MMOsite Morning Call: Weekly Cosplay Highlight [09.22] Posted: Morning, dear MMOsiters~ It's time to enjoy your Weekly Cosplay Highlight show. I have collected some hottest cospalys and most of them are amazing artworks. The fantastic pictures includes Sailor Moon, League of Legends, Blade and Soul, Naruto, Inuyasha and many other roles in lots of animated games.  |
Shooter Game Inferno 2 Launching On iOS Next Month Posted: Radiangames reckons that Inferno 2 - the sequel to the Bronze Award-winning Inferno+ - will arrive for iOS on October 2nd.That's a prediction and a hope rather than a confirmed date, mind.  |
Shadowbound Announced New Server Along with Gorgeous Artworks Posted: F2P MMORPG browser game Shadowbound(US West) now has started its S34 named Golden Empire recently, and there will be cool events for newbies in S34, you won't miss it! Before we play it, let's have a look at Shadowbound beautiful artworks!  |
Albion Online: A First Look Posted: Albion Online is a MMORPG that is very reminiscent of old-school role-playing games such as Ultima Online and Runescape. It's designed around letting players enjoy the game as they wish, and in Albion's case there is no level system. Instead, stats and effectiveness are based on the current gear players have equipped and which stat bonuses they've chosen. This puts the game in a unique situation, as it gives all players the same chance at success, while at the same time working to ensure each player is different.  |
Skyforge - Weekly Highlight Round Up [September 21] Posted: Are you just discovering Skyforge for the first time? Or did you simple miss this week's news and announcement? Don't worry because we've got you covered! Check out all of this week's news and announcements about Skyforge below:  |
Three New Servers Added for ArcheAge: Are You Still in Queue? Posted: Oh! Most of ArcheAge players are plagued by long-time queue at the start of launch time. However, it's understandable that the servers of such a long-anticipated MMORPG are not enough for numerous players' join at the very beginning. Good news came from ArcheAge official site that Trion World confirmed three new servers opening.  |
MMO! Show Episode 41 "Week 9/21/2014" Things to Look Forward to Posted: Ok this week I wanted to showcase a bit of upcoming titles. Things that I am mostly waiting on hardcore. We don't have much to look forward to in MMO. To be honest I don't see anything on the Horizon beyond Blade and Soul and Tianyu. And they are almost sister games. Where is the rest of the industry? Is no one going to try and break the mold?  |
Breaking Down MySpaces Top 8 Games That Didn't Live Up To The Hype List! Posted: In this video I sit down with CraigheadPro to analyse's 8 Games That Didn't Live Up to Their Hype list. In this discussion, we break down each game, our thoughts on it and its reception, plus at the end we even talk about the game we each thought was the biggest letdown!  |
FFXIV A Realm Reborn: Patch 2.4 Dungeons, Shiva and TGS Trailer Posted: Square Enix is preparing for patch 2.4's release pretty soonand like any major patch, SE has to bundle it's announcement withtrailers, class/job previews and new dungeons galore!  |
WoW: Legendary Cloak Quest Line Gone In 6.0 Posted: The legendary quest line /the long quest grind - if you played Mists and are a proud owner of the legendaries you will know/ will be removed with the Patch 6.0.2. As a part of the transition from Mists to Warlords, Blizzard's closing it out as players head into the new expansion. Once the quest is fully closed, the item will no longer be attainable, and the cloak will become a symbol of the great deeds players accomplished in Pandaria.  |
Black Desert First Look+Extended Gameplay Uncut Posted: I decided not only to review the game. But also help along people stuck in certain parts of the game. The language barrier can be pretty annoying in this game. But a few things can always help you out. Well for starters if you're playing and you end up stuck. Log out to the character select. And then log back in. The game will basically show you where you can get quest. Or where to go for a quest in the loading screen. It's helped me quite a few times. Especially logging in for the first time in the day.  |