EOS(th) Online New Kranheim Dungeon Party Raid Preview Posted: Hello mmositers,today we will check the new Raid boss of Echo of Soul Online (Thailand). A good part of the game is English, all those that follow my articles had the chance to use my Registration/How to Download guide for this game. Raid bosses like this one are no wonder for high quality All around mmorpg like Echo of Soul online.  |
Blade and Soul CH Beta: Pure Soul Ep.28 "Free Stuff!" Posted: Once on there make sure you have a Blade and Soul QQ account. Refer back to the reference guide in the Blade and Soul Playlist here if you don't have one by now. Once you log into your account, the hardest part will be finding your server. But I'll make it easy for you. Look at your character in the character select screen.  |
League of Legends Pool Party Cosplay Show Posted: League of Legends RU has unveiled a pool party for LoL character cosplay, the famous champions have showed their stunning features in the pool party, Lux, Jinx, Draven, Katarina, etc...which is your favourite?  |
ArcheAge: A Look at Rifts Posted: Rifts are a pretty easy way to earn Honor Points while working with a large group of players. If you've played the game Rift in the past, these work pretty much in the same manner, with multiple phases of mob spawns. The difference here is that ArcheAge's require many more players and include much more difficult – and more numerous – mobs.  |
Project D Delay the Launch Date to October 6 Posted: Japanese anime non-targeting action MMORPG Project D Online recently announced to delay the launch date to October 6. The indie game is developed by one person and previously scheduled to be launched on Steam in September. Developer has updated the news among the official website and facebook.  |
ArcheAge Keywords: Two Million, Fast Entry, and a Bright Future of Updates Posted: Trion Worlds recently made a quick update for ArcheAge fans on the top things that they've been up to since their last posting. The game has definitely gained a huge wave of popularity among western players with over two million of gamers registered with the game!  |
Das Tal Update - Stealth and Tracking Implemented and Ability Pool Doubled, indie MMO alpha Posted: Fireballs and stuns aplenty in Das Tal this month, as the skills system is revamped. Each of the existing three weapon and armor sets in the indie MMO alpha has had their skills doubled, and a brand new weapon comes with the update, the 'over-time-effect' focused totem.  |