Top Five Android Horror/Scary Games 2014 Posted: Do you feel scared when watching a horror movie? Don't be shy to answer "Yes" or "Sometimes". However, even you are scared to shiver, owning to the curiosity, you can't help watching. In fact the thrilling stories are not only popular in film industry, also in games. Recently a pile of horror mobile games emerge in front of our eyes  |
Why TERA and RIFT’s F2P Models Are Awesome Posted: When it comes to having a subscription-based game that goes free-to-play, it's important to do things the right way to keep the game from crashing. The goal is to bring in income, while allowing players to make their own choices as to whether or not they want to spend their hard-earned money.  |
MMO Show Episode 39 "Week 9/7/2014" Black Desert Teasing Posted: Another fun week in MMO. Firefall and ZMR have exp weekends. Not listed this week but Marvel Heroes has a exp weekend as well. I have a few new finds you may want to check out. And a rant for the week on people who hate for no reason.  |
ArcheAge Preparing for the Early Launch Posted: In MMORPGs, there is a common idea that getting in the game and progressing ahead of the herd is a good idea (which it is, if you're able to). This brings benefits like not having to farm the same mobs hundreds of other players are working on, and being more competitive (or at least being able to protect yourself) in PvP.  |
Black Desert Final Test Screenshots - Witch's Journey Posted: Korean sandbox MMORPG Black Desert will kick off Third Closed Beta in Korea soon, recently Daum has unveiled the first part of the amazing screenshots for the Black Desert final test which showcased the grand scene and witch's battle.  |