04:38 AM PST

Lost City of the Elves Opens Its Gates

Runescape players can now enter the entire Lost City of the Elves, Prifddinas. The city first opened its gates in September and with the latest update, the entire city is available for player exploration. Prifddinas specifically caters to the high level Runescape player community with several features that can only be found here.

Pillars of Eternity: Pre-Orders Open Up Worldwide

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 04:24 AM PST

Pre-Orders Open Up Worldwide

Paradox Interactive has announced that pre-orders of Pillars of Eternity have opened up worldwide. Players can grab a copy of the game from various digital retailers that will include in-game items and much more. In addition, Josh Sawyer will be on hand on November 13th for a special live stream event that will showcase never before seen locations and game play.

EverQuest: The Darkened Sea Flows Into Game

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 04:19 AM PST

The Darkened Sea Flows Into Game

The twenty-first EverQuest expansion has been released and will give players lots of time at the beach in pursuit of new quests, new gear and much more. Called "The Darkened Sea", the expansion gives players an opportunity to revisit characters and locations from the past that have been reimagined in new ways. Of note is the new "mount keyring" that places all mounts in a single location in order to free up inventory space.

ArcheAge: Aurorian Upheaval

Posted: 09 Nov 2014 06:19 PM PST

Aurorian Upheaval

Trion Worlds dropped the ball this week. A triple-whammy of bad decisions has managed to push players away from the game just in time for the holidays. Let's take a look at what went wrong.

General: Recent Unanswered & Unanswerable Questions

Posted: 10 Nov 2014 02:48 PM PST

Recent Unanswered & Unanswerable Questions

While I won't go as far as to say it usually happens, neither is it uncommon that when I look back at the recent past in order to decide what to write about, I end up with unanswered or unanswerable questions. This is at least partly due to how my mind works in relation to the MMOG space; I seldom take what I see or hear at face value. Some of the titles I've had cause to wonder about lately are Overwatch, Dawngate, WildStar and Otherland.

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