


Dragon Age: Inquisition: 'The Story We Want to Tell' is 150-200 Hours

Posted: 14 Oct 2014 06:12 PM PDT

According to a new interview, Dragon Age: Inquisition devlopers estimate that the game will take anywhere from 150-200 hours for players to work through. It is, as BioWare producer Cameron Lee says, "the story that we want to tell".

Lord of the Rings Online: Turbine Hit with Layoffs

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 03:12 PM PDT

Turbine Hit with Layoffs

According to a confirmed report at GamesIndustry.biz, Lord of the Rings Online developer, Turbine, has been hit with a round of layoffs as part of restructuring by Warner Bros. Interactive. The exact number of employees affected remains unknown.

Order & Chaos Online: Latest Update Features Twitch Integration

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 02:14 PM PDT

Latest Update Features Twitch Integration

Gameloft has sent word that its mobile MMO, Order and Chaos Online, has been updated with a significant new patch that brings Twitch integration to the game. In addition, a future update will bring several significant new features and additions into Order & Chaos Online.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft: Good Gaming Open Invitational Tournament Announced

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 01:57 PM PDT

Good Gaming Open Invitational Tournament Announced

Good Gaming has announced that it will be hosting a special Open Invitational Tournament for Hearthstone that will include a $10,000 guaranteed prize pool. Good Gaming is focused on players of all ability levels joining the tournament with the top three hundred moving on to the cash payout rounds.

DC Universe Online: War of the Light Part II Revealed

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 01:46 PM PDT

War of the Light Part II Revealed

Sony Online Entertainment has revealed new information about the forthcoming DC Universe Online DLC, War of the Light Part II. The second chapter in the trilogy is set to debut later this year and will see Green Lantern and his rival Sinestro finding a way to work cooperatively to save the Emotional Spectrum.

Heroes of the Storm: An Awesome, But Poorly Monetized Game

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 12:44 AM PDT

An Awesome, But Poorly Monetized Game

The main issue holding the game back right now is how Blizzard has decided to monetize Heroes. The game's monetization was something worth discussing in the past, but things were in flux, as Heroes was in technical alpha after all. Anything could change. Now that Blizzard has performed the game's final player data wipe and give out refunds, I'm not so sure.

Wizard101: Harrowing Nightmare Gift Pack Giveaway!

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 12:54 PM PDT

Harrowing Nightmare Gift Pack Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given special Harrowing Nightmare Gift Pack codes for our users that will give special Halloween gifts for Wizard101! Each key will give you one of ten random items or even a rare shot at getting all of them! Get your free gift key now!

General: Call It Shallow, But Looks Matter...at Least in Our Games

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 05:16 PM PDT

Call It Shallow, But Looks Matter...at Least in Our Games

One of the first things that many gamers look for when a new MMO is in development, is how much customization they will given for their characters. We look for body sliders, facial models, hairstyles, eye color varieties, racial models and many, many others. We want our characters, these pixelated extensions of ourselves, to mean something, to be a true in-game representation of how we see them 'alive' in the world.

General: Can MMOs Really Do Monthly Updates?

Posted: 14 Oct 2014 01:37 PM PDT

Can MMOs Really Do Monthly Updates?

It's a simple fact that content creators can't produce content at a rate comparable to how quickly people consume it. This isn't just the case with video games: a two-hour movie took a lot longer than two hours to make, a book that takes you a week to read took a lot longer than a week to write, and so on.

Elder Scrolls Online: Let’s Talk About Werewolves

Posted: 15 Oct 2014 08:16 AM PDT


In The Elder Scrolls, werewolves are a part of the series lore, so in creating The Elder Scrolls Online, it was clear that players wanted the option to choose or to somehow encounter a little bit of lycanthropy in their journeys. Werewolves, along with vampires, offer a unique opportunity for a player to enjoy the benefits and be afflicted with the cons of this arrangement, which is not limited by race or class.

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