A Retrotastic Sierra-style Horror-adventure RPG Coming to iOS and Android Posted: Dark Fear is not only inspired by classic Sierra adventure games from the 1980s, but it looks a lot like them, too.It's for this reason that it stood out to me - those memories from my childhood sat in front of a computer screen came flooding back to me.  |
AZERA Online to Launch 2rd CBT along with New Trailer Posted: Smail Gate KR has announced that their new MMORPG AZERA Online will kick off 2rd CBT on Oct 29th, and this CBT will be available to all the players who are interested in it. Here is the AZERA Online 2rd CBT Trailer, let's see!  |
Skara: The Blade Remains Launches on Steam Early Access Today Posted: 8 Bit, the indie development studio based in Barcelona, Spain and London, UK, are today launching the Steam Early Access version of its revolutionary 'multiplayer online versus' (MOV), hack n' slash em up which utilises Epic's Unreal Engine 4, 'Skara: The Blade Remains'.  |
League of Legends: Why Dominion is Dead and How to Revive It Posted: Dominion is my favorite game mode in League of Legends. In fact, that's exclusively all I play. Therefore it pains me to admit that Dominion is a dead game mode. It once had a large and vibrant community of hardcore players. There were competitive Dominate Dominion tournaments every week and more recently Azubu Crystal Cup tournaments. Literally thousands of dollars worth of prizes have been given out in these tournament's lifetimes.  |
Bless Korea Is Recruiting Players for Its Short Focus Group Test Posted: According to an English Fansite of Bless Online, Neowiz has just announced to hold a short Focus Group Test from November 6th to November 9th for Koreans only, mainly focusing on improvements by previous user's feedback. Registration already started with only 1000 slots available, players can apply for the Group Test here right now.  |
Skyforge Week in Review: Win a Beta Key Posted: My.com has released the latest review for Skyforge. Last week they revealed the final source of power for Immortals, their loyal followers and adepts! Here is a summary of everything what they have discussed last week, including new boss concept art and a unique piece of fanart from the Skyforge community!  |
Wuhun 2 Character Creation+Intro Gameplay Posted: I gave you guys a quick glimpse of the trailer yesterday. Well here is the game today. You don't need anything special to play. You just need to have made a Netease account. And all you need to do that is Google Chrome to translate the page.  |
Jelly Monsters on the Rocks is Available for Android Now Posted: Jelly Monsters on the Rocks, the newest game developed by NHN Entertainment, is now available on Google Play globally.Jelly Monsters on the Rocks is a brand new style tile-matching puzzle game.  |
Bullet Hell Infinite will Bring Colourful Danmaku Shooting Android Shortly Posted: NB Games is bringing its colourful shooter Bullet Hell Infinite to iOS and Android later this week. As you can see by watching the video above, Bullet Hell Infinite is inspired by the classic Danmaku shooters of the '90s. Although it's not quite as ridiculous as some of those older games. It's all about shooting tons of brightly coloured bullets at moving formations of enemies while simultaneously dodging the same number of bullets coming back at you.  |
ArcheAge - Are ArcheAge's Hacks Going to Kill The Game Posted: ArcheAge is a game that has a lot of things going for it, but when it comes to the number of hacks and exploits that are available, it starts to drag the game down.  |
WoW: Australian Servers Coming! Posted: Good news for every Warcraft player Down Under! Blizzard is adding Australian World o Warcraft game servers ahead of the games new expansion, Warlords of Draenor. The new infrastructure is said to support Australia and New Zealand and with it should come a significantly smoother gameplay experience for players in that region. Players currently on Oceanic realms - Barthilas, Frostmourne, Thaurissan, Saurfang, Caelestrasz, Jubei'Thos, Khaz'goroth, Aman'Thul, Nagrand, Dath'Remar, Dreadmaul, and Gundrak will automatically experience improved latency once the servers go live.  |
MMOsite Morning Call: Weekly Cosplay Highlight [10.27] Posted: Good morning, dear MMOsiters~ Here is your Weekly Cosplay Highlight show. This week we've gathered latest and hottest masterpiece by excellent Cosers around the world. Characters showing this week can be found in Street Fighter, Attack on Titan, Digimon, DOA, League of Leagends and etc. I hope this morning call will bring you a fresh beginning of this new week! And if you are cosplay lovers  |
Dragon Nest: iAvalon's Guardian Pure PVE Guide Posted: I'm a Guardian main with a lot of insight and knowledge to this class. The Guardian class is one of the most underplayed and underrated classes since 60/70 cap with new methods of clearing dungeons and raids. What I mean is the role of a solo tanking Guardian is replaced with high dps and dodging mechanics where the bosses deal AOE damage and disregards aggro.  |