Rugby Nations 15 Will Hits Android and iOS This November Posted: Rugby Nations 15 (RN15), a great rugby footgall game will hit Android and iOS this November. With so many improvements over the previous game, there's something for both hardcore fans of the sport and casual gamers.  |
Hitman GO Gets 8 New Levels Based on the St. Petersburg Stakeout in Hitman 2 Posted: Square Enix has updated the Silver Award-winning Hitman GO with a new chapter today called "St. Petersburg Stakeout".It contains eight new levels and is based on the classic Hitman 2: Silent Assassin level of the same name.  |
Mata Departs League of Legends Champion Samsung White Posted: Mata announced that he has departed the League of Legends world champion Samsung White on his Facebook, where he was also MVP for the recently ended 2014 World Championship. Best known for playing Thresh, he has certainly made a splash since starting out in 2013.  |
King of Wushu First Revealed Weather System and Character Movement Demo Video Posted: A brand-new tech demo video of 3D Wuxia MMORPG King of Wushu being revealed by Snail Games at Nvidia Game Festival 2014. Before that, we only see some PVP screenshots and building screenshots, so hurry up and click to see the King of Wushu gameplay trailer below: The King of Wushu video shows different game scenes under climate change.  |
Blade and Soul: Taiwan Server to Enter Open Beta Phase Next Month Posted: NCsoft Taiwan recently announced the Open Beta date for Blade and Soul Taiwan, which is to take place on 20th November.The Taiwan server will be Free-to-Play, and unlike the China server, will not have any VIP system. I doubt the China players will be happy.  |
MMO Show Episode 46 "Week 10/26/2014" Growing the show Posted: No topic this week. But some good finds for you guys. And I'm trying to grow the quality of the show each week. This week I am trying to add the Trailer of the week.  |
World of Warcraft Gives Behind-the-scenes Tour of Animated Series Posted: As Blizzard completed their Lords of War video series, Blizzard creative developers sat down to discuss the project and document the process of bringing the epic stories of Draenor's most savage warlords to light.  |
ArcheAge - Wrath from Ancient Dragon, Leviathan Raid Battle Video Preview Posted: The notorious monster in the sea finally unveiled in ArcheAge CN since ArcheAge navigation open beta being kicking off on Oct 22, players all appear daunting at the first. It's not easy to kill monster Leviathan without preparation. Both PvE and PvP are included in Leviathan raid, the former has 7 phases of intense fight  |
FFXIV: Heavensward New Primals, Beastmen, Jobs and flying chocobos Posted: At the London Fanfestival, Naoki Yoshida showed off screenshots of new Primals, Jobs, Beastmen and transportation through the floating islands in the newest heavensward expansion for FFXIV.  |
Most Popular Sailing Games You Won't Miss Posted: Recently, there are many sailing games coming to us, which one impresses you most? Let's see!  |
Most Popular Sailing Games You Won't Miss Posted: Recently, there are many sailing games coming to us, which one impresses you most? Let's see!  |
Alpha Gameplay Unveiled for SE's MOBA Lord of Vermilion: Arena Posted: Square Enix's upcoming trading card MOBA Lord of Vermilion: Arena has held alpha test from Oct.17th to Oct.19th, the game is based on the popular Lord of Vermilion series in Japan. MOBAs are becoming more and more popular in Japan so that's why Square Enix would take a slice of the MOBA pie.  |
Game of War - Fire Age: Build Your Own Kindom Right Now Posted: Game of War – Fire Age, a massive multiplayer strategy game, has become more and more popular since its initial release. In Game of War – Fire Age you can build and grow your own empires  |
WoW: Horde Chopper Is Finally Here! Posted: The long-awaited Horde Chopper that was rewarded to players, who logged in to claim it between July, 24, 2014 through September 30, 2014 can now get on their bike and ride. If you're used to getting mounts via in-game mail and are wondering why you haven't got it yet don't worry. The only thing you need to do is open your Mount Tab (Shift+P by default) and off you go.  |
Blood and Souls ( RU) Classes/Subclasses Skills Preview Posted: Hello everyone, yesterday we checked the features of the popular Asian mmo Blood and Souls online. The game has 4 main classes ATM : Warrior, Shooter, Mage, Bard, and classes has additional subclasses with new skills. I prepared detailed tables with all skill details of each class. Feel free to check out the skill specification and find out which is the right class for you.  |