


General: Deathtrap Early Access to Begin October 22nd

Posted: 13 Oct 2014 07:53 AM PDT

Deathtrap Early Access to Begin October 22nd

Fans of both tower defense games and action RPGs will be interested to note that early access for Deathtrap is set to beginning on October 22nd. Early access will take place on Steam and can be gained by pre-purchasing Deathtrap for $19.99.

Guild Wars 2: I Miss Halloween

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 04:51 PM PDT

 I Miss Halloween

Holidays have become very important for MMOs. It allows the developers and players to breathe a bit and just have some good old fashioned fun. My favorite has always been Halloween, and it's just right around the corner. Sadly, there isn't a lot of attention being thrown towards it. The first Halloween for Guild Wars 2 was an amazing event that really set the standard for what to expect from the developers, which is why it may have been too good, as the following year was a serious let down.

General: The MOBA Genre's Entry Point to Mobile

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 02:45 PM PDT

The MOBA Genre

Thus far, the perception has been that tablets and MOBAs just don't mix - and for good reason. Competitive MOBA players (is there any other kind?) require a level of technology and a degree of speed and precision that heretofore have existed only on PC. Current gen tablets have removed the first obstacle, and with its upcoming MOBA Vainglory, Superevil Megacorp has plans to remove the second.

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