


Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: Sayonara, PlaySpan Payments

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 04:35 PM PDT

Sayonara, PlaySpan Payments

PlaySpan is gone for making payments to Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. What now, pray tell? Read on!

ArcheAge: Conquest of Auroria to Begin November 4th

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 05:15 PM PDT

Conquest of Auroria to Begin November 4th

Need more ArcheAge? You're in luck then, as Trion has announced that a new continent, Auroria, will be opening on November 4th. Auroria will give players new opportunities for exploration, new housing opportunities, new dungeons and more.

World of Tanks: Join the Wargaming Team for the Premier of 'Fury'

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 04:06 PM PDT

Join the Wargaming Team for the Premier of

Tomorrow marks the film debut of Brad Pitt's "Fury", a World War II tank picture. Wargaming and the World of Tanks team worked closely with the "Fury" film crew to ensure historical accuracy and tank authenticity. To mark the occasion, the World of Tanks team will be on hand for a special 'red carpet edition' live stream.

Rift: Take a Look at the Citadel of Insanity

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 03:49 PM PDT

Take a Look at the Citadel of Insanity

As the Rift team prepares for the launch of Nightmare Tide, new articles about dungeons and locations are helping prepare players for dungeons and locations throughout the expansion. Today's article features a look at the Citadel of Insanity dungeon and walks players through the encounter.

General: More on the Myth About Paid Review Scores

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 08:54 AM PDT

More on the Myth About Paid Review Scores

In our previous column, we took a look at four generalizations that are commonly made about the video games industry, and I offered some thoughts about how these myths can be debunked. Most of the forum discussion that ensued revolved around the presupposition that reviewers are paid by developers for good scores.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan is Coming

Posted: 14 Oct 2014 05:55 PM PDT

Revan is Coming

Star Wars: the Old Republic 3.0 has been formally announced, and it's proof that BioWare Austin is very fond of the letters S and R and the word 'shadow'. Shadow of Revan promises to bring even more story to the almost three-year-old MMO, as players get to hopefully sink their teeth into what is the end cap of the video game trilogy focusing on an era in galactic history where he was pretty much the central lore figure.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Cinematic Trailer to Debut at Golden Joystick Awards

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 09:48 AM PDT

Cinematic Trailer to Debut at Golden Joystick Awards

CD Projekt Red has announced that the world premier of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt cinematic trailer will take place during this year's Golden Joystick Awards on October 24th.

Darkfall: Unholy Wars: Upcoming Relic System Detailed

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 09:36 AM PDT

Upcoming Relic System Detailed

The latest Darkfall: Unholy Wars blog has been posted on the official forums and lays out the details about the Relic System said to be arriving in game in November. Players can pick retrieve any randomly spawned relic and return it to a clan church where it provides a global buff. As long as the relic stays in the clan's holding, the buff remains in place but it can be stolen by other players in order to receive the buff for their clan.

General: Armored Warfare - Tanks Crews & Commanders Unveiled

Posted: 16 Oct 2014 09:27 AM PDT

Armored Warfare - Tanks Crews & Commanders Unveiled

Obsidian Entertainment and My.com have published a brand new developer diary for Armored Warfare. In this latest installment, the team takes a look at both tank commanders and the crews they lead. Crew and Commander systems allow players flexibility to play Armored Warfare in a unique way that differs from any other player's experience.

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