Don't Be Afraid of GM in Deep Space Fleet, Attack Him Boldly Posted: Attacking GM is somewhat fun in Deep Space Fleet, though most of GMs in game re dangerous and powerful, some of GMs are vulnerable. Even if you lead a small tonnage of fleets without high level of technology, you can also destroy a surprisingly amount of GM's warships!  |
WoW: Artcraft - Level Design Part 2 Posted: Welcome back to our ongoing Artcraft series that takes a look at the environmental and zone design for World of Warcraft. Here is WoW developers' review about Artcraft, let's see!  |
Conquer Online: King of Kung Fu Launches on October 30th Posted: After months of waiting, Free to play MMORPG Conquer Online has finally announced their new expansion, bringing the arrival of an anticipated new class - the Dragon Warrior! This update is set to be launched on Oct. 30th. All players will experience real Chinese Kung Fu and the exclusive Nunchucks by playing this class. At the same time, an exclusive video showing how the class fights is also being released!  |
Slash Up Enemies with A Swordfish in Fast-paced Kitty Combat Game Obslashin' Posted: Obslashin' gets instant win points from me as you play as a feisty cat with a swordfish as a weapon. It gets extra points for being a pretty satisfying tap-based. straight up hack 'n' slasher with a lite RPG upgrade system.  |
Registered Users of Tribal Wars 2 Reaches 1 Million in Beta Posted: InnoGames has published first numbers for the open beta start for Tribal Wars 2: The worldwide browser beta, amassed over a million registered players within 6 weeks. The game follows its legendary browser predecessor Tribal Wars, which has 55 million registered players worldwide.  |
Elsword - Add’s Job Class Mastermind Has Been Launched on October 29th Posted: KOG Games announces the ability for players to advance Add, the 9th playable character, to the next 2nd Job Class: Mastermind. As Add's power and mastery over Nasod technology has grown, so has the strength and tenacity of his enemies. Unnerved at the growing threat, Add decides to destroy the limitations of the Arc Tracers Job class and become Mastermind.  |
Destiny's The Dark Below Expansion Launching December 9th Posted: Activision and Bungie today announced that Destiny Expansion I: The Dark Below will be available for download on December 9th. The Dark Below marks the first expansion to the universe since Destiny's record-breaking launch in September and features all-new weapons and gear to earn through new story, co-operative and multiplayer activities.  |
Blade and Soul CH Beta: Pure Soul Ep.29 "How I figure things out without guides" Posted: Now someone told me in comments. That I was not clear on how I figure out things in Blade and Soul. Pretty much this video I explain how. A lot has to do with the excellent English patch Loki Reborn made. But even without it the game helps you.  |
The Crew Second Console Beta Coming November 6th Posted: Ubisoft has announced that the closed beta will take place from November 6th to November 10th for Xbox One and PS4 players. Players who preorder The Crew in North America will gain guaranteed access to the closed beta. You can find details and participating retailers here.  |
Final Fantasy XIV New Screenshots Highlights New Class Dark Knight Posted: Recently Square Enix released some screenshots for Final Fantasy XIV CN, first exposing the latest content in "Heavensward", including two flying mounts "Black Chocobo" and "Single Airship", new monster tribes Vanu Vanu and Gnath, tribe leaders Bismarck and Ravana as well as first new class Dark Knight.  |
RIFT's Autumn Harvest Now is Back Posted: RIFT's annual Autumn Harvest now is back, which brings back the special fall-themed realm and all of its related quests and activities. The festivities begin at 3:30 PM server time on 10/30/14, and they run until 3:30 PM on 11/13/14.  |
Madow - Sheep Happens will be Available on Android And iOS Soon Posted: Madow - Sheep Happens is a game about how moronic sheep are. They'll follow each other off cliffs and into ditches, don't you know? Absurd animals. This is what makes them a good fit for a Lemmings-like game.  |
Why Are Female Characters Rare in MMO Shooters ? Posted: In most online games, it is possible to create a female character, but there are curious exceptions. All who played the online shooter Warface Crytek is currently wondering. After great advertised with female soldiers, including on nuclear spherical artworks, they have mysteriously disappeared from the game. It is no longer possible to create a female character. All skins to the heroines were removed from the shooter. As well they don't have any explanation on the part of developers.  |
Telltale's The Wolf Among Us is on the Google Play Store Posted: Telltale's choice-laden episodic adventure game series The Wolf Among Us is finally available to purchase through the Google Play Store. It has been available on Android since July 2014, but only through the Amazon App Store, and not through the more popular Google Play Store.  |
Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf Hit iOS Free, coming to Android soon Posted: Warhammer 40,000: Space Wolf is now officially available.Space Wolf is a turn-based strategy game with a heavy card element, but this isn't some card battler. People have likened it to the Metal Gear Ac!d series on the PSP, which is basically all I need to hear to download and check it out.  |
Revelation New Featured System - Social Class Review Posted: New oriental fantasy 3D MMORPG Revelation has attracted considerable attention of our MMOsiters, why? The most important reason is definately the good-looking of this game.  |
Trove First Look! Posted: In this Trove First Look, I take a look at the open world sandbox creation game by Trion Worlds.  |
Blade and Soul CN: Fans Group Customization Show Posted: Do you remember the Blade and Soul CN Fans Group event we've mentioned before? Yep, this event includes many parts, today we're gonna introduce the customization show, let's see how beautiful these characters are!  |