MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Epic Invasions Occur in Skyforge, Female God Artwork Unveiled


Epic Invasions Occur in Skyforge, Female God Artwork Unveiled

Obsidian Entertainment has revealed the epic Invasions in Skyforge. Invasions are events of incredible scale that affect all players where alien forces of enemy gods invade the Skyforge planet of Aelion. Players must fight off invading parties by banding together and teleporting to the part of the planet being attacked.

Albion Online: A Look at the Destiny Board


Albion Online: A Look at the Destiny Board

Albion's method of progression isn't based on levels, but rather achievements. These are handled through a system that is called the "Destiny Board," which shows how to move to higher tiers of gear and crafts, as well as the exact path that needs to be taken to achieve the things you want.

ArcheAge: Revenge of the Bots


ArcheAge: Revenge of the Bots

I just wanted to touch a little on the bot situation. Now it's said tomorrow will be a patch to handle the issue. But I don't think that will work or be enough. I've been gaming a long time. And the only way you can ever seem to kill bots. Is to have "Active" live GM's actually personally deleting accounts in real time.

Beasts of Prey New Sandbox MMO Preview


Beasts of Prey New Sandbox MMO Preview

Beasts of Prey is a new MMOFPS(first person) with a randomly-generated world in the genre of the sandbox.This might be the first mmo that gives the players a chance to survive on the godforsaken island of crowds aggressive players, and no less aggressive dinosaurs.

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